Inquiry Post

Blog #5: Round 3 – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

My inquiry question is: How can education help reduce plastic consumption? Being environmentally responsible is critical to ensuring a healthy planet. As I said in my blog post #1, spreading awareness to keep our Earth’s environment healthy and clean have always been a priority of mine; which leads to why I […]

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Blog #4: Round 2 – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

My inquiry question is: How can education help reduce plastic consumption? Over the past decades, plastics have become a world-known material that could be made into varieties of things. However, the revolutionary discovery of plastics has led to many damaging causes to our planet. In blog #3, I talked about when […]

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Blog Post #5: Round 3 of Research – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? How can negative experiences affect emotional quotient? Having negative experiences can affect emotional quotient in a variety of different ways that are specific to how you deal with these emotions that you feel when having these experiences. If you deal with these emotions correctly, you may […]

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Blog Post 5

1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples) Our main goal from the start was to complete at least 5 cleanups being in different local areas. I am proud to say that my group and I have already passed the […]

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Blog Post 4

1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples) So far, my group and I have completed 2 ocean cleanups. This time, we decided to clean up a small community park near Eagle Ridge Pool. Since we did not feel like […]

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Blog #5

My inquiry question is “how does that media affect the way we think?” and I will be exploring the topic of the effects on how the media affect the way children think.  They say that a child’s brain is like a sponge, absorbing all the information they can get. The […]

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Blog Post #5 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the environment? In my previous research round, I looked into the effects that consumerism and the purchasing patterns that it has brought on have had on our psyche and the way we think. In this final research round, I will be discussing the environmental changes that […]

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Step 5 action post

1) So far, I have completed three nature clean-ups along with the other members of my group: Dorra J and Chantal M. We have cleaned up Mundy Park previously, however, we cleaned it up in a specific area. Since Mundy Park is a big park we decided to clean up […]

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Blog post #5

Blog #5: Round 3 of research  My inquiry question is: Are humans naturally selfish?   In my last blog post, I wrote about how it is not just the systems that we live by that make us selfish but also our society and culture affects the way we act , and causes us […]

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Blog Post #5 – Are humans becoming over dependent on technology?

My inquiry project question is: Are humans becoming over dependent on technology? In my previous blog post, I have mentioned about the deeper advantages and disadvantages of technology dependence because it is always great to look at two sides when comparing and figuring out an answer of this particular question. […]

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Blog Post #5

  The Song of Freedom She sat waiting for the show to start. Phoebe sat, and sat, and sat. Then the music started to play. The wonderful music. The melodic tune filled her senses and left her in wonder as the slim dancer entered the stage. The dancer was beautiful. She was graceful amid the leaps, bounds, and twirls […]

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Blog #5: 3rd round: Are we close to living a robotic life? Are they the future of humanity?

Blog #5: 3rd round: Are we close to living a robotic life? Are they the future of humanity? This is my last question left, and people have been really into this particular question, so that is why I am really excited to write this and delve into it even more. […]

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Blog Post #5: What causes the factors which contribute to low-income and poverty ?

What causes the factors which contribute to low income and poverty?  Insufficient health care services  The causes of insufficient health care, which affects millions globally, are because of “political, social, and economic injustices in the world.” Many politicians and entrepreneurial members of our society use health care as a means […]

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Blog #5: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ differernt? After explaining what psychopaths and sociopaths are, as well as their pattern of behaviour, to answer my inquiry question, it’s time to discuss the similarity and differences, and their impact on the community. People often misuse the word “psychopath” and “sociopath”, thinking […]

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Blog #5: Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction? 

My inquiry question is; “Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction?” In this fifth and last round of research, I will come to an answer for my inquiry question “Is being masculine or feminine biological or are they social constructions?”  In addition, I will investigate the impacts […]

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Blog Post #5

Almost all of the countries in the world have been afflicted by the latest Coronavirus outbreak. There are many reasons why some countries might have been worse hit than others. Differences in government have certainly played a role. However, the magnitude of these effects has varied a great deal between […]

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Blog #5

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? On my last blog, I researched and answered some common questions. They were specific questions, but for this blog, I’ll be answering the main question; which of the two is more beneficial in life? My last research proved both introverts and extroverts have their […]

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Blog #5: What Are the Dangers of Electronic Consumer Waste That We Must Consider Globally?

