
Blog#4: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? Sociopath traits, characteristics and genetic influence. A sociopath, by definition, means “person with a psychopathic personality whose behaviour is antisocial, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.” (1) That’s probably what most of us think about when we […]

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Blog #4

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? My last research stated I’ll be answering specific and common questions about introverts and extroverts. Does this affect the way we talk to people? How does society take in introverts and extroverts? What is an ambivert? Does this affect the way we talk to […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What Affects Emotional Quotient?” Emotional quotient is the ability to understand others, communicate effectively, manage your emotions, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict [3]. This can affect us by driving our behaviour, which impacts our environment and other people [2]. There are four attributes that commonly define emotional quotient; self-management, which […]

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Blog 3- How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  As I’ve mentioned in my project plan, I would be discussing traits, characteristics and the genetic influence of a psychopath.  By definition, a psychopath is a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour. Psychopathy is a *neuropsychiatric disorder* [1] (branch of […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Hey everyone! Just to refresh anyone’s memory, or if some of you haven’t read my inquiry question introduction, the topic I have chosen for my inquiry project is: How does consumerism affect society and our planet? To me, this is an incredibly relevant and intriguing question for many reasons, the […]

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Blog#2: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  For this project, As I’ve mentioned in the last post, people tend to use the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. A sociopath isn’t an official term to describe a person who has an antisocial personality disorder […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What affects emotional quotient?” Planned three steps of research: (1) Basic knowledge of emotional quotient What is emotional quotient? What is the difference between emotional quotient and intelligence quotient? Why is emotional quotient important? (2) Effects of emotional quotient What does having low emotional quotient look like and lead to? […]

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Blog 1: Inquiry Question

My Inquiry Question for this year will be: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  I’ve always been intrigued by the topic of psychopaths and sociopaths, even more so now that I’m taking psychology 12 at school. Psychopaths and sociopaths are commonly portrayed in movies and TV dramas as […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

My inquiry question for this semester is “what affects emotional intelligence?” I decided to pick this question because I am interested in psychology and how the brain processes and stores information. Especially for emotional intelligence, I am thinking of researching about how the brain stores memories and how it learns […]

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blog #6- Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorder–reflection

Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders? a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? During my research, the challenges that surfaced was how I could go more in dept with my research. […]

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Blog #6: Reflection – What is the relationship between Law and Philosophy

  What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? This inquiry presented a few challenges including time management, choosing which details to include and being conscious of repetitive explanations. There were times I struggled with submitting my research rounds on time. […]

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Blog #5 – What is the relationship between law and philosophy?

Hi everyone! In my previous rounds of research, I looked at the origins of law and philosophy separately. In this round, I looked into how they compare and contrast. Topic: Similarities and differences between law and philosophy What is Legal Philosophy? Philosophy of law (or legal philosophy) is concerned with […]

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Blog Post #5 – Research Round #3 – Sleep Disorders – Is Sleep Really that Important?

  “Is Sleep Really that Important?” By: Karen Zoulau Many people feel as if they don’t get enough sleep at night. To solve this they constantly promise themselves that they will get more sleep in the future, but often this promise never happens. This is an occurring issue that almost […]

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Blog Post #4 – Research Round #2 – Is Sleep Really that Important?

“Is Sleep Really that Important?” By: Karen Zoulau Have you ever wondered what happens to our bodies when we sleep? Let me explain. Our brain stores new information while we sleep [1], creating new space for new memories and deleting useless, old ones. Our nerve cells communicate with each other, […]

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Research Round 2 | Blog 4 – What is the relationship between Law and Philosophy?

Topic: The Nature and Function of Philosophy Philosophy surrounds us all and similar to law, we may not realize it. We all engage in philosophy whether we are aware of it or not as each individual has some view concerning free will, human nature, morality, and the meaning of life. […]

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blog #3- “Does Family or Culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?”

Blog #3- “Does Family or Culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?” As mentioned in my project plan, this post will be an explanation of the different types of eating disorders, and why is it important to differentiate them.  In order to further dive into the occurrence […]

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blog #2: project Plan-“Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?”. 

Hello!  In this blog, I will be talking about what direction I would be taking in terms of my topic “Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?”.  “Eating disorders affect at least 9% of the population worldwide. 9% of the U.S. population, or […]

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blog #1—Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?

“Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?” My inquiry question for this semester will be “Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?”. I’m interested in this topic because this complex medical condition is causing people severe physical and […]

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Blog Post #6 — Reflection (Metamorphosis) — Does Law Affect Our Morality?

