Inquiry Post

Inquiry Blog Post #3

Inquiry Question: Why Are Suicidal Rates Higher for Teenagers My first research for this inquiry question is about the traits of someone that has suicidal thoughts or is feeling suicidal. So, please make sure that you are comfortable with this topic when reading this blog post and if you are […]

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Blog #3: What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

      What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?  For my first round of research, I have decided to dig deep into what Auto-immune diseases are in order to create a general understanding in order to build into our main question.   What is […]

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Blog 3- What problems do Canadian Women face when using the Battered Woman Syndrome Defence in Courts? 

Hi everyone!   My inquiry question this semester is: What problems do Canadian Women face when using the Battered Woman Syndrome Defence in Courts?  This blog post will explain the battered woman syndrome from a medical and judicial perspective. Finally, it will also include a brief description of how the […]

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Blog #3

Inquiry question: What is stress? The first round of research: What causes us stress? Feelings of stress are normally triggered by things happening in your life which involve: being under lots of pressure, facing big changes, worrying about something, not having much or any control over the outcome of a situation, having responsibilities that you’re […]

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Blog #3

How does physical and mental health interrelate? Mind and body are interconnected, even though we think of them as separate. We are more likely to develop mental health problems if we have physical health problems. Approximately one in three people with long-term conditions have a mental health problem, the most […]

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Blog post #3

Blog post #3 Beginning : If you are being abused, remember: You are not to blame for being battered or mistreated. You are not the cause of your partner’s abusive behavior. You deserve to be treated with respect You are not alone. There are people waiting to help. Rising action: […]

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Blog#3: What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? As mentioned in the previous post, I will be discussing the phenomenon of social anxiety in teens.  Social anxiety is properly defined as the persistent fear of being judged and observed by your peers, or strangers. It […]

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Blog Post #2: Project plan – “is humanity inherently “good” or inherently “evil”?

1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question. 2. Provide 5 valid sources that might be useful to address the question. 3. Explain how this question will have implications to other individuals and/or my community. For my […]

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Blog Post #3 Pt. 2

1.) This semester, my partner and I will head downtown with Kristi Blakeway to assist individuals experiencing homelessness. Since we all had busy schedules last semester, we only got to go out and do the action element of the project once. This time though, we’re going to make sure we get […]

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I reasearched into pesticides because pesticides are a big part of Canadian farming and bring in alot of money for the farming industry. I am interested in this topic becasue I know alot of people who farm and likely use pesticides to aid in their farming. Some facts that I […]

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volcanoes are a pretty basic subject to understand i mean most people already know what volcanoes are but with basic concepts like these, people don’t always look further into it, well today is your chance to change that! as your read further into my post your knowledge of volcanoes will […]

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Action blog post #3

So far in my action project, I have only completed one nature clean-up with my group. Yesterday Chantal and I completed our first nature clean-up of this half of the semester. Unfortunately, our other group members weren’t able to make it yesterday due to sickness and other extracurriculars, however, we […]

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Blog Post 2

1.) Provide a summary of the action you are planning and how are you going to start.  This semester, I joined a group that worked together last year to do ocean cleanups around our community. I thought it was a very cool way to use our class time well to […]

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Blog Post 1

BLOG POST 1  a) What are your 3 most important values?  Based on the values I was given; I think my 3 most important values would be A) I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights. It is particularly important that people are treated equally because we are […]

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action blog post #2

what im planning on doing is volunteering and training for a horse rescue in my community, we tae in surrenders and save horses from auction/ slaughter. some complexity i will face is definitely training, im planning on training and leasing troubled horses and it can be dangerous and difficult. helping […]

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Blog Post #2

Exposition: My story is about a girl that is in an abusive relationship, that eventually realizes that self-love is extremely important. The story takes place in Britain. Point of Attack: The problem is that this girl is looding herself in a relationship that isnt good for her. Her goal is […]

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Blog Post #2

My central question is What are the effects of stigma against mental illness? The first step to my research is answering the question of: Do people with mental illness process information differently? This will help me to address my question because it also ties into the way people with mental illness process stigma […]

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Blog #2: What are the affects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

1.Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question. Step #1:  My first step is to research what Auto-immune disorders are in general, what classifies a disease as autoimmune and what some common ones are. I’m doing this in order […]

