Dr. Charles Best Secondary

Blog #5 – How does the quality of early caregiving and parental involvement influence emotional and social well-being in later years?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, How does the quality of early caregiving and parental involvement influence emotional and social […]

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Blog post #5: “Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors?”

Question: Is the cause of ADHD more effected by genetic or environmental factors? Current topic: Whether the environmental factors or genetic factors are more important to developing ADHD symptoms. Research findings: After researching about both the impacts of genetic factors and ADHD factors, I am able to conclude that environmental […]

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Blog Post #4: Round 2 of Research – How Instagram Affects Teen Mental Health and Academic Performance

Hello readers, and welcome to blog #4! Today, I’m very excited to show some insights from my latest research project, which brought about amazing discoveries. So, to get straight to what I’ve been doing and what’s next for my inquiry question “How does Instagram affect teenagers self-esteem and relationships?” Recourses: […]

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Blog Post #3: Round 1 of Research – How Instagram Affects Teenagers’ Self-Esteem and Relationships

Research: First Round of Findings 1. Instagram’s Features and Their Effect on Self-Esteem Instagram is has things such as likes comments and filters and these can really impact teenagers and their selfview. Take filters as an instance; they have the power to transform pictures into flawless portraits. This often sets […]

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Blog Post #3 – Among high school students, what mental health issues are most commonly associated with excessive social media use, and how do they impact academic performance?

Inquiry Question: How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students? Research Step 1: Among high school students, what mental health issues are most commonly associated with excessive social media use, and how do they impact academic […]

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Inquiry Post 2- What is acne and how does it affect our physical and mental day-to-day life? Project Outline

Here’s my Inquiry project outline : 5 sources that will help my research: 1.https://dermatology.ca/public-patients/skin/acne/ 2.https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12233-acne 3.https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/acne 4.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554386/#:~:text=The%20integumentary%20system%20is%20the,glands%2C%20hair%2C%20and%20nails. 5.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459173 Implications My inquiry question will implicate to others through its relatability. Many people, teenagers especially, have dealt with acne. My question will allow these people a chance to connect over their shared […]

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Action Blog Post 2 – Stage Management – Melea C.R.

What is “Stagecraft” Stagecraft or “Technical Theatre” is the prep work and behind the scenes work that makes a production of a play, show, concert or musical possible. Technical Theatre includes duties such as designing of posters, billboards, t-shirts, tickets or other advertisements, props, costumes, set design, lighting and sound […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?

Hello, Welcome to my blog post!! My inquiry question is “how does social media and influencers affect the fashion industry when it comes to teenage girls?”. I will be sharing three questions that revolve around my topic to help me find my final answer. As for any research project, I […]

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Blog post #7- Reflection: How does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment?

Blog #7: Reflection 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Firstly, a challenge I overcame was finding accurate and reliable sources. For example, I conquered this challenge by using the sheet Ms. Martin gave […]

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Blog Post #5 – How do different types of environments (urban, rural, natural) affect well-being?

Hi everyone, and welcome to my Blog. Previously, we looked into the roles of social interactions and their impact on well-being, along with how changes in the environment can impact well being, both these questions help us understand how different environmental factors impact our overall well-being. To wrap things up, […]

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Blog Post #5: Is there a difference in well-being between individuals in the family that can be compared, depending on their birth order?

Hello! For my third round of research I will be digging into the roles of different members within a family. One of the major factors that I wanted to learn more about was birth order. This is because birth order has shown to affect personality and behaviours; therefore, I wanted […]

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Blog post #5-What are the positive and negative effects of an assistant teacher in a classroom?

My big topic inquiry question is how does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment? This big topic question will have implications on a global level because 90% of the world has completed a primary education. This shows that many people are interested in learning! I hope to increase the […]

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Blog Post #4 – How do changes in the environment affect well-being over time?

My Inquiry questions is, how do environemental factors impact people’s well-being? In order to fully understand the answer to this question, we must first understand the question, how do changes in the environment affedct well-being over time? Last blog post, we built a base of knowledge on the general topic […]

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Blog Post #3 – What role do social interactions within environments play in influencing well-being?

My Inqiry question is, how do environemental factors impact people’s well-being? In order to fully understand the answer to this question, we must first understand the question, what role do social interactions within environments play in influencing well-being? Social interactions play a critical role within out lives, which is why […]

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Blog Post #4 – How is one’s mental health and well-being affected by familial relationships?

Hi everyone! For fourth blog post, I will be researching my second subquestion of my inquiry question. It will be about discovering how one’s mental health and overall well being is affected by familial relationships. It’s important to my inquiry that I gather information on the connection between mental health […]

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Blog Post #3: Round 1 of Research – What are family dynamics and why are they significant?

The word dynamic can also be expressed as energetic, strong, spirited, and active. In more scientific concepts, dynamic can also mean continuous, evolving, constantly growing, etc. Family dynamics should generally be positive and uplifting. Otherwise, they could have negative impacts upon the members of a family. (1) By definition, family […]

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Blog post #7 – How Do Optical Illusions Uncover Parts of Our Personality?

