Inquiry Post
About Me
Hey everyone! My name is Mahdiya Adnan, and I am currently a grade eleven student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary. This is my third year taking this Social Responsibility class. The reason I keep taking this class is because I want to keep making a difference in my community. Also, I want […]
About Me- James Zhang
My name is James Zhang, I’m in grade 9 and I go to Dr. Charles Best Secondary School in Coquitlam. This is my first year taking Social Responsibility. Some things to know about are that I love soccer, programming, technology-related, and listening to music. I started trying coding with Scratch […]
About Me – Marisa Ciulla
Hello everyone! My name is Marisa Ciulla, I am currently 16 years old but will be turning 17 in less than a week. I am a grade 12 student at Dr. Ecole Charles Best Secondary school, and look forward to graduating this year, and I live in Coquitlam BC Canada. […]
About Me – Sarah Gamar
Hi and thank you for visiting my “About Me” page!! My name is Sarah Gamar and I’m an eleventh-grade student at Dr. Charles Best. Currently, I am a part of the French Immersion program and along with my continuous learning of this language and, of course, English, I have recently […]
About me – Po Yiu Yau
Hello everyone, My name is Po Yiu, and I am 13 years old, in Grade 9 French Immersion. I go to Dr. Charles Best Secondary, which is in Coquitlam, B.C., Canada. This is my first year in taking this course, and I am hoping to learn a lot, as others […]
About me
Hello everyone, I’m Sammie and I am a 15-year-old French emersion grade 11 student at Dr. Charles Best secondary school which is in Coquitlam BC. This is my third year in social responsibility which means I’ve been doing it since 19th grade. One of my favorite subjects in school is […]
About me- Lily Phan
My name is Lily Phan, thirteen years old and attend Charles Best Secondary School. My favourite subjects are English and French. This is my first year in this program, and looking forward to researching and writing about issues that interest me. Some information about myself, I was born in Vietnam […]
About Me Bio
Hello! My name is Ava Vukovic and I am a grade 11 student at Charles Best; this is my second year taking Social Responsibility. This class taught me about abstract topics hardly touched on in core classes, all within independent research. Therefore, I am extremely excited to come back to […]
About Me – Julie Wang
My name is Julie Wang, I am seventeen years old, and I am a twelfth grader at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. My favourite subject is English. I took this course when I was in Grade 10 and I quite enjoyed it, so I am taking it again in Grade 12. […]
Round Research # 1: Why Humans Engage in War for Religious Reasons.
Religion with wars has been going hand in hand for a very long time. Warriors or enemies, prayers and offers sacrifices before wars hoping to defeat their opponents having God by their side. Religious causes of war include: the spread of faith, bringing back or rescuing believers that were once […]
Blog post #7
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Some challenges that I was faced with was that almost all of the websites that I could find seemed to have very biased opinions about AI, some extremely positive, and some extremely […]
Blog #7 metamorphosis: why is Impressionism important in art history?
Blog #7 metamorphosis: why is Impressionism important in art history? What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project and how did you overcome them? When researching for this inquiry project I struggled with choosing what information to use etc. Due to the large popularity of the impressionist […]
Blog Post #7 Reflection on Action
As I mentioned in all of my previous blogs, our main challenge throughout this action project, was being able to meet up. As we both have our own individual schedules, meeting up was very difficult for us. Our solution for that was to constantly communicate. Although we did communicate at […]
Blog #7 – Reflection!!
