Social Media

Blog Post #6 – Reflection – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Many of my troubles throughout this inquiry project were linked with the difficult premise of the idea; like many have mentioned, it is never a tool’s fault that it is misused, it […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our communication skills and how we use them? In recent years, social media has changed many of the vital parts of being human – it has exploded in popularity and this change has been felt throughout nearly every facet of our lives, including our jobs, […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our psyche? Like I mentioned in my first inquiry research round, social media has slowly transformed into an integral part of many of our lives. When we depend on social media applications to stay up-to-date on current events and with friends, as well as, for […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

What is social media and what is its history? Most of us probably know what social media is. Heck, it is likely that the majority of us use it on a daily basis. For those of us who might not know what social media is, or need a slight touchup […]

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Blog Post #1

What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it? This is a question of great interest to me because of how bizarre the world is now. The US president going on Twitter rant after Twitter rant filled with incorrect information? Check. Teenagers making huge amounts of money […]

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