
Blog #5 – How does the quality of early caregiving and parental involvement influence emotional and social well-being in later years?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, How does the quality of early caregiving and parental involvement influence emotional and social […]

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Blog post #5: “Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors?”

Question: Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors? Current topic: Whether the environmental factors or genetic factors are more important to developing ADHD symptoms. Research findings: After researching about both the impacts of genetic factors and ADHD factors, I am able to conclude that environmental […]

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Blog Post #4: Round 2 of Research – How Instagram Affects Teen Mental Health and Academic Performance

Hello readers, and welcome to blog #4! Today, I’m very excited to show some insights from my latest research project, which brought about amazing discoveries. So, to get straight to what I’ve been doing and what’s next for my inquiry question “How does Instagram affect teenagers self-esteem and relationships?” Recourses: […]

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Blog Post #3: Round 1 of Research – How Instagram Affects Teenagers’ Self-Esteem and Relationships

Research: First Round of Findings 1. Instagram’s Features and Their Effect on Self-Esteem Instagram is has things such as likes comments and filters and these can really impact teenagers and their selfview. Take filters as an instance; they have the power to transform pictures into flawless portraits. This often sets […]

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Blog #4 What is the relationship between social media engagement (e.g., likes, comments, and shares) and individuals’ self-esteem and body image perception?

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have evolved beyond being simple displays of idealized visuals; they serve as battlegrounds for vigorous social comparison, where users perpetually assess their value against digitally improved representations of others. This omnipresent digital landscape fosters a culture of continuous observation and evaluation, where body image is endlessly judged against an ideal of curated perfection. The effects of this paradigm shift are considerable, influencing body image contentment and, in turn, mental health. Research indicates a complicated link between social media involvement and body image issues, showing that greater social media activity correlates with more body dissatisfaction, lower self-esteem, and increased anxiety regarding physical appearance. This trend is especially noticeable among teenagers and young adults, who represent a significant portion of social media users and are at a crucial phase in forming their self-identity and body image. (1) The desire for likes and validation on social media is grounded in fundamental human desires. Humans are naturally social creatures that desire acceptance and validation from those around them. This idea originates from our earliest forebears, who depended on social connections for their survival. The desire for social interaction has led to the emergence of a new platform: social media. (2)Social media addresses this need by offering immediate responses via likes, comments, and shares. Every notification prompts a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. This resembles the wave of contentment a person often experiences when they triumph in a game or are given praise. The promptness of this feedback is crucial, as it delivers an almost immediate feeling of achievement and validation. (2)Nevertheless, this pattern of pursuing validation can lead to both beneficial and detrimental outcomes. On one side, it can create a feeling of community and connection, especially for individuals who might feel alone in the real world. Conversely, it may result in an unhealthy fixation on online validation, frequently sacrificing genuine relationships and experiences in the real world. (2)Additionally, the effects of these likes and shares are both psychological and physiological. The dopamine triggered by social media engagement can foster an addiction, causing users to rely on these online validations for their self-esteem. This can result in what psychologists refer to as ‘reward dependency’, in which a person’s mood and self-worth become linked to the acquisition of these digital rewards. (2) When you already sense that your life is insufficient, social media merely intensifies what others possess and what is thriving for them. Ultimately, numerous individuals utilize their social media accounts to present an idealized version of themselves through selectively curated images, frequently featuring various filters. Consequently, you might start to feel more negatively about yourself. (3)Social media may also contribute to stress in your everyday life, particularly when assessing your own posts. Whenever you share a photo or status update, you may feel anxious about the likes, shares, and comments your post will receive. This fixation on visibility provides another chance for comparison, prompting you to question why another individual’s photos or material received more attention and favorable responses than yours. (3) As social media platforms evolve, they become increasingly interactive and more “addictive,” leading to a rise in opportunities for social comparison. This may also heighten the possible repercussions: depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, negative body image, and unhealthy eating habits. While it may be unrelated, it is important to highlight that mental health trends (such as depression, anxiety, and body image problems) among youth deteriorated during the same timeframe that teen smartphone and social media usage rose. Creating clear connections between social media usage and broader mental health patterns is difficult for various reasons, but it is evident that extensive negative social comparison probably contributes to these trends. (4)This is due to the fact that fabricating a fake persona on social media to gain likes or followers can make our real-life challenges appear even more daunting, causing us to overlook what is genuine. Even short interactions with social media can initiate social comparison, leading to lower self-assessments when individuals looked at profiles of healthy or accomplished people. (4) Individuals tend […]

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Blog post #4: “Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors?”