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading all of my blog posts about my inquiry this semester! I really enjoyed being able to research a thought that was always in the back of my head, and am glad I was able to reflect on all the possible options […]
Blog Post #7: Reflection
Hey everyone! Today I am reflecting on my final project of this course! For anyone new, my inquiry question was: What Impact Does Social Media Have on Teens? I learned a lot over the course of the semester. Now, lets reflect: What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How […]
Blog #7: Metamorphosis
Hello and welcome to my last blog post of this semester. This semester I researched the inquiry question, “How are values and beliefs developed?” If you have been following my research, you would know that I did end up going very in depth about it which is something I was […]
Blog #7
Blog #7: Reflection What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? My inquiry question: Why do we try to fit in society’s standards? Some challenge I overcame through my inquiry project was coming up with 3 smaller questions to lead up to […]
Action Blog Post #7 Pt.2
1.) a.) I have faced and overcome multiple challenges during my action project of volunteering at different schools. One obstacle I faced was walking around Hillcrest Middle School to help in various classes because I had a sprained knee. I overcame this by doing stretches for my leg and taking […]
Blog #7- What’s the role of the media in current social movements?
Hi everyone! In this last blog post, I will reflect on my research and its process What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? There are many current social movements and I struggled to decide which ones to research about, and […]
Blog Post #7: Reflection
My inquiry question this semester was, “How fears and phobias evolve from childhood to adulthood?” What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? I struggled to find specific information or websites about the evolution of fears and phobias from childhood to adulthood. Most websites I found would talked about […]
Blog post #7 – Reflexion
Blog #7: Reflection My question was What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming […]
Blog Post #7 – Metamorphosis: Does Pretty Privilege Exist and If It Does, How Does It Affect Life Outcomes and Possible Opportunities?
Hello and welcome to my semester 1 inquiry wrap-up reflection post for my question – Does Pretty Privilege Exist and If It Does, How Does It Affect Life Outcomes and Possible Opportunities? This question taught me a ton about Pretty Privilege as a whole, how it pertains to celebrities and […]
Blog Post #7 – Reflection
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I researched how childhood trauma impacts child development. This is a topic that is very personal and important to me, and researching the effects of childhood trauma could be emotionally challenging at […]
Blog 7: Metamorphosis – Fashion Throughout History
1. What challenges did you overcome during this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? During this inquiry project I feel like I struggled with finding information because some things that you search up can be a little too specific for websites to answer. I also had […]
Blog Post #7 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?
Reflection a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? As I mentioned in my last project’s reflection post, the main challenge I encountered while completing this inquiry project was biased information. The topic I chose to research is incredibly polarizing […]
Blog Post #6-Metamorphosis
Throughout the course of this inquiry project on the positive impact of technology on the sports industry, I encountered various challenges that required adaptability to overcome. Firstly, one significant challenge was navigating through the vast amount of available information and ensuring that the sources I utilized were reputable and reliable. […]
Step 7 Action Post
Like mentioned in many of my previous blogs, Mai and I’s major challenge in this project was coordinating our times so we can go out to pick up garbage. At first we were stuck in a loop where we tried to text each other all the time, but there never […]
Blog 7: Metamorphosis-Abuse in sports
What challenges did you overcome throughout this action project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Finding solid evidence about abuse instances that went beyond allegations was difficult for me to find when conducting my research on abuse in sports. It became clear that gathering verifiable accounts and actual […]
Blog Post #7 – Reflection
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? During this inquiry project, I struggled to find a variety of different sources to derive my research from. To overcome this, I worked to change the questions I asked. This helped me […]
Blog Post 7- Metamorphosis
Hello everyone, this is going to be the last blog post of the school year here in Canada and I will be reflecting upon my work throughout the semester. I have had lot’s of fun learning about new topics alongside many wonderful students and reading their Blog Posts. Thanks for […]
Round Research 3. commensalism
As I was doing research on symbiotic relationships, so far I am done with mutualism and parasitism. Now I want to know more on commensalism. What does it involve? This a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species benefits without harming or benefiting the other [1]. The […]
Research Round 2. Parasitism
On my first research I did about mutualism, today I would like to understand more about parasitism. As in general understanding, it is an interaction in which parasite benefits while a host is harm, but deeply. What is parasitism all about? Is a kind of symbiosis, a close and persistent […]
Research Round 3:How does slang impact the evolution of language
I just did my second round of research on how words are gained, lost and changed over time. In this round of research I am going specifically to learn how slang has affected language in different ways for example in the 21st century when the internet and SMS text rose. […]
I am very happy for the previous research that I have been doing and I am very delighted to start my research round three. I have learn a lot from this research and I am ready to start my research round three and I know that it will be […]
Round Research #3 Why countries fight each other for political reasons.
