Inquiry Post

Blog post #7

What challenges did you overcome throughout this action project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? My original challenge was the heavy rain and how it was flooding the areas I was trying to clean but I temporarily fixed it by bringing an umbrella and rain boots. Now more […]

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Blog #7

The inquiry question I researched was: What is stress? I faced some challenges finding different information about each question I answered. Many resources had the same information. I overcame these challenges by going through many different sources to find some info that differed. This inquiry question helped me change the […]

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Blog 7: Reflection

My topic was: The relationship between social anxiety and suicide.  While researching my topic, I found that a lot of the resources were repetitive and either really in-depth or had little to no scientific backing to it. But after reading multiple journals and articles on the same material, I found […]

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Blog Post#7: Reflection

Blog Post #7: Reflection  (a) what challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?  Unfortunately, I had originally planned to interview some professionals in the immunology and rheumatology department however the more I tried to send emails and keep communication strong between […]

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Blog #7: Reflection – How does the prison industrial complex affect marginalized groups

Blog #7: Reflection 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?  Throughout my inquiry project a challenge that I faced was finding information and sources that was both unbiased and that was at a level […]

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Blog #7: Reflection

1. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? It was difficult to find current information about the BWS defence because most articles about it were from the 1990’s to early 2000’s (when it was created and used for the first […]

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Blog #7: Reflection

There was one main challenge throughout this inquiry project for me. Possibly due to the planning of my three parts for my question, I found myself doing research that was giving me the same information. I really had to browse online, try to reword my questions, and think from different […]

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Blog #7

Hello, Here is my final blog post! What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? To be honest, I struggled with motivation throughout these final months. I was on the verge of failing this class, however, I pulled through and now […]

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Blog Post #7 – Why are humans virtually always in conflict?

a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The main challenge I dealt with during this inquiry project was encountering conflicting opinions and information. The topic I chose to research is hotly debated and scientists and researchers have yet to […]

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GMO Final Essay

GMOs have been and still are a very controversial topic throughout the world. There are many misunderstandings on what a GMO is: many people believe that anything manipulated or changed by people falls into this category. [1] This is in fact not the case, as the US Food and Drug […]

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The Atomic Bomb

The Atomic Bomb                         The atomic bomb is one of the most environment-devastating things ever created by man. It has the capabilities to wipe out cities and civilizations. Some things that need to be highlighted are the mechanics of […]

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Inquiry-Water Systems

 Water Systems- What are the thing people can do to keep people, ecosystems, and other organisms safe? Water systems are used commonly throughout the world and have many beneficial factors. Although they are extremely useful, problems can occur. When problems arise from water systems, solutions and impacts can be discovered […]

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Blog Post #5: What are the affects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

Unfortunately, at the beginning of the semester, I had decided to interview a few professionals within the immunology field for my research, but due to unseen circumstances that won’t be happening! Instead, I will be answering some of the questions that I had prepared for the interview through online research!  Who […]

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Blog Post 5

1.) Where are you with your action? My group and I have done 3 nature cleanups this semester. In total, we completed around 6, but I can’t really remember. For this cleanup, we decided to go to Glen Park. A location we have never been to. It was a nice […]

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Blog Post #5: How can changing the timeline could affect the reality as we know it now? Is there any risk of creating paradoxes

How can changing the timeline could affect the reality as we know it now? Is there any risk of creating paradoxes? Undo mistakes, well that’s what parallel times are much about. Time travel could be possible, but only with parallel timelines, creating a parallel universe right next to use with […]

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blog post #5

Have we been affected physically by the pandemic? As a result of COVID-19, many people stay at home and sit more than they usually would. There are a lot of us who have trouble doing the sort of exercise we usually do. For those who don’t usually exercise is even […]

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Blog #5: What’s the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? This is where I gather my notes and extra information to answer my inquiry question, what is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide? To conclude, Social anxiety is related to high rates of suicidal ideations. (Buckner […]

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Blog #5

Hello everyone, for my final round of research I will inform you about what is stress. Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed, pressured, and more negative emotions. Stress is our body’s response to negative energy. Stress can come from many different situations or life events. It is often triggered […]

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Blog #5- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone! In this last round of research, I researched about the battered women that choose not to use the BWS defence. I will also give a quick answer to my inquiry question: What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts? To begin with, many […]

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Blog Post #3- What are some concerns of law in different countries?

My inquiry question is “What are some concerns of law in different countries?”. The Emergencies Act, a term that we often hear in recent news. It is a law introduced by the Canadian Parliament in 1988 that allows the government to adopt extraordinary temporary measures in response to public welfare, […]

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blog post #5

1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples)  Throughout this class, I have completed two beach cleanups by myself or with my family members because I have not been available to meet with my group on the days they’ve scheduled […]

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Blog #5: How can mindfulness help us identify and mange our emotions?

My inquiry question is: How can mindfulness help us identify and manage our emotions? Round 3 research: Why is it important to be mindful of our emotions? No one likes pain. So you might wonder, why would you want to remain open to feeling these painful and uncomfortable emotions? Well, turning […]

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Blog post #5 – how the prison industrial complex affects marginalized groups and how/ if the term prison industrial complex is relevant here is so called “Canada.” 

