Inquiry Post

Blog post #5

My inquiry question: how are prejudice and bias created? My current topic is how can we avoid this way of thinking? This is a very important step because by understanding how we can avoid it, we can eliminate these negative thoughts. As I understand why these ways of thinking exist, I […]

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Blogpost #5 – How decriminalizing could help tackle the opioid crisis

How decriminalizing could help tackle the opioid crisis/ the difference between legalization and decriminalization.  In my last blog post I talked about How the criminalization of drugs effects marginalized communities and the effect that the decriminalization of drugs could have on these communities. In this blog post I will be looking […]

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Blog Post #5

My inquiry question this semester is “What is the impact of school on students’ mental health?” In my previous posts, I have explored the different kinds of mental health disorders that school can cause in teens, as well as how schools contribute to students’ mental health, whether it be positive […]

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Blog #5: Should individuals consider getting a pet to improve their mental health?

My inquiry question:  How does a pet impact and benefit an individual’s mental health? Should individuals consider getting a pet to improve their mental health? Benefits of a pet physically and in general Apart from mental health benefits, there are many benefits of having a pet in our daily lives. Studies […]

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Blog 4- How do Gender Roles and Discrimination Affect Our Society?

Hi everyone,  In this blog post, I’ll explain how gender roles and gender discrimination affect the lgbt community. I will talk about things like: how gender roles impact same-sex couples, and how lgbt+ women are discriminated within the community due to gender discrimination. Gender roles:  Gender roles have a huge […]

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Blog post #4

My big inquiry question: How are prejudice and bias created?   My current topic: How can prejudice and biased opinions shape our environment? I want to research what results in thinking this way. I want to research more specific global problems that resulted from this way of thinking by including […]

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Action Blog Post #4

1.) I returned to Hillcrest Middle School as part of my action project to assist in a classroom again. This time, in addition to spending the entire day helping Mrs. Carston’s class, I also visited other teachers throughout the school to help them. I spent the morning interacting with the […]

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Blog Post #4 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What is the history of virtual/augmented reality and how has it advanced? Hello everyone and welcome back to my inquiry project. In my last blog post, I spoke about what constituted virtual/augmented reality and helped define and explain it to people who didn’t know. Today, I will be delving into […]

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Blog post #4 – How the criminalization of drugs effects marginalized communities / the effect that the decriminalization of drugs could have on these communities?

Blog post #4 – How the criminalization of drugs effects marginalized communities / the effect that the decriminalization of drugs could have on these communities?  In my last blog post I researched what the decriminalization of drugs entails and What an initiative like this look like both locally in British […]

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Blog #4: Do emotional support animals work as well or better than other methods of mental health treatments?

My inquiry question: How does a pet impact and benefit an individual’s mental health? Do emotional support animals work as well or better than other methods of mental health treatments What is an ESA ESA stands for emotional support animal & can also be called an assistance animal. (1) ESAs […]

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Blog Post #4

My inquiry question this semester is “What is the impact of school on students’ mental health?” This is obviously a very complex question, so I have split up my research into three different subsections. In my last blog post, I researched what kind of mental health disorders schools can cause […]

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Blog post#4 – What is the explanation for why the superpowers are this strong today?

Today is the second research round for my inquiry project, my question is “What is the explanation for why the superpowers are this strong today?”. And for this round of research, the topic is” Research “Past” superpowers in the world, like the Mongolian empire, Egyptian empire, the British empire, etc… […]

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Blog 3- How do Gender Roles and Discrimination Affect Our Society?

Hi everyone: In this first round of research, I will look at how gender roles and gender discrimination impact the youth. I chose to research about education and social media because they are both very present in the lifestyle of youth in today’s world.  Gender discrimination in education:  Girls are […]

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Blog Post #3 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What is virtual reality/augmented reality? While this question may seem pointless and entirely self-explanatory for the more technologically inclined, the majority of the public seems to have a skewed perception of what this technology truly is. Due in large part to films and TV shows, we are led to believe […]

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Blog #3 Round 1 of Research

Inquiry question: How do sports affect mental health? Round 1 of Research: Why are sports so important for individuals? Sports help improve the concentration levels, and problem solving of individuals. (National Library of Medicine) In a study it is shown that students that are athletes have higher levels of concentration […]

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Blog post #3

Topic Sentence: How are prejudice and bias created?    Research round question: What do prejudice and bias mean?   This will help my inquiry question because I need to know the definition of prejudice and bias to recognize how they are created. How do we categorize the ways we misjudge […]

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Blog Post #3- What is the explanation for why the superpowers are this strong today?