In my round two research I focused on economic reasons. In this chapter I will talk more about political. Political caused wars is one of the most popular reasons for wars in many nations. What makes war inevitable, is the politicians competitors who have different perspective in leadership position. In […]
Blog post #5
Hi everyone! For this last round of research I looked into environmentalism to answer inquiry my question: “What’s the role of the media in current social movements?” First, I’d like to explain what environmentalism is, as some of you might not know this movement. Environmentalism: A “political and ethical movement” […]
Research Round #2:How circulatory system and excretory are related
In my first round research I was looking at how digestive system work together with circulatory system. This time I am interested to know how circulatory system works together with excretory system. Many different system in human body work to provide essentials for living however they must interact with one another […]
Systems in the body have to work together for internal stability and balance. In my first research I got to know how digestive system work together with circulatory system to provide nutrients in the body. I proceeded in learning how circulatory system work together with excretory system in research round […]
blog post #7-Metamorphosis
What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The challenges I overcame were finding reliable and accurate sources that were not biased. I overcame this challenge by looking through the reliable sources tab provided by Ms.Martin to find tips on how […]
Blog Post #5 – Research Round 3
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Last blog post, we discussed how and why social media has such a huge impact on how we view ourselves and each other, and whether that is in a more positive or negative light/way. We answered this question to figure out how […]
Research Round #3: Two Large Impacts of Climate Change
In my second round of research ,it was all about the overview of the impacts of climate change . In my third round of research I will talk about two impacts that I think are the biggest, in more detail; the impacts on agriculture and heat waves. Agriculture Climate […]
Research Round #3:How can we control our emotions?
In my last round of research, I talked about how emotions influence our behavior. Having very intense feelings is not always bad, it make us embrace life and express our natural reactions (1). So how do you know when there’s a problem? If one has physical and emotional outbursts […]
Research Round 2:How are words gained, lost or changed over time.
I just did my first research round about the history of English and for my round 2 research, I am specifically going to study on how words have gained, lost and changed over time. Generation by generation, pronunciations evolve, new words are borrowed and the meaning of words drift and […]
In my previous post, I was researching about the effects of colonization in East Africa and I have learnt a lot on the effects that I never knew about. And for my third round of research, am researching about the impacts of colonization. Colonization led to the introduction of Western […]
Blog Post #5: Why is impressionism important in art history?
In today’s post, I will discuss the importance of impressionism in modern art. In order to do this I will delve into the meaning and distinguishing of today’s modern art, its roots, and impressionism’s influence within it, as well as some of the modern pieces of impressionism-esque pieces from our […]
Blog #5: Research round 3
Hello and welcome back to my blog! My semester 2 inquiry question is, “How are values and beliefs developed?”. My mini-question for this post is, “How are values and beliefs different? Why are they often grouped together?” I will be answering this question in todays post and look forward to having you […]
Blog Post #5 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?
