blog 3

Blog #3: Round 1 – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

My inquiry question is: How can education help reduce plastic consumption? Plastics pervade all aspects of society. We sleep on plastic-filled pillows, clean our teeth with plastic toothbrushes, type on plastic keyboards, and eat food from plastic containers – it’s impossible to go through a day without encountering plastics. (1) As […]

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Blog #3 : 1rst round: What was the most important tool in order to win the race against COVID-19?

What was the most important tool in order to win the race against COVID-19? Undoubtedly, the creation of COVID-19’s vaccine has been our most important and essential tool to face the virus spreading. It is our only way out. A variety of laboratories have achieved the goal to create a […]

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Blog Post #3

First, the effect of the Seven Years War. There were Multiple countries involved in the Seven Years War. (Even though it was technically a world war, there were few records of how the country’s people had felt and how exactly the country had suffered from the wars.)The countries that participated […]

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blog #3- “Does Family or Culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?”

Blog #3- “Does Family or Culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?” As mentioned in my project plan, this post will be an explanation of the different types of eating disorders, and why is it important to differentiate them.  In order to further dive into the occurrence […]

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