
Round Research #2: Why countries fight each other for economic reasons

In the first round of research I studied the religious causes of war, in this post, I will focus on the economic causes of conflicts. Economic causes of wars, are wars  that ere caused by governments aiming for political and economic supremacy (1). The developing countries yearn for development hence […]

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Blog #5

Research round 3: Are society’s standards advantageous for us? I believe this question must be researched to answer my inquiry question: Why do people try to fit in society’s standards? Maybe society’s standards are set for a reason. Maybe they are there for us to follow and become the best […]

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blog post #5

My big question is how does technology affect our relationships? This big topic question is vital for others in our community on a global level because we will learn how much technology is sufficient for our relationships with others. I want to help others thrive in this technology-based world. Healthy […]

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Blog Post #4- What’s the role of the media in current social movements?

Hi everyone!  For this second round of research, I looked into anti-racist movements and the media to answer inquiry my question: What’s the role of the media in current social movements? Media and the amplification of anti-racist activism: Similarly to feminism, platforms on the internet have allowed many anti-racist activists […]

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Blog Post #5 -How does race play a role in pretty privilege? Are racial stereotypes part of the reason it exists?

Inquiry Question: Does pretty privilege exist, if so how does it affect life opportunities and eventual outcomes? Research Step 3 – How does race play a role in pretty privilege? Are racial stereotypes part of the reason it exists? Members of the majority culture in much of North America are […]

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Blog Post #3-What’s the role of the media in current social movements?

Hi everyone! For this first round of research, I looked into feminism and the media to answer inquiry my question: What’s the role of the media in current social movements? The importance of media:  The media, especially after the surge of internet, has allowed many feminists to share their ideas […]

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Blog post #5 – What are the possible future implications of marxist theory on our modern day society?

Blog post #5  As a reminder my question is What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? In my last blog post I talked about how Marxism has been involved in revolutions and societies throughout […]

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Blog post #5 What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?

Hello, everyone, my inquiry question is “What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?”, this is my third round of research, and the topic I will focus on is “Will people trust AI enough to let it do jobs like being their […]

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Blog Post #5- Childhood trauma and mental health

Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” Today I will be focusing on  how childhood trauma can impact the mental health of children, and also teenagers.  General effects: Childhood trauma can have a significant impact on mental health, both in childhood and later in life. Trauma can alter the way […]

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Hi guys in my second round of research I’ll be using the scratch program to make more complex cartoons and explain the programming. First I chose a background. For instance a witch house I then chose my characters, that is the witch and the princess Here the princess is not […]

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Blog post #4 What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?

Hello, everyone, my inquiry question is “What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?”, this is my second round of research, and the topic I will focus on is ” Is AI capable of jobs requiring sympathy, care, and the will to […]

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Blog #4

Research round 2: Why are we pressured to fit into these standards? I believe this questions is essential since I wonder why we want to fit in a certain standard and where this desire comes from. I will find multiple research done to find a general idea and answer to […]

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Blog Post #4 – What opportunities are more prominent in those considered “conventionally attractive?”

Inquiry Question: Does pretty privilege exist, if so how does it affect life opportunities and eventual outcomes? Research Step 2 – What opportunities are more prominent in those considered “conventionally attractive”? In the professional world, general attractiveness can help you make good impressions, get more promotions, and gain opportunities. (4) […]

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Blog post #4 – How has Marxism has been involved in various revolutions and societies in history and who are some prominent Marxist figures? 

  As a reminder my question is What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? In my last blog post I talked about what Marxism is and its key principles. In this blog post I will […]

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Blog Post #4 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

What are some historical examples of powerful democracies falling into authoritarianism? Welcome back to my inquiry project! Last post I talked about the differences and demonstrated the specifics about the two major systems of government: democracy and dictatorship. This time, I will be delving into examples of how historical democracies […]

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There were two types of effects positive and negative effects. Africans lost their political independence.(1)This means that they could no longer rule themselves as Africans because the power was handed over to the colonialist. Large tracts of land was lost because it became the settlement for the colonizers.(1) This also led […]

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R3:Self control

      Self-control is one of the most important skills that one needs in their life. Self-control is simply a process for self-regulating our behavior in pursuit of our goals[1].There are three types of self-control which are: impulse control, emotional control and movement control[3].I don’t think am the only […]

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Blog #3

Blog #3: Round 1 of research My inquiry question: Why do we try to fit in society’s standards? The question I will research on: What are society’s standards? I believe researching the actual standards set by society would help me have a better understanding of my inquiry question. Social norm: […]

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Blog post #3

Topic question: How does technology affect our relationship? I chose this question because I noticed we rely on technology a lot to support our relationships.  For example, we choose to call our friends instead of meeting them in person. I am curious to research the positive and negative sides of […]

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Blog post #3 What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?

Hello everyone, my inquiry question is “What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?”, this is my first round of research, and the topic I will focus on is ” What is the growth rate of automation and artificial intelligence in the […]

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Blog Post #3 -How does childhood trauma affect emotional regulation?

Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” This is a heavy question, so today I will start my research by focusing on how childhood trauma affects emotional regulation skills in children. This blog post will be broken up into 3 different sections. The […]

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Blog #2: Project plan

Hi everyone! To answer my question; What’s the role of the media in current social movements? I decided to research three current social movements and how media impacts each of them specifically. Here are the questions to guide me through my research:  Feminism:  What role has social media played in […]

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Research round#1: How digestive system works with the circulatory system

The digestive system and circulatory system are very connected.  The systems are connected to ensure that the body receives everything it needs  for it to function. The circulatory system is responsible for the flow of blood while the digestive system  is responsible for ingestion, breakdown, absorption and assimilation of food. […]

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Blog Post#2 What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?

My plan is to finish all of my research in 3 rounds, dividing it into different small sections of the main question. 1. What is the growth rate of automation and artificial intelligence in the different work fields? 2. Is AI capable of jobs requiring sympathy, care, and the will […]

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Blog #2

Project plan: The three main questions I will research on is: What are society’s standards (beauty, personality, marriage, etc…)? There are many standards society set. Standards that are made for people to follow. Some of these standards can be extreme and cause stress to people who are not able to […]

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Blog post #2 – What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? 

Blog #2: Project plan 1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question.  What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history?  What is […]

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Blog post #2

My big question is how does technology affect our relationships? 1)What makes a good relationship? This information will give me the rules and definition of a good relationship. In order to figure out the effect technology has on relationships; I need to figure out what guidelines a relationship follows. This […]

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Blog Post #2 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

Hello everyone! Today I will be detailing my project plan for my inquiry question: How do democracies turn into dictatorships? Research Rounds: What is a democracy and what is a dictatorship? (Here I will provide concrete examples and explanations of the similarities and differences between these two systems of governance.) […]

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Blog Post #2

Blog Post #2 I plan to research three different sub questions to help me research the question: How does the study of history help us to understand consequences? What consequences could there be from not learning about mistakes in history? Does learning about history help us learn about our previous […]

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Blog #1

Hi everyone,  For this new semester, my inquiry question will be: What’s the role of the media in current social movements?  I’m interested in learning more about it because since I started to gain an interest in sociology and social movements, I’ve always noticed how the media, especially social media, shapes […]

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