My inquiry question is: What are the dangers of electronic consumer waste that we must consider globally? Round 3 research: What can we do to reduce/alleviate this problem? What solutions are already in progress, and what solutions are waiting to be put in action? From the previous blog post, we […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

My inquiry question is: How can education help reduce plastic consumption? Plastics pervade all aspects of society. We sleep on plastic-filled pillows, clean our teeth with plastic toothbrushes, type on plastic keyboards, and eat food from plastic containers – it’s impossible to go through a day without encountering plastics. (1) As […]

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Blog Post #5- How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?

How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses? Are any scientists working towards cures; if so how close are they?  Although mental illnesses are treatable, they cannot be cured. The most treatable being depression and bipolar disorder. This is because of the developments made on cognitive […]

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Blog Post #4 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the way we think? In my previous research round, I discussed the definition of consumerism and provided a somewhat brief history of its meteoric rise in our modern world. In this research round, I will be touching on how this new, widespread economic ideology has shaped […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?

How can education help reduce plastic consumption? My main priority in making my round #1’s research blog is to provide interesting and informative answers to the most frequently asked questions about plastics. My main focus will be on 3 questions along with 3 follow-up points. Explanations of every main question […]

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Which countries have achieved success with their measures against Coronavirus?

Which countries have achieved success with their measures against Coronavirus? A year has passed since Covid-19 spread, and a country’s wealth, scientific prowess, and long history of public health success aren’t necessary for a successful response to Covid-19. Even though the U.S. has all of the advantages, it was one […]

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Blog Post: #4

My inquiry question is “how does the media affect the way we think?”  My second round of research will be on “how does mob mentality affect the way we think?” Mob mentality is the influence of a group on an individual to change their behavior as they would not normally in […]

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Blog Post #4

My inquiry question is: Are humans becoming over dependent on technology? In my previous post, I have provided information about some signs and evidences on what makes a person become too dependent on technology as well as the reasons why humans tend to find technology convenient for our daily lives. […]

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Blog Post #4: Have technologies already changed our lifestyle in regard to how work and education have been enhanced?

Have technologies already changed our lifestyle in regard to how work and education have been enhanced? (1) One of the main purposes of technologies has always been to enhance and to help us overcome difficulties that surround us. For instance, the COVID-19 was no exception, it was such a great […]

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Blog Post #4: What are some common factors within demographics with high rates of low-income families?

  What are some common factors within demographics with high rates of low-income families? Most common contributors to low income and homelessness are correlated with the lack of suitable and livable income, which connects with the deficiency of affordable housing or health care (1). Because of these two factors other […]

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Blog #4 – What scientifically happens to humans when they lie?

what scientifically happens to humans when they lie? (1)The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that controls human emotions and behaviour. This part of the brain also helps humans plan and regulate their emotions controllably. A way scientists have realized that the human brain is lying, the human […]

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Step 4 action post

1) So far, I have completed two nature clean-ups along with my other group members: Dorra J and Chantal M. We went to a little neighborhood park near Eagleridge pool and then we cleaned up Scott Creek’s school ground. At both locations, we tried to pick up every piece of […]

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blog post #4

Blog post #4- the effect of World War 1 First, the countries involved in World War 1, During World War 1 Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire were the “Central Powers”; on the other side, Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the U.S. were the “Allied Powers”. Starting with […]

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Blog#4: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? Sociopath traits, characteristics and genetic influence. A sociopath, by definition, means “person with a psychopathic personality whose behaviour is antisocial, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.” (1) That’s probably what most of us think about when we […]

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Blog post #4

Just as a reminder my inquiry question is: Are Humans naturally selfish   In my last post I talked about what Human nature is/ if it is something that really exists, and how things like social Darwinism play into why some philosophers believe in the concept of human nature. In this post I will be researching […]