Today is the first research round for my inquiry project, my question is “What is the explanation for why the superpowers are this strong today?”. And for this round of research, the topic is” Research ‘Today’ superpowers in the world, and how they get here, did they do something extraordinary? […]

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Blog Post #3

My inquiry question this semester is: What impact does school have on its students’ mental health? I chose this question because I am interested in finding the benefits or drawbacks of school in relation to students’ mental health. To answer this question, I will first need to research what the […]

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Blog Post #2 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

Hello everyone! Today I will be detailing my project plan for my inquiry question: ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?   Research Rounds: What is virtual/augmented reality? (This will allow students comprehend these often misunderstood technologies) What is their history and how have they advanced? (This will demonstrate to […]

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Blog #2- Project plan

Hi everyone!  My inquiry question is: How do gender roles and discrimination affect our society? To answer this question, I decided to research its impact on three different parts of our society; youth, the LGBT+ community, and immigrants. Of course, there are many other parts/groups in a society, but I […]

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Blog Post#2 What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today? Scott

My inquiry question is” What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today?” I plan to answer this question with the following 3 research plans. Research “Today” superpowers in the world, and how did they get here, did they do something extraordinary? Or did they do something that […]

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Blog Post #2

My inquiry question is: What impact does school have on its students’ mental health? Here are my three steps for research: What mental health disorders are linked to school stress? By doing this, I hope to become more educated on the topic. I will have a variety of different sources […]

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Blog Post #2: Project Plan

The inquiry question I chose for this semester is “How does gender inequality affect/impact sports?” I chose this question because I love playing sports, and this is a topic that is extremely important to me. Here is my Semester 1 project plan: Topic 1: The difference between men and women’s […]

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Blog post #1: Where should youth/adolescents invest their money?

My Inquiry question for this semester will be, “Where should youth/adolescents invest their money?” I chose this question because there is no absolute right or wrong answer, just perception and“luck”. In addition, as our generation gains more access to information around the world, it’s the perfect time to utilize what […]

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Blog 1: Inquiry Project

Inquiry question:  How does a pet impact and benefit an individual’s mental health?  Why this is a question of interest: Mental health is a struggle for everyone. As a student, I find that my mental health wavers whether it’s a result of personal matters or my classes and stresses at school. I’ve […]

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Blog #1 – Animals!

Hi everyone! Today I will be talking about my topic for this semester! This term I have decided to do an Inquiry Project just because there has been a certain question lingering my head ever since my family adopted a cat! Why do animals (pets) make people feel so nice/well/good?  […]

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Blog Post #1-Scott Lyu 

For this semester’s inquiry project, I have decided to do further research on the history of superpower countries. My inquiry question will be “What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today.” I am choosing to answer this question because I have always wondered why they are so […]

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Blog Post #1

For my inquiry question this term I decided to ask, “What impact does school have on its students’ mental health?” I feel that this is a very timely question especially because of the recent increase of mental health disorders in teens. This is a question of interest for me because […]

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Hello everyone,it seemed I have been quiet for long but I am now back and I am continuing with my research. The reason as to why I have been silent is because I was able to do my grade 12 exam and passes very well and I joined the university. […]

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Blog Post #1: What impact does sex trafficking have on our society and how deeply are we affected?

This question fascinates me because sex trafficking affects so many lives, yet it is rarely talked about amongst people my age. I hear almost nothing about it in school and I think that is unfortunate. I want to bring more awareness to this topic and the people it affects. My […]

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Blog Post #1 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

Is virtual reality/augmented reality positive for humans? This question has been weighing quite heavily on my brain for the past few years, and I believe it is one of the most relevant topics in our modern world. With the rapid development of new technologies, considerable jumps in what we can […]

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Blog Post #1

My 3 most important values are reliability, personal growth and opportunity.  My least 3 important values were community, power and tradition. I somewhat agree with these results. I believe my most significant values were correct because I believe it is crucial to be able to rely on and be relied on […]

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About me

Hi everyone! My name is Sofia and I live in Coquitlam. I’m 17 and I go to Charles Best Secondary (gr 12). This is my second year in Social Responsibility, and I’m very excited!  My passion is reading, especially non-fiction. I really like reading about social issues, such as women’s […]

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About me

Hello, I’m Ceilidh Buizer and I am a grade 12 in Charles Best secondary school. Although I go to school in Coquitlam, I live in Mission which is about an hour away. Accordingly, I start every school day morning at 5:50 am and take the West Coast Express to school. […]

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All About Me

Hi there! My name is Sanam Moazed and currently, I am in grade 11 at Charles Best Secondary. Some interesting facts about me are, I have a twin, I was born in Iran and immigrated to Canada when I was 7 years old, I have a pet cat named Chito, […]

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