PA-MOJA Alumni

Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – “Does money bring happiness?”

  Lokshana Groodoyal social responsibility Research topic: “Does money bring happiness?” –  April 22nd, 2021    ———//———//———//——-//———//———//———//———//———//——— The issue of accelerating drift between the rich and the poor is pressing because it’s directly proportional to the amount of rich and poor people in society for several decades now. this is […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our psyche? Like I mentioned in my first inquiry research round, social media has slowly transformed into an integral part of many of our lives. When we depend on social media applications to stay up-to-date on current events and with friends, as well as, for […]

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Blog 1

How will fashion look in the next 20 years? I chose this question as I would like to see the more tech side of fashion and I also want to see if the population and race changes of the world will change the trends and style that we wear in […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?

“How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?” Pop, Rap, Country and Reggae Listening to pop music has some great benefits. It can get your blood pumping and can generate great feelings of excitement (1). It can also make you feel happier and can lift your mood easily. […]

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Blog #2 Project Plan

Hi! As some people know my research topic is on whether law affects our morality. I’m really excited to find more information on this topic! I hope you all find my topic informative as well. My research rounds will follow this plan: “What is the law and what is morality” […]

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Blog post 3- Inquiry research round 1- ” Why are people attracted to cults?”

[2a] Nikki Shahram, Blog post 3- Inquiry research round 1- ” Why are people attracted to cults?” “ Heres’s an easy way to figure out if you’re in a cult: if you’re wondering whether you’re in a cult, the answer is yes.” [1a]  -Stephen Colbert  Hello everyone!   My inquiry question is “Why are […]

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Blog #3, Research Round 1, Should Food Manufactures Use Food Colouring to Attract Young Children?

Did you know that Americans are eating 5 times more food colouring now than they did in 1955? Food colourings are seen everywhere from breakfast foods to desserts. In our modern world, it is almost impossible to avoid the hideous trap of these harmful food additives. In this round of […]

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Blog Post #3- Inquiry Research Round #1- Are Celebrities Toxic for Society

Hello everyone! My question is “Are Celebrities Toxic for Society”    My first step is looking into the difference between having fame and being a celebrity. I think this is important to distinguish because if I were to say celebrities are toxic then anyone who has renowned talent would be […]

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Project Plan – How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living Beings?

  Hi everyone, this is my project plan for my question, How Does Different Genres of Music Affect Different Living beings? As you know, I have been interested in studying what music does to our brains, and if there are negative or positive impacts that music gives us. My steps […]

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Hello butterfly I’m back again even though we are having a very hard time more so we as students since we are not supposed to attend schools and this makes life more uncomfortable for us. On my next post I’ll be continuing with my post and I hope we shall […]

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Inquiry poaching

Hi, this is inquiry will talk about what is happening currently in South Africa to prevent poaching of rhinos. poachers in South Africa tend to take advantage of a crash of tourist, to kill rhinos for there horns. In 3 popular game parks they have come up with the decision […]

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Hello everyone, This post is essentially a reflection of my Inquiry Project on dental hygiene/oral health. A. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The main challenges that I faced was finding sufficient information, as well as checking with the […]

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Research Round 3

Solutions for overpopulation… While overpopulation is a growing issue that continues to plague humanity, it still hasn’t garnered as much attention to the general public compared to other worldwide issues like hunger and poverty. But just because the general public is not made fully aware of this issue, that didn’t […]

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BLOG 6 Reflection “Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice?”

My inquiry question this semester is “Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice?” Throughout the process of finding an answer I learned so much not just about the criminal justice system but about politics and human rights. A large challenge that we were all faced with […]

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Metamorphosis-Is there substantial evidence to prove that there have been extraterrestrials on earth?

Hello, This is my first year as part of social responsibility but, I’ve really enjoyed the environment and the concept of independent projects. It is also a class that can work fairly well with online school which I’m very happy about because it’s less stressful than other classes. Here’s a […]

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Reflection 3

REFLECTION 3 1.) What is something you did for your body?   This week I have continued to stay healthy by taking walks and going on runs as much as possible. As well as trying to eat as healthy as much as possible it can be hard at times because […]

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Round 3 Question: Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice?

Sienna Saunders Question: Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice? Round 3: In my Round 3 of my research, I spoke to Marion Buller, a First Nations judge in BC. Judge Buller served as the Chief Commissioner for the Nation Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous […]

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ROUND 2 Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice?

Sienna Saunders Question: Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice? Round 2: What is peace? There are many different definitions of peace. Peace can be described as Peace is when people are able to resolve their conflicts without violence and can work together to improve the […]

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Research Round 2

Effects of overpopulation of nature… Before diving in on our effects on nature, lets first take a look at the rise of our population over time and see how quick our rise to power was… We start in 10,000 BCE where our population was a measly 4 million people (1), […]

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joseph mungai

My name is joseph mungai am 19 years old am Kenyan by nationality. I live in Laikipia Nanyuki. I school in Tigithi boys high school in Laikipia county. I am in grade 11. What I can say about the school is that its good school teachers are friendly they do […]

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Self-Reflection #2

Hey everyone! Here is my second self-reflection! 1.) What is something you did for your body? In my first self-reflection, I talked about how I exercised every day for my body in order to continue living a healthy life – even in quarantine. Now, I’ve kind of did a 180, […]

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Sienna Saunders – INQUIRY Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice?