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Blog post #4: Meeting Daniel…

My partner, Mahdiya and I have been very successful with our action project these weeks. Not only last week did we get fully prepared for our adventure. Nov 13 was a very eye-opening experience. Mahdiya and I headed to downtown Vancouver with Kristi Blakeway and my mom (Kristi’s best friend from high school). to start our day. On the way to Vancouver, in the car, […]

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Blog #4

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? My last research stated I’ll be answering specific and common questions about introverts and extroverts. Does this affect the way we talk to people? How does society take in introverts and extroverts? What is an ambivert? Does this affect the way we talk to […]

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Blog #4: What Are the Dangers of Electronic Consumer Waste That We Must Consider Globally?

My inquiry question is: What are the dangers of electronic consumer waste that we must consider globally? Round 2 research: How does E-waste endanger animals, humans, and the environment? Specifically, does E-waste affect children, teenagers, adults, and seniors differently? Unbeknownst to many people, electronic wastes contain toxic-substances, and they can […]

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Blog Post #4- How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?

For this round my question is What are the known treatments and recent developments for environmental (trauma induced, brain injury induced, and drug induced) and genetic illnesses? Mental illness caused by the environment of a person have the most variables when it comes to treatment. Changing the environment that caused […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – How can education help reduce plastic consumption?”

Spreading awareness to keep our Earth’s environment healthy and clean have always been a priority of mine; which leads to why I chose my inquiry question. Ever since realizing how detrimental plastics are to our environment, I was determined to help eliminate the most plastics I could. I started taking […]

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Blog Post 3

1.)Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples) I’m happy to say that so far, my group completed one ocean cleanup amongst many others we look forward to doing. We went out to Mundy Park in Coquitlam, BC after school, and […]

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Blog #3

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? Or to be specific, is being introverted or extroverted better? My first round of research will be the definition of the vocabulary introvert and extrovert. So what exactly are an introvert and an extrovert? The Oxford definition says an introvert is a quiet person […]

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Blog #3 : 1rst round: What was the most important tool in order to win the race against COVID-19?

What was the most important tool in order to win the race against COVID-19? Undoubtedly, the creation of COVID-19’s vaccine has been our most important and essential tool to face the virus spreading. It is our only way out. A variety of laboratories have achieved the goal to create a […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What Affects Emotional Quotient?” Emotional quotient is the ability to understand others, communicate effectively, manage your emotions, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict [3]. This can affect us by driving our behaviour, which impacts our environment and other people [2]. There are four attributes that commonly define emotional quotient; self-management, which […]

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Blog Post #3

Although they have similar measures, some countries were better able to handle Coronavirus than others, and how did that happen? Almost all aspects of global economics and society have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has attracted international attention. Furthermore, the pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of numerous […]

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Blog post #3

Blog #3: Round 1 of research Are humans born selfish?  As I discussed in my blog post #2 For my first round of research, I will be reaching the concept of human nature, and whether it is something that actually exists.   People describe human nature as different traits or characteristics that all humans share, but people and philosophers often debate on […]

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Action Blog Post #3

1.) I’m currently discussing dates with Kristy Blakeway to take less fortunate people out to lunch and learn more about their stories for my action project. My friend and I are communicating with her through messages and we are discussing potential ways to assist the homeless, and are attempting to set dates and locations. We’re hoping to help the homeless […]

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Blog Post #3

First, the effect of the Seven Years War. There were Multiple countries involved in the Seven Years War. (Even though it was technically a world war, there were few records of how the country’s people had felt and how exactly the country had suffered from the wars.)The countries that participated […]

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Blog #3: What Are the Dangers of Electronic Consumer Waste That We Must Consider Globally?

My inquiry questions is: What are the dangers of electronic consumer waste that we must consider globally?  Round 1 research: What is E-waste (electronic and electrical waste)? What are the different types of E-waste? Are there any major/minor ones? E-waste is a common name for electronic products that are at […]

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Blog 3- How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  As I’ve mentioned in my project plan, I would be discussing traits, characteristics and the genetic influence of a psychopath.  By definition, a psychopath is a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour. Psychopathy is a *neuropsychiatric disorder* [1] (branch of […]

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Blog Post #3-How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?