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Blog post 2

1.) Provide a summary of the action you are planning and how are you going to start. Last semester, my group and I decided to do ocean cleanups around our community. We decided to do a continuation of that, maybe tweak a couple things just to keep it new and […]

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Blog post #2

What are the reasons behind our concern for our physical well-being? 1. My first step will be to discuss the connections between physical health and mental health. There is a high risk of chronic health conditions in people with serious mental health conditions. Both psychological and physical health are equally […]

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About me

Hello, my name is Ceilidh Buizer. My first name is pronounced like Kaylee though, it’s just a little tricky. I am a student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. I am 16 years old, and I am in grade eleven. I have two dogs named Loki and Bosco. Bosco is […]

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Blog post #2- What impact did Napoleon Bonaparte have in our world?

Napoleon was best known for his military successes, and he was a great military general who had changed both France and the whole of Europe forever. First, I will research the Napoleonic code and modern laws of European countries, including France, Switzerland, and Italy. And I will also compare Napoleonic […]

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Step 2 action post

As my action project, I will be doing many nature cleanups in our surrounding parks, public areas, and anywhere our community needs it. I will be doing these nature cleanups along with my two other classmates and friends in my class, this being Dorra J and Chantal M. We will […]

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Action Post #2 (Pt.2)

Kristi Blakeway has been contacted by a friend and I about engaging in “Project HELLO” again. This is a program in which she seeks to influence people’s attitudes toward homeless people. She wants to dispel prejudices and gain a better understanding of their life. I’m in communication with her right […]

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Blog#2: What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE.  My topic is what is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide. As I’ve said in my previous post, social anxiety is a fast-growing phenomenon that is thought to be unfairly affecting younger people. Social anxiety and suicidal ideation is toxic cycle we all have to […]

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Blog post #2

Blog #2: Project plan 1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question.  What is the prison industrial complex?  This will help me and others who read my post really under stand the prison industrial complex. I think this […]

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Blog #2- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone!  In this post, I will explain my project plan: My inquiry question is: What are the problems faced by women when using the BWS Defence in Canadian Courts?  Round of research 1: I will introduce the BWS defence and some basic concepts of law. I think this is necessary […]

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Blog Post #2 – Why are humans virtually always in conflict?

Hey again everyone! If you haven’t gotten around to reading this inquiry project’s first blog post, my inquiry question is “Why are humans virtually always in conflict?” This topic has been of incredible interest to me and I hope to discover some interesting things throughout my research.   Research Rounds: […]

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Action post #1

1. My three important values are equality, innovation, and helping. My three least important values are friendship, spiritual growth, and family 2. I definitely do agree with them and now looking back these are the exact same as the ones that I picked in September. One that I would disagree […]

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about me :)

hello! my name is Oceane Hubert, as you may be wondering my name is pronounced like this ( o-sea-Ann) but everyone calls me ocean… yes like the body of water. i’m 16 and attend the Middleton regional high school in Middleton nova Scotia, Canada (mrhs), and i think my favorite […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question: Inquiry Question: Why do plants differ from one another? (Mainly comparing desert plants vs tropical forestry plants) Habitat difference What is a desert? What is a tropical forest? How are […]

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Blog Post 1: Values Activity & Aligning this with Global Millennium Goals

a) What are your 3 most important values? Based on the choices I was given, I think my 3 most important values would be A) equality: I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights. P) personal growth:  I believe it is important to continually pursue new skills […]

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Blog #1- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone,   My inquiry questions this semester is: What problems do Canadian women face when using the Battered Woman Syndrome Defence in courts?  This defence, commonly known as the BWS defence, is a type of legal defence that is used by women who kill their abusers or/and batterers.   […]

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Blog 6

Reflection  What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The challenges I faced throughout my project were regarding finding and understanding the information for my research and communicating it in an easier way for people to understand. At the beginning I […]

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Blog #2

My inquiry question: Why do we have stress? (stress) My three steps to research would be on these questions; what causes of stress, how we can prevent stress, and how we can resolve stress. These three questions are the ones that would give me the answer to my main question. […]

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Blog post #1- Scott

My inquiry question for the second semester will be, ” What impact did Napoleon Bonaparte have on our world.” because after studying the French Revolution, I had come to be very interested in how had Napoleon changed our world, and since he was a significant figure in the history.

