Charles Best

Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our psyche? Like I mentioned in my first inquiry research round, social media has slowly transformed into an integral part of many of our lives. When we depend on social media applications to stay up-to-date on current events and with friends, as well as, for […]

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Blog #3: Research round 1 – Are we just a statistic in our Capitalist economy?

What is capitalism and how does it affect citizens? Capitalism is a type of economic system where the government allows their citizens to control the economy, rather than the government. This is different to an economy like socialism where the government controls business. Another name for capitalism is the free-market […]

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Blog #2 Project Plan

Hi! As some people know my research topic is on whether law affects our morality. I’m really excited to find more information on this topic! I hope you all find my topic informative as well. My research rounds will follow this plan: “What is the law and what is morality” […]

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Blog Post #3- Inquiry Research Round #1- Are Celebrities Toxic for Society

Hello everyone! My question is “Are Celebrities Toxic for Society”    My first step is looking into the difference between having fame and being a celebrity. I think this is important to distinguish because if I were to say celebrities are toxic then anyone who has renowned talent would be […]

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Post #2: Project Plan

My question is ”Are we just a statistic in our Capitalist society?” Step 1: What is capitalism and how does it affect the lives of citizens? This will give me a better understanding of why most developed countries choose capitalism over socialism. Step 2: How do marketers create demand/advertise something […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

What is social media and what is its history? Most of us probably know what social media is. Heck, it is likely that the majority of us use it on a daily basis. For those of us who might not know what social media is, or need a slight touchup […]

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Inquiry blog #1

Are we just a number in our Capitalistic economy? The reason I chose this question is because I want to know more about our economy and how capitalism affects people. One of the main points that interest me is what role marketers play in a Capitalistic economy, are we just […]

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Inquiry project

“Do Laws Affect Morality?” I will be doing my research on whether Law affects Morality. The reason behind why I chose to research about this question is because I believe that both law and morality interconnect with each other and are important factors of our lives. Law and morality are […]

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Inquiry Blog-1

1. ‘ Why are people drawn to cults?’ 2.  I chose this question because I would like to learn more about human instincts and cults. I am very intrigued by such topics, but I have never done a assignment about the. I generally lean towards science and thought it would […]

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Blog Post #1

What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it? This is a question of great interest to me because of how bizarre the world is now. The US president going on Twitter rant after Twitter rant filled with incorrect information? Check. Teenagers making huge amounts of money […]

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PA-MOJA week 2020- society

Society                 Our society may have become more accepting over the years, but there are certain issues which seem to linger. Stereotypes, the lack of women’s rights, and a rapid decline in certain species of wildlife are some of these concerns.   e)  Stereotypes: the highly normalized act of discrimination. Although […]

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Self reflection

1.) What is something you did for your body? I’ve been trying my best to stay active while I’m at home. I think it’s really important because during my regular schedule, I get a lot of physical activity, but since it’s all been canceled, I’ve had to find more creative […]

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Action Post 3

Hi! Just a quick recap for those of you that haven’t read my action plan, I am going to be coming up with one things I can change in my day to day life to help the environment each week!  Originally, I was going to be logging everything I do […]

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