How and why does a democratic country transition into a dictatorship? Hello and welcome back to your favourite inquiry project. In my previous posts, I went into depth on the differences between dictatorship and democracy and the historical examples of strong democracies falling to tyranny. Today, I will be touching […]
Blog Post #5- Round 3 of research
Inquiry Question: Has Technology Positively Impacted the Sports Industry? Introduction: In the previous rounds of research, we explored the positive impact of technology on sports broadcasting, athlete performance, and fan engagement. In this third round of research, we will further investigate how technology has positively influenced the sports industry, focusing […]
Blog #5 – Gap Year vs. Money ;)
Hi everyone!! Thank you for joining me for another blog post! Today I will be talking about The financial components of a gap year. However, this will be specifically targeted towards gap years in general, but the situation will be taking a gap year right after high school, or taking […]
Blog Post #5 Action Post
During the last week, Jade and I decided to meet up again at Town Centre to collect more garbage for about 30 minutes. It was a good experience as we were able to help out our community again. Although we had picked garbage previously, the amount of garbage in the […]
Round Research #2: Why countries fight each other for economic reasons
In the first round of research I studied the religious causes of war, in this post, I will focus on the economic causes of conflicts. Economic causes of wars, are wars that ere caused by governments aiming for political and economic supremacy (1). The developing countries yearn for development hence […]
Blog #5
Research round 3: Are society’s standards advantageous for us? I believe this question must be researched to answer my inquiry question: Why do people try to fit in society’s standards? Maybe society’s standards are set for a reason. Maybe they are there for us to follow and become the best […]
blog post #5
My big question is how does technology affect our relationships? This big topic question is vital for others in our community on a global level because we will learn how much technology is sufficient for our relationships with others. I want to help others thrive in this technology-based world. Healthy […]
Blog Post #5 – Research Round 3
Hi everyone! This is my third round of research on my inquiry topic this semester Fashion Throughout History. Why does fashion change over time? Well, the simple answer to this is that people change throughout time. Many fashion designers like to include emotion into fashion. You will see this when you […]
Blog Post #4- What’s the role of the media in current social movements?
Hi everyone! For this second round of research, I looked into anti-racist movements and the media to answer inquiry my question: What’s the role of the media in current social movements? Media and the amplification of anti-racist activism: Similarly to feminism, platforms on the internet have allowed many anti-racist activists […]
Blog Post #5 -How does race play a role in pretty privilege? Are racial stereotypes part of the reason it exists?
Inquiry Question: Does pretty privilege exist, if so how does it affect life opportunities and eventual outcomes? Research Step 3 – How does race play a role in pretty privilege? Are racial stereotypes part of the reason it exists? Members of the majority culture in much of North America are […]
Blog Post #3-What’s the role of the media in current social movements?
Hi everyone! For this first round of research, I looked into feminism and the media to answer inquiry my question: What’s the role of the media in current social movements? The importance of media: The media, especially after the surge of internet, has allowed many feminists to share their ideas […]
Blog Post #5: Research Round 3
Hey everyone! Today I am closing in on my research for my final research project! I will be gathering a few more facts and making my own conclusions on my three sub topics. Depression and Anxiety As we have learned from my last two research rounds, depression and anxiety takes […]
Blog Post #5 – Third Round of Research
In my previous blog post, I researched if learning about history helps us learn about our previous mistakes. In this blog post, I plan to research if understanding the cause of problems in history helps us to avoid problems in the future. History helps students grow and develop as students. (2) […]
Blog post #5 – What are the possible future implications of marxist theory on our modern day society?
Blog post #5 As a reminder my question is What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? In my last blog post I talked about how Marxism has been involved in revolutions and societies throughout […]
Blog #5: Round 3 of Research
How do fears/phobias evolve from childhood to adulthood? I can only answer this question by answering another one first. “How long do fears last?” This question will tell us how long a typical fear/phobia will last, showing us which ones stay with us into adulthood and which ones evolve, change, […]
Blog post #5 What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?
Hello, everyone, my inquiry question is “What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?”, this is my third round of research, and the topic I will focus on is “Will people trust AI enough to let it do jobs like being their […]
Action Blog Post #5
So far in my action project, I have gone to Hillcrest Middle School on November 23rd to volunteer since it was Pro D Day at my school. I had the opportunity to help in Mrs. Carston’s grade 7/8 class, a Home Ec class, and a P.E. class. In Mrs. Carston’s […]
Step 5 Action Post
In the past week, Mai and I have met up at Town Centre Park again and picked up garbage for 30 minutes. It was a similar experience to our previous garbage pick up. We started from the parking lot, walked along the side walks, and headed towards the busier areas […]
Blog Post #5- Childhood trauma and mental health
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” Today I will be focusing on how childhood trauma can impact the mental health of children, and also teenagers. General effects: Childhood trauma can have a significant impact on mental health, both in childhood and later in life. Trauma can alter the way […]
Blog 5: How can we prevent abuse in sports?