How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?  What are the types of mental illnesses and how are they developed? Mental Illness and mental disorders are behavioural or emotional limitations that can affect the ability to function and relate to others. (Cunha, 2020). The most common […]

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Blog Post #2

Exposition: A young girl named Jordie has joined ballet. She had dreamed of becoming a famous dancer since she was young and loves it with a passion. She has to experience many obstacles but her instructor has taken a liking to her and offers to help her become the beloved […]

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Blog post #3

The question that I’m going to be researching is “how does the media affect the way we think?” In my 1st round of research, I will be diving further into the question of “how does the media portray certain groups and how can it negatively impact the way people think […]

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Action post 2

1) As my action project, I will be doing various oceanside cleanups around our community. I will be doing this project with other students in this class, which are Dorra and Chantal. We have already signed up as a cleanup group on the national organization of the Great Canadian Shoreline […]

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Blog Post #2

My inquiry question: Why some countries were more capable than others to handle the Coronavirus even though they have similar measures? My first step in my inquiry will be about why some countries were more capable than others of handling the Coronavirus even though they have similar measures. Additionally, it […]

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Blog post #2

My inquiry question is, are humans naturally selfish. To help answer this question these are the things is will be researching!   What is human nature  To answer my big question “are humans naturally selfish” I think it is important to research and understand what exactly the concept of “human nature” is and if “human nature” is really something that exists.  Is it our upbringing / society […]

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Blog #2

My inquiry question: Is being an introvert or extrovert better? In blog post #1, I think 50% of people are introverted and the other half extroverted. I consider myself an introvert, but once you get to know me more or become friends I become extroverted. In my post before, people […]

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Blog Post#2

First, I will do researches on all the widespread wars and their impacts on different countries, how had the economy changed, how had the political issues changed, did they lose allies, or have found a new ally. How have the citizen’s views towards things changed, what did the country earn […]

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Step Two Action Post:

My friend and I have approached Kristy Blakeway about participating in “Project HELLO.” Which is a campaign in which she hopes to change people’s perceptions of the homeless. She wants to put an end to stereotypes and learn more about their lives. I’m currently in contact with her and discussing […]

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Blog #2: Project plan 

My inquiry question is: ‘Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction?’      To answer this question, I will first research the two theories of gender development.  **I know that there are many theories that try to explain gender but I will only research the two main ones.  What is biological determinism? […]

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Blog #2: What is Happening Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer Project Plan

The Impact that my Inquiry Question has: This inquiry question will impact everyone either individually, locally, or even globally. It impacts individuals because it will allow others to seek out and learn how a serial killer becomes one or how they would seek for a victim. For example, I want […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Hey everyone! Just to refresh anyone’s memory, or if some of you haven’t read my inquiry question introduction, the topic I have chosen for my inquiry project is: How does consumerism affect society and our planet? To me, this is an incredibly relevant and intriguing question for many reasons, the […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – “Are humans becoming over-dependent on technology?”

Hello everyone! My inquiry question is: Are humans becoming over-dependent on technology? My first round of research will comprise topics about why our society has become too reliable on technology in the first place as well as including signs that indicates a plentiful amount of dependence which has taken over […]

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Actions Blog Part 2

  Zero hunger No poverty… without poverty, no one would be hungry, tired, unhealthy and living in the worst possible conditions. My partner and I are doing our action project on a campaign called “Project Hello” a group that goes around to help the poor/homeless. My partner and I will […]

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Values Activity

  My 3 most important values are courage, reliability and equality. My 3 least important values are power, tradition and tolerance. Yes, I do believe the results were accurate and suitable for me! Yes, I do believe the statements were good, but they were a little long. Reliability… One time […]

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Blog#2: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  For this project, As I’ve mentioned in the last post, people tend to use the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. A sociopath isn’t an official term to describe a person who has an antisocial personality disorder […]

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