Conspiracy Theories

Blog Post #6 – Reflection – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Ironically, many of the challenges that I faced throughout the making of this inquiry project were to do with confirmation bias, one of the main points I brought up in my third […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What makes certain people predisposed to believing conspiracy theories? If you have read my previous post, you will know that I have already researched why people are drawn to conspiracy theories. In that post, I mentioned that humans are drawn to and create conspiracy theories due in large part to […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Why are people drawn to and create conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories. In this current age, I would be quite confident saying that virtually everyone reading this knows what they are. Strange ideas, farfetched conclusions, “connect-the-dots” thinking. I would also be confident in saying that practically all of you reading this […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What are conspiracy theories and how can we identify false ones? Conspiracy theories are now all around us. The crazy notions, the absurd ideas, the disproven lies, together they help to plague our world, its people, and our understanding of it. While some may be planted as to confuse individuals […]

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Blog Post #2 – Inquiry Project Plan – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Hey everyone! This semester of Social Responsibility I have chosen to undertake another inquiry project. The question I will attempt to answer this time will be: “Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?” I find this question incredibly interesting and exceedingly relevant today, judging by recent events, including, but not […]

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