My inquiry question: How can the different types of abuse in sports be diminished? How can we prevent abuse in sports? Breaking the code of silence Breaking the code of silence surrounding abuse in sports is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of athletes. (3) By shedding light on […]
This is my second round of research about climate change, in my first round of research it was all about how greenhouse gasses cause climate change. In this round I will be talking about the impacts of climate change. Climate change causes high temperatures that increase heat related diseases. […]
Hi guys in my second round of research I’ll be using the scratch program to make more complex cartoons and explain the programming. First I chose a background. For instance a witch house I then chose my characters, that is the witch and the princess Here the princess is not […]
In my first round of research I was dealing with droughts and It so interesting and I discovered may things and now in my second rounds of research I am dealing with floods and I believe that It will be more fun and marvelous. Flood is a natural disaster which […]
Blog Post #4 – Research Round 2
Hello and welcome back to my blog. My inquiry question is, How has technology impacted how we view ourselves and others? Last blog post, I answered the sub-question, What are the effects of technology on human interaction? And today I will be wrting about, Why does technology and social media impact […]
Blog Post #4 Action Post
Since my last blog post, Jade and I have progressed a lot with our action plan. We had planned on meeting up on Sunday, but we had to postpone our meet-up, due to our busy schedules and our upcoming tests that week. We finally found a suitable day for us […]
Blog post #4 What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?
Hello, everyone, my inquiry question is “What is the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work and employment?”, this is my second round of research, and the topic I will focus on is ” Is AI capable of jobs requiring sympathy, care, and the will to […]
Research Round #2: How do emotions influence our behavior ?
In my last round of research , I talked about how our emotions are activated. In this post I’m going to discuss about how emotions influence or behavior. In my opinion there are two types of people ; the rational and emotional . Most people think that being rational is […]
blog post 4-how do we use technology to communicate?
My big question is how does technology affect our relationships? This big topic question is vital for others in our community on a global level because we will learn how much technology is sufficient for our relationships with others. I want to help others thrive in this technology-based world. Healthy […]
Blog #4 – Not taking a Gap year..?
Hello everyone! Today’s topic is very straightforward for my larger question of are taking gap years worth it. This question is targeted towards those who like me know they are not going to take a gap year, but are considering every option possible! It is whether not taking a gap […]
Blog 4: What is the nature of the problem of abuse in sports?
My inquiry question: How can the different types of abuse in sports be diminished? What is the nature of the problem? Protection of their image What is an institutions image and why is it so important? An institutions image is a set of an individual’s perceptions about the institution. (8) […]
Blog Post #4- Round 2 of research
Inquiry Question: Has Technology Positively Impacted the Sports Industry? The sports industry has experienced significant transformations due to advancements in technology. In the first round of research, we explored the positive impact of technology on sports broadcasting, athlete performance, and fan engagement. In this second round of research, we will […]
Blog Post #4: Why is impressionism important in (art) history?
Hi there! In today’s post, I will be continuing the topic of art history and its relationship with the impressionist era! Specifically, I will be talking about some of the most important Art pieces and their significance, both to the artists, and those viewing them (the public), as well as […]
Blog post #2 – Research round 2
Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today I will be continuing my research for my inquiry question this semester which is Fashion Throughout History. I will be looking at my questions more in depth today. Fashion compared to now vs. then: In the previous round of research I did I explained how […]
Blog #4: Research round 2
Hello and welcome back to my blog! My semester 2 inquiry question is, “How are values and beliefs developed?”. My mini-question for this post is, How do ones values and beliefs change depending on where ones brought up?. I will be answering this question in todays post and look forward to […]
Blog Post #4: Research Round 2
Hey Everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today I am continuing research on my inquiry question: What Impact Does Social Media Have on Teens? I will continue to unfold my three subtopics to go more depth into my research! off my research! 1. Depression and Anxiety Last research round I learned […]
Blog Post #4 – What opportunities are more prominent in those considered “conventionally attractive?”
