Charles Best Secondary

Blog #3: Round 1 – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What Affects Emotional Quotient?” Emotional quotient is the ability to understand others, communicate effectively, manage your emotions, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict [3]. This can affect us by driving our behaviour, which impacts our environment and other people [2]. There are four attributes that commonly define emotional quotient; self-management, which […]

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Blog #2

My inquiry question: Is being an introvert or extrovert better? In blog post #1, I think 50% of people are introverted and the other half extroverted. I consider myself an introvert, but once you get to know me more or become friends I become extroverted. In my post before, people […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Hey everyone! Just to refresh anyone’s memory, or if some of you haven’t read my inquiry question introduction, the topic I have chosen for my inquiry project is: How does consumerism affect society and our planet? To me, this is an incredibly relevant and intriguing question for many reasons, the […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What affects emotional quotient?” Planned three steps of research: (1) Basic knowledge of emotional quotient What is emotional quotient? What is the difference between emotional quotient and intelligence quotient? Why is emotional quotient important? (2) Effects of emotional quotient What does having low emotional quotient look like and lead to? […]

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Blog Post #1 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How does consumerism affect society and our planet? This is a question of incredible interest for me because of how shockingly integral it is in our society. Recently, I have been watching quite a few documentaries and educational videos about economics (YouTube recommendations are weird). While I knew prior to […]

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Step One Action Post: Values Activity & Aligning this with Global Millennium Goals

1.  a) In completing the values activity, I was able to reflect and truly think about what the most important values were to me. While I agreed with many of the values found in the activity, I ended up agreeing the most with “I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights“, “I believe it is important to take care of others and help them meet their needs” and “I believe it is important to continually pursue new skills and self-awareness”. These descriptions correlate to the values, equality, helping and personal growth.  b) On the other hand, the statements I agreed the least with are, “I believe we should respect an established way of how things have been done”, “I believe it is important for people to seek connection to a higher purpose” […]

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About Me

Hey guys! My name is Ronnie, and I’m in grade 12 this year. I moved here from Hong Kong 4  years ago, and I live with my mom in Coquitlam and I go to Charles Best. My favourite thing to do when I have free time is read. I love […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

My inquiry question for this semester is “what affects emotional intelligence?” I decided to pick this question because I am interested in psychology and how the brain processes and stores information. Especially for emotional intelligence, I am thinking of researching about how the brain stores memories and how it learns […]

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blog #6- Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorder–reflection

Does family or culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders? a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? During my research, the challenges that surfaced was how I could go more in dept with my research. […]

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Blog Post #6 – Reflection – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Ironically, many of the challenges that I faced throughout the making of this inquiry project were to do with confirmation bias, one of the main points I brought up in my third […]

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Blog #6: Reflection – What is the relationship between Law and Philosophy

  What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? This inquiry presented a few challenges including time management, choosing which details to include and being conscious of repetitive explanations. There were times I struggled with submitting my research rounds on time. […]

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Blog #5 – What is the relationship between law and philosophy?

Hi everyone! In my previous rounds of research, I looked at the origins of law and philosophy separately. In this round, I looked into how they compare and contrast. Topic: Similarities and differences between law and philosophy What is Legal Philosophy? Philosophy of law (or legal philosophy) is concerned with […]

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Blog Post #5 – Research Round #3 – Sleep Disorders – Is Sleep Really that Important?

  “Is Sleep Really that Important?” By: Karen Zoulau Many people feel as if they don’t get enough sleep at night. To solve this they constantly promise themselves that they will get more sleep in the future, but often this promise never happens. This is an occurring issue that almost […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What makes certain people predisposed to believing conspiracy theories? If you have read my previous post, you will know that I have already researched why people are drawn to conspiracy theories. In that post, I mentioned that humans are drawn to and create conspiracy theories due in large part to […]

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Blog Post #4 – Research Round #2 – Is Sleep Really that Important?

“Is Sleep Really that Important?” By: Karen Zoulau Have you ever wondered what happens to our bodies when we sleep? Let me explain. Our brain stores new information while we sleep [1], creating new space for new memories and deleting useless, old ones. Our nerve cells communicate with each other, […]

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Research Round 2 | Blog 4 – What is the relationship between Law and Philosophy?

Topic: The Nature and Function of Philosophy Philosophy surrounds us all and similar to law, we may not realize it. We all engage in philosophy whether we are aware of it or not as each individual has some view concerning free will, human nature, morality, and the meaning of life. […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Why are people drawn to and create conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories. In this current age, I would be quite confident saying that virtually everyone reading this knows what they are. Strange ideas, farfetched conclusions, “connect-the-dots” thinking. I would also be confident in saying that practically all of you reading this […]

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Blog Post #3 – Research Round #1 – Why do we generalize people?

In general humans have a tendency to make haste decisions or form opinions based on the demographic, appearance, past actions etc. of a person. These behaviours are formed from childhood  based on our experiences growing up, and social stigmas which have been passed down generations [1]. For example, people with […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What are conspiracy theories and how can we identify false ones? Conspiracy theories are now all around us. The crazy notions, the absurd ideas, the disproven lies, together they help to plague our world, its people, and our understanding of it. While some may be planted as to confuse individuals […]

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Blog Post #2 – Inquiry Project Plan – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Hey everyone! This semester of Social Responsibility I have chosen to undertake another inquiry project. The question I will attempt to answer this time will be: “Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?” I find this question incredibly interesting and exceedingly relevant today, judging by recent events, including, but not […]

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Blog post #6: Reflection: Are we just a statistic in our Capitalist economy?

Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? At the start of my project, I struggled to find consistent answers for some of my questions. Because my question is very opinion based, I was finding different answers […]

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Blog Post #6 — Reflection (Metamorphosis) — Does Law Affect Our Morality?