Question: Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors? Current topic: Research about the environmental factors and their effect on ADHD. Research findings: After finding the impacts of genetic effects on ADHD, I was ever more curious about the environmental factors and their effect on ADHD […]

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Blog Post #3 – Among high school students, what mental health issues are most commonly associated with excessive social media use, and how do they impact academic performance?

Inquiry Question: How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students? Research Step 1: Among high school students, what mental health issues are most commonly associated with excessive social media use, and how do they impact academic […]

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Inquiry Post 2- What is acne and how does it affect our physical and mental day-to-day life? Project Outline

Here’s my Inquiry project outline : 5 sources that will help my research: 1. 2. 3. 4.,glands%2C%20hair%2C%20and%20nails. 5. Implications My inquiry question will implicate to others through its relatability. Many people, teenagers especially, have dealt with acne. My question will allow these people a chance to connect over their shared […]

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Blog Post #2: “Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors?”

                  Hello everyone, my name is Scott Lyu, a grade 12 student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. My inquiry project of choice is “Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors?” After the research, hopefully I can use the knowledge of the cause of ADHD […]

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Blog post 7: How do people gain respect from others, and the effects of culture on how one gains respect?

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog post 7, where I will be answering questions about my inquiry project. a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? I had a lot of trouble researching the differences in respect between countries, as there […]

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Blog post #7- Reflection: How does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment?

Blog #7: Reflection 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Firstly, a challenge I overcame was finding accurate and reliable sources. For example, I conquered this challenge by using the sheet Ms. Martin gave […]

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Blog post 5: How do people gain respect from others, and the effects of culture on how one gains respect?

Hello everyone, this is my fifth blog post for my inquiry project, and my inquiry question is “How do people gain respect from others, and the effects of culture on how one gains respect.” This is my last round of research, and I will be researching and summarizing how to […]

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Blog Post #5 – What are some study methods and habits that will help us better focus and recall information in school?

Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog post. Today I will be writing my final blog post for this inquiry project and researching some ways students can find the best study methods that fit their own individual need. Since there are so many different studying practices that promote memory recall, […]

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Blog Post #5 – How do different types of environments (urban, rural, natural) affect well-being?

Hi everyone, and welcome to my Blog. Previously, we looked into the roles of social interactions and their impact on well-being, along with how changes in the environment can impact well being, both these questions help us understand how different environmental factors impact our overall well-being. To wrap things up, […]

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Blog Post #5: Is there a difference in well-being between individuals in the family that can be compared, depending on their birth order?

Hello! For my third round of research I will be digging into the roles of different members within a family. One of the major factors that I wanted to learn more about was birth order. This is because birth order has shown to affect personality and behaviours; therefore, I wanted […]

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Blog post #5-What are the positive and negative effects of an assistant teacher in a classroom?

My big topic inquiry question is how does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment? This big topic question will have implications on a global level because 90% of the world has completed a primary education. This shows that many people are interested in learning! I hope to increase the […]

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Blog Post #4 – How do changes in the environment affect well-being over time?

My Inquiry questions is, how do environemental factors impact people’s well-being? In order to fully understand the answer to this question, we must first understand the question, how do changes in the environment affedct well-being over time? Last blog post, we built a base of knowledge on the general topic […]

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Blog Post #3 – What role do social interactions within environments play in influencing well-being?

My Inqiry question is, how do environemental factors impact people’s well-being? In order to fully understand the answer to this question, we must first understand the question, what role do social interactions within environments play in influencing well-being? Social interactions play a critical role within out lives, which is why […]

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Blog Post #4 – How is one’s mental health and well-being affected by familial relationships?

