
Blog post #3

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog. Reminder this is my question – How does memory work? Before we answer the big question, I want to go through a process that revolves around memory first. Why is short term and long-term memory so important? Why do we need both and […]

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Blog post one-

For the values activity my results were: my most important values are tolerance, pleasure and helping. For my least important values I got power, responsibility, and community.i found this test very accurate for example, tolerance is very important because it reflects to how and the way we live our lives, […]

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Blog Post #3

Hey everyone and welcome back to my third blog post! For my main inquiry question, I chose to discuss “How and Why Does Music Impact Our Lives, and In What Way?”. In this post, I chose one of my three sub-topics to further explain its relation to my main question. […]

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Blog Post #3 – How does physical activity and nutrition affect body image? Is this the sole cause of issues such as body dysmorphia?

Inquiry Question: How Does Physical Activity and Nutrition Impact Individual Brain Chemistry? Research Step 1 – How does physical activity and nutrition affect body image? Is this the sole cause of issues such as body dysmorphia? Body image encompasses one’s thoughts about their physical body in a multitude of mental […]

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Blog Post #3: Round 1 of Research – What are family dynamics and why are they significant?

The word dynamic can also be expressed as energetic, strong, spirited, and active. In more scientific concepts, dynamic can also mean continuous, evolving, constantly growing, etc. Family dynamics should generally be positive and uplifting. Otherwise, they could have negative impacts upon the members of a family. (1) By definition, family […]

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Step Three Action Blog Post: (and ongoing) – reflection (Charles Best)  Greater Vancouver Food bank.

1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples)  I was able to volunteer at the greater Vancouver food bank Burnaby warehouse on April the 19th because it was a Pro-D Day. That day I was sorting all the donations into […]

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Blog #2: As a society, why do we revert to past trends?

1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question. 2. Provide 5 valid sources that might be useful to address the question. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-does-some-fashion-repeat-while-others-fad-ayushi-shukla#:~:text=The cyclic nature of fashion,resulting in a cyclic fashion. https://www.fibremood.com/en/blog/trends/20-years-does-the-trick https://baylorlariat.com/2023/10/12/gen-z-called-digital-cameras-are-back/#:~:text=Dr.,to do with our experiences. https://sartorialmagazine.com/lifestyle/2023/7/24/the-resurgence-of-digital-cameras https://www.miragenews.com/why-we-long-for-the-past-the-science-behind-1013752/#:~:text=Research indicates that […]

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Blog 1# Does expanding your political views make you a more hateful person

The biggest problem that I feel that society: Absolute freedom of speech is often not allowed which hinders more conversation from both sides The biggest problem that I feel that society is facing is the lack of acknowledgement that other people with their own political, socioeconomic, social, cultural, ideological views […]

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Blog #1: “How does the portrayal of beauty standards by the media contribute to the ongoing presence of body dysmorphia?”

Hello! And welcome back to my blog post. I am Anannya Balachandran, a grade 11 student currently studying at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School, and I am so excited to be able to share my semester two project with all of you. For my semester two project, I chose to […]

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Blog Post #2 – How Does Physical Activity and Nutrition Impact Individual Brain Chemistry?

I am looking forward to exploring this very applicable topic in the realm of personal health and well-being. This exploration is conducted with the goal of providing general answers to a topic touched on time and time again by every health conscious individual. Research Step 1 – How does physical […]

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Blog Post #2 – Inquiry Blog – How do study habits and techniques influence memory recall in school?

My Inquiry questions: How do study habits and techniques influence memory recall in school? To research and answer this question I chose three subcategories to study: How does our brain store and categorize long and short memories I want to first understand how our brain processes our daily experiences into […]

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Blog post #2

Do some research on your possible action areas (or your specific action you have already chosen) that you listed in your Action Post #1.   1.) Provide a summary of the action you are planning and how are you going to start.  I plan on volunteering with the greater Vancouver Food […]

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Blog #2

Project plan My inquiry question: How do individuals develop values and beliefs?  My three steps to research are: What is the difference between values and beliefs?This question is essential as we need to first understand what values and beliefs are. It is also significant that we know what the difference […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does family play a role in shaping our values and beliefs?

Three Steps for Research:  a. Literature Review: I will begin by conducting a thorough literature review on the role of family in shaping values and beliefs. This step will involve exploring scholarly articles, books, and research studies that look into the dynamics of familial influence on individual ideologies. By understanding […]

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blog post one

Hello everyone welcome to my blog post one of semester two. This semester I chose to do an action project. After completing the values activity these were my results For my most important values I got: Family, Innovation, Reliability. And for my least I got: Justice, Responsibility, Power.I feel like the least […]

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Blog #1 – How does family play a role in shaping our values and beliefs?