Inquiry Question: Does pretty privilege exist, if so how does it affect life opportunities and eventual outcomes? Research Step 2 – What opportunities are more prominent in those considered “conventionally attractive”? In the professional world, general attractiveness can help you make good impressions, get more promotions, and gain opportunities. (4) […]
Action Blog Post #4 Pt. 2
With my action project so far, I have actually been given the opportunity to attend Ranch Park Elementary School to help out in my friend’s mom’s third-grade class. I’ve volunteered at the school twice, spending about an hour and a half on each visit. I was able to play entertaining games […]
Blog #4: Round 2 of Research
How do fears/phobias evolve from childhood to adulthood? To answer my overall inquiry question I will first have to answer “What are the differences in fear for adults and children?” This is important to my overall question as you need to know what the fears are in both childhood and […]
Blog post #4 – How has Marxism has been involved in various revolutions and societies in history and who are some prominent Marxist figures?
As a reminder my question is What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? In my last blog post I talked about what Marxism is and its key principles. In this blog post I will […]
Step 4 Action Post
In the previous blog post, I mentioned how Mai and I planned to complete our garbage pick up on Sunday at Town Centre Park. However, we ended up having to postpone the date as we both had a busy weekend and large tests the following week for our school courses. […]
Blog Post #4 – Second Round of Research
In my previous blog post, I researched what consequences there could be from not learning about history. In this blog post, I plan to research if learning about history helps us learn about our previous mistakes. History gives us the opportunity to learn about our previous mistakes (1) as well […]
Blog Post #4 -Childhood trauma and social relationships
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” Today I will be focusing on how childhood trauma affects social relationships in children. This blog post will be broken up into 3 different sections. The first will be about trust, the second will be about […]
Blog Post #4 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?
What are some historical examples of powerful democracies falling into authoritarianism? Welcome back to my inquiry project! Last post I talked about the differences and demonstrated the specifics about the two major systems of government: democracy and dictatorship. This time, I will be delving into examples of how historical democracies […]
Blog Post #3 – Research Round 1
Hello and welcome back to my blog. My inquiry question for this semester is, “How has technology impacted how we view ourselves and others?”, but in order to answer this question, we must first understand the underlying information that comes with this big question. Today, we will focus on “What […]
There were two types of effects positive and negative effects. Africans lost their political independence.(1)This means that they could no longer rule themselves as Africans because the power was handed over to the colonialist. Large tracts of land was lost because it became the settlement for the colonizers.(1) This also led […]
The colonizers were curious to know what was beyond their countries and this made them want to explore more which led them to coming to East Africa. (2) When they saw black people, they wanted to know more about them and also more about what they did. (2) This led […]
R3:Self control
Self-control is one of the most important skills that one needs in their life. Self-control is simply a process for self-regulating our behavior in pursuit of our goals[1].There are three types of self-control which are: impulse control, emotional control and movement control[3].I don’t think am the only […]
Blog #3: Research Round 1
Hello and welcome back to my blog! My inquiry question for this semester is, “How are values and beliefs developed?” Today, I will be focusing on answering my first mini question. That being, “How are ones values and beliefs formed?” What are values and beliefs? As this whole inquiry question […]
Blog 3: What are the different types of abuse in sports?
My inquiry question: How can the different types of abuse in sports be diminished? What are the different kinds of abuse in sports? What is abuse In simple terms, abuse is defined as any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. (1) Although the definition of abuse may be […]