Hi everyone! For fourth blog post, I will be researching my second subquestion of my inquiry question. It will be about discovering how one’s mental health and overall well being is affected by familial relationships. It’s important to my inquiry that I gather information on the connection between mental health […]

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Blog post #4 – What study habits or influences in our daily lives that affect our memory recall?

Hi everyone, today I will be researching about certain influences that may affect the way we recall information, events, and our surrounding environment. I chose this question specifically since I have some background knowledge of the influences of human mind and I wanted to incorporate this into the topic I […]

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Blog post #3 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

Sports play a pivotal role in shaping the physical, social, and cognitive development of children (1). Whether it’s team-based activities or individual pursuits, each type of sport offers unique benefits and challenges (1). In this blog post, I will delve into the pros and cons of both team and individual […]

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Blog Post #3: Round 1 of Research – What are family dynamics and why are they significant?

The word dynamic can also be expressed as energetic, strong, spirited, and active. In more scientific concepts, dynamic can also mean continuous, evolving, constantly growing, etc. Family dynamics should generally be positive and uplifting. Otherwise, they could have negative impacts upon the members of a family. (1) By definition, family […]

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Blog #1: “How does the portrayal of beauty standards by the media contribute to the ongoing presence of body dysmorphia?”

Hello! And welcome back to my blog post. I am Anannya Balachandran, a grade 11 student currently studying at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School, and I am so excited to be able to share my semester two project with all of you. For my semester two project, I chose to […]

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Blog Post #2 – Inquiry Blog – How do study habits and techniques influence memory recall in school?

My Inquiry questions: How do study habits and techniques influence memory recall in school? To research and answer this question I chose three subcategories to study: How does our brain store and categorize long and short memories I want to first understand how our brain processes our daily experiences into […]

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Blog post #1 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

Hello everyone and thank you for visiting my blog. For my second semester project I decided to research another inquiry question “How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?“ This question is of interest to me as because I believe that engagement in team sports goes beyond physical activity […]

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Blog post #1-How does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment?

I was inspired to do this research because I noticed assistant teachers are very helpful in my classroom. For example, my chemistry assistant teacher is very beneficial in our classroom. She provides a different learning perspective than a teacher because she has different teaching styles. For example, my chemistry teacher […]

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Blog Post #1- Inquiry (2)

How do study habits and techniques influence memory recall in school? Hello everyone.This semester, I’ve made the decision to investigate the effects of studying—specifically, how different learning strategies can influence memory recall in an academic context. I picked this subject because I’ve always had trouble figuring out the “best” approach […]

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Blog Post #7: How has the integration of celebrity figures in creative director roles of fashion houses affected the growth of the fashion industry?

As I wrap this round of research up, I am excited to reflect on my journey and see how much I have grown in terms of answering my questions as well as the opinions I have had in relation to this topic. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry […]

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Blog post #7 – How Do Optical Illusions Uncover Parts of Our Personality?

Blog #7: Reflection In the process of completing my inquiry project, my biggest challenges were finding recent, reliable sources for my research as well as making connections between optical illusions and personality. There weren’t a ton of recent studies about optical illusions especially when it came to gathering theories about […]

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Blog #7 – What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses?

For my semester one project I analyzed and researched the question: What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses? While conducting my research, I focused on one of three subtopics and read articles and documents on the topic, gathering knowledge and data to be used in my […]

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Blog post #7- A Reflection: How Does Child’s Play Impact a Child’s Mental Health?

Blog #7: Reflection  1. Address the following questions:  a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about  overcoming these challenges?  The challenge I overcame was finding reliable sources. For example, I overcame this challenge by using Ms. Martin’s tip on looking at the credibility […]

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Blog post #5

Topic question: how does play affect a child’s mental health? This big topic question will have implications on a global level because we need to focus on the future generation for the future well-being of our world by focusing on children. Furthermore, by informing the community about mental health, we […]

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Blog post #5 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my fifth blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and the dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” This is my third step of the research, about how the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge would contribute to progress in civilization […]

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Blog post #5-key ideas in ancient philosophy and how these philosophical thoughts influenced their societies

As a reminder my question is “To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?” To help answer this today I will be researching some key ideas in ancient philosophy […]

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Blog Post #4 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my fourth blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” This is my second step of the research, about how the dissemination of knowledge helps shape our societies, this will help me to […]

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Blog Post #2 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my second blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” My first step of research is to research about how the acquisition of knowledge shaped our societies, this will provide me with the […]

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Blog Post #3- What is the explanation for why the superpowers are this strong today?