Blog Post #6– Reflection (Metamorphosis) Does Law Affect Our Morality? a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout the inquiry project, I stumbled across quite a few missteps. For my original project plan, I was going to discuss cases […]

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Metamorphosis – Should humans and technology be combined? Reflection

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? One challenge that I faced during this inquiry was selecting which information was most necessary to include. Because my question could be interpreted with several sub-topics I had to choose which information and […]

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Blog Post #6 – Reflection – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Many of my troubles throughout this inquiry project were linked with the difficult premise of the idea; like many have mentioned, it is never a tool’s fault that it is misused, it […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?

“How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?” How Does Music Affect Animals? By: Karen Zoulau Music seems to be just a human art form [1], but it is so much more. It gives strong effects on human brains [1] and can be a little addicting [1]. But […]

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Blog Post #5: Research Round 3 – Should humans and technology be combined?

Hey guys! My previous rounds of research looked into the physical, psychological and emotional combinations of humans and technology. This round is briefer and explores some ethical questions that may arise. Note, there are many when it comes to the topic of humans and technology. Question: Should humans and technology […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our communication skills and how we use them? In recent years, social media has changed many of the vital parts of being human – it has exploded in popularity and this change has been felt throughout nearly every facet of our lives, including our jobs, […]

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Post #2: Round 2 of Research – Should humans and technology be combined?

Topic: The physical factors of combining technology and humans and the risks that may be involved Inquiry Question: Should humans and technology be combined? Research Notes: How do prosthetics work and how are scientists trying to improve them? Scientists are working on developing prosthetics advanced enough to mimic the limb […]

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Blog post #4 – Inquiry research round #2 – Are we just a statistic in our Capitalist society?

How do marketers create demand/advertise something they want to sell? Once marketers know what they’re selling, the next step they take is identifying the demographic they need to target. Do they need to attract younger people, older people, etc. Based on that, they decide what method of marketing they are […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our psyche? Like I mentioned in my first inquiry research round, social media has slowly transformed into an integral part of many of our lives. When we depend on social media applications to stay up-to-date on current events and with friends, as well as, for […]

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Blog #3: Research round 1 – Are we just a statistic in our Capitalist economy?

What is capitalism and how does it affect citizens? Capitalism is a type of economic system where the government allows their citizens to control the economy, rather than the government. This is different to an economy like socialism where the government controls business. Another name for capitalism is the free-market […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 of research – Should humans and technology be combined?

Topic: The persistence of memory and the mechanics behind the current plan to merge the mind of humans and technology (Neuralink chip) Inquiry Question: Should humans and technology be combined? Research Notes: How would a chip in the brain work?   The idea of combining humans and artificial intelligence has […]

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Blog Post #3- Inquiry Research Round #1- Are Celebrities Toxic for Society

Hello everyone! My question is “Are Celebrities Toxic for Society”    My first step is looking into the difference between having fame and being a celebrity. I think this is important to distinguish because if I were to say celebrities are toxic then anyone who has renowned talent would be […]

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Post #2: Project Plan

My question is ”Are we just a statistic in our Capitalist society?” Step 1: What is capitalism and how does it affect the lives of citizens? This will give me a better understanding of why most developed countries choose capitalism over socialism. Step 2: How do marketers create demand/advertise something […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

What is social media and what is its history? Most of us probably know what social media is. Heck, it is likely that the majority of us use it on a daily basis. For those of us who might not know what social media is, or need a slight touchup […]

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Inquiry blog #1

Are we just a number in our Capitalistic economy? The reason I chose this question is because I want to know more about our economy and how capitalism affects people. One of the main points that interest me is what role marketers play in a Capitalistic economy, are we just […]

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Post #2: Project Plan – Should humans and technology be combined?

Should humans and technology be combined? My first round of research will consist of research about the mechanics behind the current plan to merge the mind of humans and technology. This includes research about how this kind of creation may affect the human brain and what possible errors or health […]

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Blog Post #1: Should humans and technology be combined?

Should humans and technology be combined? My interest in this question stems from the recent discoveries that have been made and the long-standing controversies relating to this topic. Scientists have been theorizing about the possibilities and the length of artificial intelligence for several decades and the day that these theories […]

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Inquiry Blog-1

1. ‘ Why are people drawn to cults?’ 2.  I chose this question because I would like to learn more about human instincts and cults. I am very intrigued by such topics, but I have never done a assignment about the. I generally lean towards science and thought it would […]

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Blog Post #1

What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it? This is a question of great interest to me because of how bizarre the world is now. The US president going on Twitter rant after Twitter rant filled with incorrect information? Check. Teenagers making huge amounts of money […]

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PA-MOJA week 2020- society

Society                 Our society may have become more accepting over the years, but there are certain issues which seem to linger. Stereotypes, the lack of women’s rights, and a rapid decline in certain species of wildlife are some of these concerns.   e)  Stereotypes: the highly normalized act of discrimination. Although […]

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Metamorphosis – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I started this inquiry project quite late, which I hold only myself accountable for as I was not very organized from the start of the course. Having said that, in order to ascertain […]

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Round 3 of research – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

Hi everyone! I hope you are all well and healthy. In this final round of research I will be comparing what I learned in the previous rounds to complete answering my inquiry question; How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection? In my two previous […]

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Blog #4: Round 2 of Research – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

Hi! I hope you are all doing well. In this round of research, I will be viewing and analyzing aspects of Chinese Art and the tradition and culture it encompasses. In my last round of research, I examined African Artwork, its origins, as well as the thematic elements it is […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 of Research – How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection?

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. My inquiry question is How do art and culture correlate one another to develop influence and reflection? In this post, I will be specifically looking at aspects of art from African culture and be analyzing recurring elements in most art within the several […]

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