Question: Does the our current criminal justice system promote peace and justice? Round 1: What is the justice system? The criminal justice system is a set of legal and social institutions comprised of three major institutions which process a case from inception, through trial, to punishment enforcing the law in […]

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Inquiry Project – Third Round of Research – Are smartphones helping or hurting society and the people within it?

We all know how helpful smartphones can be. They can increase our productivity, let us unwind or let us keep in touch with the people we love. But we also know that smartphones can be detrimental. Most people immediately flock to saying that smartphone addiction is the only way that […]

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Self-Reflection: Think about the past week and answer the following questions. As with all reflections, multiple, specific examples to back up your responses are needed for meeting highest expectations. See reflection learning map. Please write answers in a different colour. 1.) What is something you did for your body? The […]

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Think about the past week and answer the following questions. As with all reflections, multiple, specific examples to back up your responses are needed for meeting highest expectations. See reflection learning map. Please write answers in a different colour.  1.) What is something you did for your body?  I have to do a […]

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Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well in this crazy time. Keep up social distancing and washing your hands hopefully this will all end soon 🙂 What is something you did for your body? This past week since we are all stuck inside to help my body I focused […]

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Self Reflection

Hey everyone, I hope everyone is doing well under these circumstances and are enjoying their time at home. Although times may be tough, remember we all in this together! What is something you did for your body? Ever since the start of quarantine, being cooped up within your house doesn’t […]

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Hi guys! I hope everyone has been feeling good these past few weeks. Myself, I have been feeling quite well staying home, getting to sleep in, and have been taking this strange event as best I could. But lets get to business. Here is my self-reflection! 1. What is something […]

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Gender pay gap for US soccer players is ‘untenable position,’ top sports agent Casey Wasserman says

Hello butterfly I have been silent for long but I have preparing something on the gender pay gap a topic that I have been working very hard because of the way it has been affecting many throughout the world. The CEO of one of the country’s biggest sports agencies told […]

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Action Post #2

The action that I am hoping to accomplish is shadowing a dental hygienist. I will be going to an office once or twice a week helping out in the back, cleaning instruments and giving a helping hand where it is needed. I wanted to head in this direction with my […]

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Hi everyone its to be back hope you are all fine. Today my topic is based on the main types of transport. The three main types of land transport: Road transport, Rail transport and other pipeline, cable transport. Land transport is one type of transport or carrier. People, animals, or any […]

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Cycle #2 – Post #2

Hi everyone!  Welcome back to another Action Post. For those joining for the first time, I lead a club called Miracle Movement. The goal of our club is to raise awareness on pediatric health. We do this by initiating campaigns and hosting small fundraisers in support of BC Children’s Hospital.  […]

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Action Post #2

Hey everyone! Welcome to my second action post of this cycle. Let’s get right into it… 1.) Provide a summary of the action you are planning and how are you going to start. For those of you who have been following along with my posts, you may remember that I […]

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The industrial revolution in the 19th century saw a number of inventions fundamentally change transport. With telegraphy, communication became instant and independent of the transport services and the invention of the steam engine, closely followed by its application in rail transport, made land transport independent of human or animal muscles. […]

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Hello guys today i will be talking on addiction.addiction can be caused by many things.not only drugs that can cause addiction to our bodies. i will be talking about gambling addiction and how it can be treated and of course the signs that will help you know that you are addicted […]

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ACTION-My proposal

Action. From my research, due to multiple sources( listed down below ), it’s clear that the education system is lacking a critical element: financial resources. I would like to take a small step to help the children in Kenya, by arranging books/textbooks and stationery items for them. How I’m going […]

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Values activity

The things I value are as follows: I believe people who stand up for their beliefs should be respected and valued. I believe it is important to take care of others and help them meet their needs. I believe it is important to pursue what is fair and morally right. […]

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Hi everyone hope you are fine,I would like to introduce my first topic to you,MARINE CONSERVATION. INTRODUCTION TO MARINE CONSERVATION Marine conservation was started the United States of AMERICA in the 1960s and took off in 1972 hence forming Marine Protection,Research,and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) passed hence beginning the movement.Marine Conservation is […]

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Hi everyone, my name is Maria and in this post I will be talking about goal number 5 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 5 aims to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.” What I am most interested about, is the objective within goal 5, which […]

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Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence in pursuit of political aims . There are several types of terrorism  i.e Dissent terrorism – terrorist groups which rebell aganist thier goverment. state sponsered – they act on goverment or state Religious terrorism -this are terrorism groups which are religiously motivated. Criminal […]

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Action Post #4

Noah Berg   Hi! This is my fourth action post, for those of you who are unfamiliar with what I have been doing recently I have been helping with a program call the “First Shift.” This program helps kids who have never played hockey before getting on the ice and […]

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Action Post #5

Hey everyone! I decided to post one more action post just to wrap up some loose ends and update you guys on how the club has been doing! I’ll try to keep this post on the shorter/concise side 🙂 Fundraiser: The popcorn/bake sale went great! I ended up specifically asking […]

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Action Post 3

Hi, my name is Noah Berg, and this is my third action post. I have been helping coach hockey for a month and a half now with a program called the First Shift. This amazing program supplies kids who have never played hockey before with all the equipment and resources […]

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Action post 2

Hi! Just a quick recap for those of you that haven’t read my action plan, I am going to be coming up with one things I can change in my day to day life to help the environment each week!  I am also going to be logging everything I do […]

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