
BLOG Post #5 – Marisa Ciulla

Are supplements and supplementation necessary for our health and performance in the gym? clevelandclinic. (2022, September 1). Is Pre-Workout Powder Safe? Does It Work? Cleveland Clinic. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/does-taking-a-pre-workout-actually-work  Harvard Health Publishing. (2022, August 15). The hidden dangers of protein powders – Harvard Health. Harvard Health; Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-hidden-dangers-of-protein-powders  kink, shaun. (2023, December 1). Best Supplements […]

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Blog #5

For my inquiry question, I am researching bonds with pets. My third round of research is on how long it takes to bond with pets. I added this question to my research because not everyone bonds with their pets fast. In my opinion, pets are easy and quick to bond […]

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Blog Post #5

For this blog post, I will be recapping my previous questions and answering my final inquiry sub-question. My original topic question was related to “How has fashion changed and developed throughout history and how does that impact us?”. The question I will answer for this post is “How has fashion […]

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Blog post #5

Topic question: how does play affect a child’s mental health? This big topic question will have implications on a global level because we need to focus on the future generation for the future well-being of our world by focusing on children. Furthermore, by informing the community about mental health, we […]

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Blog post #5 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my fifth blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and the dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” This is my third step of the research, about how the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge would contribute to progress in civilization […]

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Blog post #5-key ideas in ancient philosophy and how these philosophical thoughts influenced their societies

As a reminder my question is “To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?” To help answer this today I will be researching some key ideas in ancient philosophy […]

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Blog post #5

For my third blog post I will be researching and discussing my third subtopic to my essential question: “What are the most useful skills in this age?” Researching this question will help me get closer to the answer of my question “How can we use our personal skills and abilities […]

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Hello. It is me again and this time I am doing an amazing research about human interaction with the environment and how it will affect future generation. I chose this topic because I wanted to learn and more our environment to gain more knowledge and what I can do to […]

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Hi everyone, it’s me again. From my inquiry project this term ,l plan to research on air quality ,water quality and ecosystem be impacted if there no pollution. I proudly decided to research this simply because pollution is the main reason why water quality and air quality are impacted negatively […]

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blog post 4 

Hello and welcome back to my blog. today i will be going over a product catagory, highlighting factors that make them un enviormentally friendly and trying too find the best alternative for them.  the product catagagory  the catagory i chose first is plastic bag, plastic bags have been targeted by […]

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About me

Hi, my name is Bridget Allen and I’m a grade 12 student at West Kings in NS. I’m originally from England but I moved to Canada when I was 8. My interests include; painting, swimming and I love the beach. My project is on a new local candy shop. I […]

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About Shayna

Hi I’m Shayna and I am a grade 12 student at West Kings high school. I am a student in entrepreneurship and I am doing a project on a local business. I will be doing more posts about my project with my partner Amanda soon. In my spare time I […]

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