Blog Post #6– Reflection (Metamorphosis) Does Law Affect Our Morality? a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout the inquiry project, I stumbled across quite a few missteps. For my original project plan, I was going to discuss cases […]

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Metamorphosis – Should humans and technology be combined? Reflection

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? One challenge that I faced during this inquiry was selecting which information was most necessary to include. Because my question could be interpreted with several sub-topics I had to choose which information and […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?

“How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?” How Does Music Affect Animals? By: Karen Zoulau Music seems to be just a human art form [1], but it is so much more. It gives strong effects on human brains [1] and can be a little addicting [1]. But […]

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Blog Post #5: Research Round 3 – Should humans and technology be combined?

Hey guys! My previous rounds of research looked into the physical, psychological and emotional combinations of humans and technology. This round is briefer and explores some ethical questions that may arise. Note, there are many when it comes to the topic of humans and technology. Question: Should humans and technology […]

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Post #2: Round 2 of Research – Should humans and technology be combined?

Topic: The physical factors of combining technology and humans and the risks that may be involved Inquiry Question: Should humans and technology be combined? Research Notes: How do prosthetics work and how are scientists trying to improve them? Scientists are working on developing prosthetics advanced enough to mimic the limb […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 of research – Should humans and technology be combined?

Topic: The persistence of memory and the mechanics behind the current plan to merge the mind of humans and technology (Neuralink chip) Inquiry Question: Should humans and technology be combined? Research Notes: How would a chip in the brain work?   The idea of combining humans and artificial intelligence has […]

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Blog post 3- Inquiry research round 1- ” Why are people attracted to cults?”

[2a] Nikki Shahram, Blog post 3- Inquiry research round 1- ” Why are people attracted to cults?” “ Heres’s an easy way to figure out if you’re in a cult: if you’re wondering whether you’re in a cult, the answer is yes.” [1a]  -Stephen Colbert  Hello everyone!   My inquiry question is “Why are […]

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Post #2: Project Plan – Should humans and technology be combined?

Should humans and technology be combined? My first round of research will consist of research about the mechanics behind the current plan to merge the mind of humans and technology. This includes research about how this kind of creation may affect the human brain and what possible errors or health […]

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Blog Post #1: Should humans and technology be combined?

Should humans and technology be combined? My interest in this question stems from the recent discoveries that have been made and the long-standing controversies relating to this topic. Scientists have been theorizing about the possibilities and the length of artificial intelligence for several decades and the day that these theories […]

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Inquiry project

“Do Laws Affect Morality?” I will be doing my research on whether Law affects Morality. The reason behind why I chose to research about this question is because I believe that both law and morality interconnect with each other and are important factors of our lives. Law and morality are […]

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Inquiry Blog-1

1. ‘ Why are people drawn to cults?’ 2.  I chose this question because I would like to learn more about human instincts and cults. I am very intrigued by such topics, but I have never done a assignment about the. I generally lean towards science and thought it would […]

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Metamorphosis – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I started this inquiry project quite late, which I hold only myself accountable for as I was not very organized from the start of the course. Having said that, in order to ascertain […]

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Round 3 of research – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

Hi everyone! I hope you are all well and healthy. In this final round of research I will be comparing what I learned in the previous rounds to complete answering my inquiry question; How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection? In my two previous […]

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Blog #4: Round 2 of Research – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

Hi! I hope you are all doing well. In this round of research, I will be viewing and analyzing aspects of Chinese Art and the tradition and culture it encompasses. In my last round of research, I examined African Artwork, its origins, as well as the thematic elements it is […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 of Research – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. My inquiry question is How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection? In this post, I will be specifically looking at aspects of art from African culture and be analyzing recurring elements in most art within the several […]

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What are different actions we can take to help save coral reefs? – Research Round 2

In my first post, I looked at the problems coral reefs are facing, and why it’s important for us to save them. In this post, I am going to talk about different actions we could take to help coral reefs, and what specific problems these actions would address. Let get […]

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Inquiry Question / Project Plan – How has social distancing affected the way people socially connect?

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Under the new circumstances, I have decided to switch from an action to an inquiry this semester! Consequently, I wanted to introduce everyone my new question: “How has social distancing affected the way people socially connect?”. I know that everyone […]

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Inquiry Plan

Hi everyone! For semester two of Social Responsibility this year, I have chosen to do another inquiry project. I have chosen not to continue my previous subject though. My new subject will still be one that is strongly related to the overall subject of my last subject; tech. My question […]

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