Blog #7: Reflection In the process of completing my inquiry project, my biggest challenges were finding recent, reliable sources for my research as well as making connections between optical illusions and personality. There weren’t a ton of recent studies about optical illusions especially when it came to gathering theories about […]

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About me

Hello everyone, My name is Scott Lyu, I am currently a grade 11 student at Ecole Dr Charles Best secondary school. I enjoy learning if I am presented with opportunities to think and express freely about my opinions or thoughts. I am very active in school as I am in […]

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Blog Post #7 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

Reflection a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? As I mentioned in my last project’s reflection post, the main challenge I encountered while completing this inquiry project was biased information. The topic I chose to research is incredibly polarizing […]

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Blog Post #4 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

What are some historical examples of powerful democracies falling into authoritarianism? Welcome back to my inquiry project! Last post I talked about the differences and demonstrated the specifics about the two major systems of government: democracy and dictatorship. This time, I will be delving into examples of how historical democracies […]

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Blog Post #2 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

Hello everyone! Today I will be detailing my project plan for my inquiry question: How do democracies turn into dictatorships? Research Rounds: What is a democracy and what is a dictatorship? (Here I will provide concrete examples and explanations of the similarities and differences between these two systems of governance.) […]

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Blog Post #1-Inquiry

For my inquiry question this semester, I chose to research the question: Has technology positively impacted the sport industry? This question is interesting to me as an athlete who wants to understand how technology has impacted the sport industry. By exploring this question, I hope to gain a better understanding […]

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Blog Post #5 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of VR/AR and will they prove to be net positives for humans and society? The last time I was here, we delved into the history of virtual reality and augmented reality. This technology has advanced significantly and quickly throughout recent years, which has worried many people […]

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Blog Post #4 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What is the history of virtual/augmented reality and how has it advanced? Hello everyone and welcome back to my inquiry project. In my last blog post, I spoke about what constituted virtual/augmented reality and helped define and explain it to people who didn’t know. Today, I will be delving into […]

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Blog Post #3 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What is virtual reality/augmented reality? While this question may seem pointless and entirely self-explanatory for the more technologically inclined, the majority of the public seems to have a skewed perception of what this technology truly is. Due in large part to films and TV shows, we are led to believe […]

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Blog Post #2 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

Hello everyone! Today I will be detailing my project plan for my inquiry question: ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?   Research Rounds: What is virtual/augmented reality? (This will allow students comprehend these often misunderstood technologies) What is their history and how have they advanced? (This will demonstrate to […]

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About me

Hello everyone! My name is Scott Lyu, I am a grade 10 student in Dr.Charles Best secondary school. I like every class I have ever had in this school because learning is fun. I’ve just recently decided that I want to be a dentist in the future because I would […]

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Blog #4: Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability

Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability What Resources Do Desert Plants Have Access To? Plants that live in the desert require special skills to survive in such a hostile environment [1]. This is a resulting reason that some desert plants grow extremely long roots in the […]

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Blog Post #4: What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

What are the effects of auto-immune diseases on children of various ages? For this round of research, I will be comparing two autoimmune diseases, one rare and one common, that mostly affect adolescence (between the ages of 10 and 19). Research the inner workings of the disease, the medications needed, […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question: Inquiry Question: Why do plants differ from one another? (Mainly comparing desert plants vs tropical forestry plants) Habitat difference What is a desert? What is a tropical forest? How are […]

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Step One Action Post: Values Activity & Aligning this with Global Millennium Goals

2a) What are your 3 most important values? Of all the values given to choose from, the most important ones to me are A) I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights, M) I believe it is important to feel sympathy, care or concern for others, and […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

State your inquiry question: My inquiry question for the second semester will be “Why do plants differ from one another?” Explain why this is a question of interest for you: This question interests me because I enjoy learning about how nature differs in different areas and about nature in general. […]

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Blog Post #6 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Reflection – Metamorphosis a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, I ran into a few main challenges centred around opinion versus fact. The topic I chose to research, consumerism, is a polarizing topic and the […]

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Blog Post #6: Reflection – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I had to overcome a couple of challenges throughout this inquiry project, but one that stuck with me the most was being orderly […]

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Blog Post #5: Round 3 of Research – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? How can negative experiences affect emotional quotient? Having negative experiences can affect emotional quotient in a variety of different ways that are specific to how you deal with these emotions that you feel when having these experiences. If you deal with these emotions correctly, you may […]

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Blog Post #5 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the environment? In my previous research round, I looked into the effects that consumerism and the purchasing patterns that it has brought on have had on our psyche and the way we think. In this final research round, I will be discussing the environmental changes that […]

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Blog Post #4 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the way we think? In my previous research round, I discussed the definition of consumerism and provided a somewhat brief history of its meteoric rise in our modern world. In this research round, I will be touching on how this new, widespread economic ideology has shaped […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What Affects Emotional Quotient?” Emotional quotient is the ability to understand others, communicate effectively, manage your emotions, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict [3]. This can affect us by driving our behaviour, which impacts our environment and other people [2]. There are four attributes that commonly define emotional quotient; self-management, which […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Hey everyone! Just to refresh anyone’s memory, or if some of you haven’t read my inquiry question introduction, the topic I have chosen for my inquiry project is: How does consumerism affect society and our planet? To me, this is an incredibly relevant and intriguing question for many reasons, the […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What affects emotional quotient?” Planned three steps of research: (1) Basic knowledge of emotional quotient What is emotional quotient? What is the difference between emotional quotient and intelligence quotient? Why is emotional quotient important? (2) Effects of emotional quotient What does having low emotional quotient look like and lead to? […]

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Blog Post #1 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How does consumerism affect society and our planet? This is a question of incredible interest for me because of how shockingly integral it is in our society. Recently, I have been watching quite a few documentaries and educational videos about economics (YouTube recommendations are weird). While I knew prior to […]

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