Exploring the question of how family shapes our values and beliefs is interesting and crucial for me to investigate this semester. Family holds immense importance in my life, serving as the steppingstone of my upbringing and identity formation. I have noticed that I often replicate the traditions and values practiced […]

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BLOG#2: In what ways has the evolution of communication technology shaped the course of human history?

Communication technology is evolved and advanced communication gadgets and skill used in the world today. The improvement of communication has been gradual through the years since the time of the stone age.  Round one# Evolution of communication technology through the existence of time The use of technology in communication can […]

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BLOG#1In what ways has the evolution of communication technology shaped the course of human history?

The evolution of communication technology has been a defining force in shaping the trajectory of human history, profoundly impacting various aspects of society, culture, politics, and economics. From the earliest forms of oral tradition and cave paintings to the advent of writing systems, the printing press, telegraphy, and the internet, […]

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Blog #1

My inquiry question: How do individuals develop values and beliefs? I chose to do research on this question because of how I noticed everyone around me believed and valued different things. For one, I think this is based on how you were raised. But could values and beliefs also change […]

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Blog Post #1

Hello everyone, my name is Scott Lyu, a grade 11 student at Ecole Dr. Charles Best in Canada. For my second-semester inquiry project, I have decided to do an inquiry project, on how people gain respect from others, and how culture affects how people respect others? This topic has always […]

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Blog Post #1 – How does family dynamics affect the mental health and well being of an individual within the family?

Hi everyone! For the second semester, I will continue an inquiry project! My essential question revolves around the topic of mental health and family. I will be exploring the relationship between the two subjects and discover the factors that are involved. I think it’s important to look at family dynamics […]

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Blog Post #1 Why is social media so addicting, and how can we break this cycle?

This semester I will be looking as to what makes social media so addicting, and how can break this ongoing cycle of addiction and dependence which we have with social media. This topic has been important since the mid-2000’s but has raised more concerns especially in the past decade, as more […]

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Blog post #1-How does an assistant teacher affect the classroom environment?

I was inspired to do this research because I noticed assistant teachers are very helpful in my classroom. For example, my chemistry assistant teacher is very beneficial in our classroom. She provides a different learning perspective than a teacher because she has different teaching styles. For example, my chemistry teacher […]

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Blog Post #1

Hi everyone, and welcome to my first blog of semester two! For this semester’s inquiry question, I chose to learn about music. After much research and further investigating this topic, I chose to specifically look into how music affects our daily lives. For my main inquiry question, I will research […]

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Blog Post #1 – How does the concept of innocent until proven guilty protect individuals in the legal system?

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! For my semester two inquiry project, I will be researching the inquiry question of how does the concept of innocent until proven guilty protect individuals in the legal system? In my first semester, I took Law 12 and discovered how much I […]

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Blog post #7: How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, I ran into issues finding research material for my blog post, because this topic is not widely discussed by people as the topic about spreading knowledge is thought to […]

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Blog Post #1- Inquiry (2)

How do study habits and techniques influence memory recall in school? Hello everyone.This semester, I’ve made the decision to investigate the effects of studying—specifically, how different learning strategies can influence memory recall in an academic context. I picked this subject because I’ve always had trouble figuring out the “best” approach […]

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Blog Post #7

Hello everyone and welcome to my final inquiry blog post! For this post, I will be recapping and reflecting on my inquiry process about “How [fashion has] changed and developed throughout history and how does that impact us?”. To reflect on my work, I will be answering a few questions.  […]

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Blog Post #7: How has the integration of celebrity figures in creative director roles of fashion houses affected the growth of the fashion industry?

As I wrap this round of research up, I am excited to reflect on my journey and see how much I have grown in terms of answering my questions as well as the opinions I have had in relation to this topic. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry […]

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blog post 5

hi everyone welcome back to my blog, today i will be going over another product category, plastic cutlery and also a bit of why it is so important that we learn more about sustainable products. Why is it so important that we learn about sustainable options? Plastic is a world-wide problem […]

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Blog Post #1 – How Does Physical Activity and Nutrition Affect Individual Brain Chemistry?

Semester 2 Inquiry: This semester, I will be exploring the correlation between measures taken to care for and nurture our bodies, and their inherent connection with the mind. The concept of both physical and physiological impact on mental health and cognitive functioning is a profound topic that as been alluded […]

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Blog post #7 – How Do Optical Illusions Uncover Parts of Our Personality?

Blog #7: Reflection In the process of completing my inquiry project, my biggest challenges were finding recent, reliable sources for my research as well as making connections between optical illusions and personality. There weren’t a ton of recent studies about optical illusions especially when it came to gathering theories about […]

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Blog post #7- A Reflection: How Does Child’s Play Impact a Child’s Mental Health?

Blog #7: Reflection  1. Address the following questions:  a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about  overcoming these challenges?  The challenge I overcame was finding reliable sources. For example, I overcame this challenge by using Ms. Martin’s tip on looking at the credibility […]

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