Just as a reminder my question is how the prison industrial complex affects marginalized groups. In my last blog post I talked about what groups are affected by the prison industrial complex and how people’s intersecting marginalized identities play a role in how they are affected by the prison industrial […]

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Blog Post #4

Inquiry Question: Why Are Suicidal Rates Higher for Teenagers My second research for this inquiry question is about how one with suicidal thoughts feels and shows toward others. So, please make sure that you are comfortable with this topic when reading this blog post and if you are not comfortable, […]

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blog post #4 What role does physical health play in the prevention of some diseases, both physically and mentally?

Firstly, physical activity helps you stay healthy, fit, and live a healthier lifestyle.  As well as that, it also reduces your risk of chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancers, depression, anxiety, and dementia (1). This is why tertiary prevention focuses on individuals who have already […]

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Blog Post #4: Does time travel really exist, an illusion, or just theories studied in books?

Does time travel really exist, an illusion, or just theories studied in books? Even though it is more likely to believe that time-travelling is just an imaginary idea, it can actually turn out to be, with adequate equipment and technology, a way beyond our imagination. There is more than just […]

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Blog post 4

1.) Where are you with your action? My group and I have completed another cleanup in a park. The same park as the previous cleanup, Lafarge Lake park, but in several areas. Some of the areas we covered were the grass area, the amphitheater, and the walking path around the […]

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Blog #4: Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability

Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability What Resources Do Desert Plants Have Access To? Plants that live in the desert require special skills to survive in such a hostile environment [1]. This is a resulting reason that some desert plants grow extremely long roots in the […]

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Blog post 4

This week I went to Cancun Mexico, so I took it upon myself to do some cleanup there. With this plan in mind, I walked down to the beach from my hotel with a plastic bag and some gloves. I also went with my parents so we could clean even […]

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Blog post 3

1.) Where are you with your action? For our action project, my group has completed 1 clean-up so far. Unfortunately, I was sick the entire week and was not able to go out with them. They went to Lafarge lake park. According to my group, the cleanup went very well. […]

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Blog Post #4

Climax: During the climax, the main character leaves their partner and lives in a hotel to try and get their life back together again. Falling Action: During the falling the action the main character’s former partner shows up at their door and tries to get them back. Eventually the encounter […]

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Blog Post #4: What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

What are the effects of auto-immune diseases on children of various ages? For this round of research, I will be comparing two autoimmune diseases, one rare and one common, that mostly affect adolescence (between the ages of 10 and 19). Research the inner workings of the disease, the medications needed, […]

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Blog post #4 -What Marginalized groups are affected by the prison industrial complex? 

What Marginalized groups are affected by the prison industrial complex?  Just as a reminder my question is how the prison industrial complex affects marginalized groups. In this blog post I will be talking about what groups are affected by the prison industrial complex and how people’s intersecting marginalized identities play […]

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Blog #4

Hello everyone. My topic for this semester’s inquiry research is on stress. This round of research would answer how we can prevent stress. We can handle our stress by: Eat and drink to optimize your health There are people who try and cope stress by eating unhealthy food such as McDonald’s. […]

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Blog #4: What’s the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? As mentioned in the previous post, I will be discussing suicidal ideation and its effect on teens.  Suicidal ideation includes suicidal thoughts or ideas, describing a range of thoughts and wishes related to suicide and death. It can […]

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Action blog post #4

So far, last Monday we completed our second nature clean-up. Although, we would have liked to do more due to the different schedules we’ve had at school and our own personal different schedules. Despite this, Chantal, Dorra and I went to clean up lafarge lake/town center park last Monday. We […]

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Blog #4: How can mindfulness help us identify and manage our emotions?

My inquiry question is: How can mindfulness help us identify and manage our emotions? Round 2 research: How can it impact our lives? How can mindfulness help identify and manage our emotions? Mindfulness can impact our lives in many aspects. As discussed in the previous post, it can help us improve […]

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Blog #4- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

  This fourth round of research is about the changes made in the law of self defence and the remaining difficulties of interpreting these  cases. I will analyse interpretations and procedures taken in legal cases involving battered women in Canada and the laws behind it.  Amendments in Self-defence laws to […]

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Tsunami Impacts

For my post I will be talking about three main impacts that I think are most important when talking about Tsunamis. First I will be talking about the Impact Tsunamis have on people and their lives. In 1782 more then 40 000 thousand people were killed from a Tsunami which […]

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Impacts of Poaching

For my impact round of research, I have found many consequences of poaching. The three that stood out the most to me were the endangerment/extinction of wildlife, imbalances in ecosystems, and the impact it has on humans and tourism [1][2]. I think that the endangerment and extinction of animals is […]

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Blog post 3

Step Three Action Blog Post: (and ongoing) – reflection (Charles Best)  1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g., what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples) Well for the past five days I have taken my dog for a walk down by the Fraser River and collected garbage. […]

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blog post #3

My inquiry question is “What impact did Napoleon Bonaparte have on our world?” First, I will talk about the good changes that Napoleon had made to make France a better country. France had been in bad shape ever since Louis the 14th had drained the country economically by building the […]

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Respond to this post by leaving a reply and answering the following questions. What is your favorite sound? Explain why. What is your least favorite sound? Explain why. How do these sounds relate to your memories?

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Blog #3: Round 1 of research

How does stigma against mental health affect people with mental illness? First off, what are the different types of stigma? There are two, public stigma and self-stigma (3). The former relates to prejudices attitudes are formed by others. The latter is when prejudices attitudes are created towards oneself. Furthermore, stigma varies depending […]

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