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Blog post 7 (Reflection)

Address the following questions: What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? During our action project, we faced several challenges, some more challenging than others. Some of the bigger ones we faced were the weather, finding locations where we would be […]

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Blog post #1: What are the reasons behind our concern for our physical well-being?

What are the reasons behind our concern for our physical well-being? Everything else in life depends on physical well-being. There is research that shows that our physical well-being affects mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as our stress tolerance and cognitive abilities. I chose this topic […]

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Step One Action Post: Values Activity & Aligning this with Global Millennium Goals

2a) What are your 3 most important values? Of all the values given to choose from, the most important ones to me are A) I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights, M) I believe it is important to feel sympathy, care or concern for others, and […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

State your inquiry question: My inquiry question for the second semester will be “Why do plants differ from one another?” Explain why this is a question of interest for you: This question interests me because I enjoy learning about how nature differs in different areas and about nature in general. […]

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Step 1 action post: my values & aligning them with global millennium goals

After doing the values activity, I learned my 3 most important values are equality, freedom & friendship. My 3 least important values are tradition, leadership & innovation. In my opinion, I somewhat agree with my results, however, I find that the statements are good descriptions of the values. The sole […]

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Action Blog Post 7

1.) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? My partner and I overcame a number of challenges during our action project. One of the obstacles was actually getting downtown to aid those who were homeless since both of us, as well […]

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Blog post #1

Blog #1: Inquiry project 1. State your inquiry question.  My inquiry question for this semester is: How does the prison industrial complex affect marginalized groups? 2. Explain why this is a question of interest for you.  This semester I chose the question How does the prison industrial complex affect marginalized […]

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Blog #1: inquiry project

Blog #1: Inquiry project TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE.  My inquiry question is what’s the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?  Social anxiety is a fast-growing phenomenon which is thought to be unfairly affecting younger people. Just like any anxiety, it’s a mental health issue that could leave serious consequences if not […]

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Blog #6: Reflection

a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about it? First and foremost, my inquiry was worthwhile, but I had to do a lot of research, which was stressful. One of the difficulties was finding reliable sources. Check if the resources have been corrected […]

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Blog #1

Hello and thank you for supporting my previous research. For this semester I’ve decided to research stress. The main research is going to be on what causes us stress, how we can prevent stress, and finally, what is stress. This is a problem everyone is facing and a topic I’m […]

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Blog post #6 Scott

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? During the research part of the inquiry project, I had encountered many obstacles, but the hardest one was when I was researching the effects of world war 1 and world war 2. […]

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Blog post #6: The Reflection- How does technology have helped us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic?

Inquiry question: How does technology have helped us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic? Blog post #6: The Reflection Hi everyone! Thank you so much for been following my research in relation to how does technology has been helping us through the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. This inquiry question I have chosen as […]

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Blog Post #6 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Reflection – Metamorphosis a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, I ran into a few main challenges centred around opinion versus fact. The topic I chose to research, consumerism, is a polarizing topic and the […]

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Blog Post #6

During this project, I had a bit of writer’s block, and had to overcome it. I did this by relaxing myself, taking time for self-care. This story challenged everything I thought I knew about sexual assault cases. I severly underestimated the ratios. I think that this information will make me […]

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Blog #6: Reflection

The challenge I faced throughout my inquiry project was to make sure that all my questions were answered clearly and in detail. For example, for my second question about how e-waste endanger animals, humans, and the environment, I also wanted to find out if it affect children, teenagers, adults, and […]

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blog #6- Reflection

Blog #6: Reflection a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, some challenges I had encountered were the lack of information and clarity on specific topics. For example, how much genetics influence the occurrence of psychopathy. […]

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Blog post #6

Blog #6: Reflection a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?  Throughout this inquiry project one of the challenges that I had to overcome was sometimes a lack of information and resources that were easy for me to comprehend. Sometimes […]

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Blog #6 Reflexion

Inquiry question: Intorvert or extrovert? a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Some of my research was difficult. There were many questions I wanted to answer, but it was difficult to find the response because there wasn’t a precise […]

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About me

Hey Social responsibility! My name is Tiffany Yao, and this is my first year at Charles best! In this About me post, I will be sharing my hobbies, interests, and many other facts about myself! Without further ado, let’s proceed:) About me: One thing about me that may surprise most […]

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