Today is the first research round for my inquiry project, my question is “What is the explanation for why the superpowers are this strong today?”. And for this round of research, the topic is” Research ‘Today’ superpowers in the world, and how they get here, did they do something extraordinary? […]

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Blog Post#2 What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today? Scott

My inquiry question is” What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today?” I plan to answer this question with the following 3 research plans. Research “Today” superpowers in the world, and how did they get here, did they do something extraordinary? Or did they do something that […]

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Blog Post #1-Scott Lyu 

For this semester’s inquiry project, I have decided to do further research on the history of superpower countries. My inquiry question will be “What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today.” I am choosing to answer this question because I have always wondered why they are so […]

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Blog #5: What’s the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? This is where I gather my notes and extra information to answer my inquiry question, what is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide? To conclude, Social anxiety is related to high rates of suicidal ideations. (Buckner […]

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Blog #4: Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability

Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability What Resources Do Desert Plants Have Access To? Plants that live in the desert require special skills to survive in such a hostile environment [1]. This is a resulting reason that some desert plants grow extremely long roots in the […]

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Blog Post #4: What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

What are the effects of auto-immune diseases on children of various ages? For this round of research, I will be comparing two autoimmune diseases, one rare and one common, that mostly affect adolescence (between the ages of 10 and 19). Research the inner workings of the disease, the medications needed, […]

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Blog #4: What’s the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? As mentioned in the previous post, I will be discussing suicidal ideation and its effect on teens.  Suicidal ideation includes suicidal thoughts or ideas, describing a range of thoughts and wishes related to suicide and death. It can […]

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Blog#3: What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? As mentioned in the previous post, I will be discussing the phenomenon of social anxiety in teens.  Social anxiety is properly defined as the persistent fear of being judged and observed by your peers, or strangers. It […]

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Blog post #2- What impact did Napoleon Bonaparte have in our world?

Napoleon was best known for his military successes, and he was a great military general who had changed both France and the whole of Europe forever. First, I will research the Napoleonic code and modern laws of European countries, including France, Switzerland, and Italy. And I will also compare Napoleonic […]

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Blog#2: What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE.  My topic is what is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide. As I’ve said in my previous post, social anxiety is a fast-growing phenomenon that is thought to be unfairly affecting younger people. Social anxiety and suicidal ideation is toxic cycle we all have to […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question: Inquiry Question: Why do plants differ from one another? (Mainly comparing desert plants vs tropical forestry plants) Habitat difference What is a desert? What is a tropical forest? How are […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

State your inquiry question: My inquiry question for the second semester will be “Why do plants differ from one another?” Explain why this is a question of interest for you: This question interests me because I enjoy learning about how nature differs in different areas and about nature in general. […]

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Blog Post #6: Reflection – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I had to overcome a couple of challenges throughout this inquiry project, but one that stuck with me the most was being orderly […]

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Blog Post #5: Round 3 of Research – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? How can negative experiences affect emotional quotient? Having negative experiences can affect emotional quotient in a variety of different ways that are specific to how you deal with these emotions that you feel when having these experiences. If you deal with these emotions correctly, you may […]

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Blog Post #5 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the environment? In my previous research round, I looked into the effects that consumerism and the purchasing patterns that it has brought on have had on our psyche and the way we think. In this final research round, I will be discussing the environmental changes that […]

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Blog #5: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ differernt? After explaining what psychopaths and sociopaths are, as well as their pattern of behaviour, to answer my inquiry question, it’s time to discuss the similarity and differences, and their impact on the community. People often misuse the word “psychopath” and “sociopath”, thinking […]

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Blog Post #4 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the way we think? In my previous research round, I discussed the definition of consumerism and provided a somewhat brief history of its meteoric rise in our modern world. In this research round, I will be touching on how this new, widespread economic ideology has shaped […]

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