Inquiry Post

Blog Post #4

Hello everyone! Thanks for returning to my blog on the of effective coping mechanisms for stress among high school students. In this second round of research, I am diving deeper into each coping mechanism, providing more points and examples. Exercise: Unleashing the Power of Physical Activity Physical activity is an […]

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Blog Post #4 – The Negative Impact of Time on Our Mental Health

Inquiry Question: What is time, and why does its existence make us revolve around its complex concept? Round 2 Research Question: How has society both benefited and been negatively impacted by time serving as the foundation of everything? Why are strict deadlines both motivating and bad for human mental health? […]

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Blog post #4 – What are the key areas of focus for modern philosophers, what are they saying, and who are they? What is their impact?

To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?  In my last blog post I explored the how philosophy help us in understanding our life, and our world as well as […]

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Inquiry blog post #4

My second topic is on the impact of technology on conflict. The relationship between technology and conflict has undergone significant transformations after the World War II era. Analyzing the changing nature of war and the state since the mid-20th century provides valuable information into the complex effects between technological advancements […]

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Blog post #3

Question: What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses? Across the world, in the vast diversity of humanity, backgrounds and cultures connect through similarities involving the body, mind, and soul. These connections create links and paths that build up a map where these common factors overcome cultural, […]

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Blog post #3

Topic question: how does play affect a child’s mental health? This big topic question will have implications in on a global level because we need to focus on the future generation for the future well-being of our world by focusing on children. Furthermore, by informing the community on mental health, […]

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blog post three

blogpost 3 hi everyone. For my blog post three i will be highlighting some of are bigist polluting product and what they are used for and do to the enviorment creating a base for my next up coming blog posts where i will go deeper into detail about a coiuple […]

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Blog Post #3 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my third blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” This is my first step of the research, and I am researching how the acquisition of knowledge shapes our societies, this will provide […]

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blog Post #3: how has the integration of celebrities in creative director roles affected the growth and trajectory of fashion?

  Welcome back! Following the steps I have mentioned in my project plan, i will begin with my first foot of my research with the former post as an outline. In this blog post I will mainly be giving a history lesson on the history and growth of creative directors […]

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Blog post #3 – Exploring Effective Coping Mechanisms for Stress Among High School Students

Hello everybody! Welcome back to my inquiry project. This first round of research aims to lay the foundation for understanding effective coping mechanisms for stress among high school students. By examining the scientific evidence supporting exercise, dietary plans, mindfulness practices, and technology-based interventions, I hope to provide valuable insights that […]

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Blog post #3

Hi and welcome back to my blog posts! my question is ‘Why has cars evolved over time”? this is my third blog post, and my first round of research will be on one of my sub questions, which is… “What materials are used in the manufacture of modern automobiles”? First, […]

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Blog Post #3 – When and how do scientific theories change?

In this blog post, I plan to research how scientific theories are created. Scientific theories are the foundations for furthering scientific knowledge (1) and are accepted as a scientific truth. (6) They provide an accepted explanation for something (7) and a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world. […]

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Blog Post #3

Hello and welcome back to my blog! For my inquiry blog posts I chose the question “How has fashion changed and developed throughout history and how does that impact us?” For this week’s post, I chose to further research one of my sub-questions about all MAIN fashion trends from the […]

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Blog post #3 – To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?

Blog #3: Round 1 of research My inquiry question is “To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?” To address this my first round of research will be “How/does […]

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Blog Post #3

“How can we maximize our personal abilities to create an impact on the world on a small or large scale?” For my third blog post, I will begin my research on my first subcategory: What are people around the world most in need of right now? As of right new […]

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Blog post #3

What are the core emotions of a human? During the 1970’s, a psychologist by the name of Paul Eckman did a study on the basic emotions of a human, which are emotions that everyone will experienced universally in the human culture. These emotions include happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, anger and […]

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Blog #3

For my inquiry question, I am researching on bonds with pets. My first round of research is how we bond with pets. This first step of research is essential because I am not sure how we bond with different pets. For example, it is easy to tell how people bond with […]

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How do infections, contribute to structural and functional alterations in the nervous system?

                                         WHY I AM INTERESTED IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system is a complex and vital part of the human body, playing a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis, allowing for communication between different […]

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Blog #2

My three steps for my inquiry project are: Find how long people use social media daily. This will help me determine how much of their day people use on social media instead of doing other things such as studying or homework. Find what people are doing when they use social […]

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blog post 2

hi, welcome back to my blog. for my inquiry I chose how can we make more sustainable products. I have decides to break the perfect sustainable product down so that it will be easier for us to evaluate and or create sustainable products. affordability, as much as affordability sounds like […]

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Blog post #2

Big topic inquiry question: how does play affect a child’s mental health?  The 3 steps for my research will be: 1.Why is mental health important? I would like to engage the audience on the importance of mental health first to make them more interested in this topic. I need to […]

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Blog Post #2 – What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses?

My inquiry question is “What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses?” The purpose of asking and researching this question is to expand my knowledge of the human body and mind and the effects one can have on the other. To advance in my research I have […]

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Blog Post #2

For my Inquiry Blog posts, I choose the question “How has fashion changed and developed throughout history and how does that impact us?” This inquiry question intrigued me, however it does not have a straight answer. In order to answer this question, I will be asking and answering a few […]

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Blog Post #2 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my second blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” My first step of research is to research about how the acquisition of knowledge shaped our societies, this will provide me with the […]

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Blog post #2 – To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past?

Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question. How/does philosophy help us in understanding our life, and our world? How does it contribute to our world? To understand how modern philosophers contribute to our world it is first […]

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Blog post #2

My inquiry question: “How can we maximize our personal abilities to create an impact on the world on a small or large scale?” does not have a fixed answer. However, I will center my research around three more specific subcategories that will greatly help my research. Such subcategories are as […]

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blog post #2 outline

Hello everyone and welcome back to my inquiry topic on the most peaceful period in human history. Here I will be posting the outline of my project for the future. The subtopics I will be researching are: Trends in global conflicts, first, I’ll be researching the historical trends in global […]

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Blog post #2 Inquiry

Hello everyone. In this blog article, I will continue my research into the subject, “What influences human behaviour?” As I indicated in my last post, human and social behaviour is a large and complicated subject that cannot be summarized into a particular issue. So, I will be looking into three […]

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Blog post #2 – How does stress affect high school students, and what coping mechanisms are effective?

Hello everybody! Welcome back to my inquiry. This topic is something I believe most, if not every student faces. For this inquiry, I want to deepen my knowledge into the causes of stress, exploring strategies for managing it, and examining its physical and mental consequences. Three sub topics I will […]

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About me

Hi! My name is Laura Mora, I’m a senior at Charles Best living in Port Moody, B.C. I am fully of Colombian descent and Spanish is the main language spoken in my home. This means I am trilingual, speaking English, Spanish, and French as I am in French immersion at […]

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Blog #2

Blog #2: Project plan For this semester, I am researching on bonds with pets. My three steps on research would be on how we bond, what kinds of bonds, and how long does it take to bond with pets. How do we bond with pets? This first step of research […]

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Blog Post #2

My inquiry question for this semester one project is “when and how do scientific theories change?” To research this question further, I plan to investigate three sub questions: How are scientific theories created? What makes a scientific theory “correct” and accepted? When and what causes a scientific theory to change? […]

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About Me

Hello, my name is Sarang Jacob, and I’m from Canada. I’m 14 years old. My favorite subject at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School is math. Because I am partly Korean, I observe Lunar New Year rather than Chinese New Year. I dress up in a Hanbok, a traditional Korean garment, […]

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Blog post #1 “How can we maximize our personal abilities to create an impact on the world on a small or large scale?”

As a person with an averagely wide skillset, I often think on how some of these dormant skills can be put to use. Yes, I took one art class in high school purely to fill up my schedule and yes I it came as no surprise that I was quite […]

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Blog post #1 – How does stress affect high school students, and what coping mechanisms are effective?

Hello everybody, As I was stressing over what question I wanted to answer for this inquiry, it finally hit me. I have been stressing over one of many assignments I had due and could not plan my day effectively. Personally, I believe although it is hard to admit,  trying to […]

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About me

Hello, My name is Jolie and I am a grade 12 at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. This is my first year in the school and first two months in the country. I am Egyptian but I was born and raised all my life in Dubai. In school, I love […]

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Blog Post #1 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, My inquiry question for this semester would be “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” This question has interested me because I’ve recently started reading a lot more paper books than I did before, and it has struck me that […]

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Blog Post #1 – Is social media good or bad for education?

Hello, my name is Frederick, and my inquiry question is, “Is social media good or bad for education?”. I chose this question because I throughout my years of education in school and in extracurricular activities, I have always received assignments that have involved researching on social media websites or utilising […]

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blog post #1: inquiry

Hey everyone, my inquiry question is “how can we make environmentally sustainable products more accessible and what are the best sustainable options”. The reason i chose this question is, since i was younger, i have always been interested in the environment and doing every thing i can to help it. […]

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Blog Post #1: Inquiry

Inquiry Project  Hi everyone! My inquiry question is: How do optical illusions uncover parts of our personality? Why this is a question of interest to you? The idea of psychology has always been quite interesting to me. The study of the human mind and functions as well as how it […]

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Blog #1: How has the integration of celebrity figures taking on roles as creative directors of fashion houses affected the growth and trajectory of the fashion industry.

Hi everyone! For my inquiry project, I will be doing “How has the integration of celebrity figures taking in roles as creative directors of high fashion houses affected the growth and trajectory of the fashion industry?” a question revolving around the fashion industry, specifically the integration of high fashion and […]

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Blog Post #1

My 3 most important values are risk, reliability, and equality.  My 3 least important values are tradition, leadership, and power.  I somewhat agree with my results. I believe all of my important values were correct. This is because I believe it is crucial to take risks to become a better […]

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Blog Post #1

Hello everyone! My name is Ishani and for this semester’s topic, I picked the inquiry question “How has fashion changed and developed throughout history and how does that impact us?”. As I’ve grown older, I have realized how substantially the way we dress and act impacts our daily lives. Whether […]

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Blog post #1

Blog #1: Inquiry project 1. State your inquiry question. (Please refer to the Essential Questions page for examples)  To what extent do modern philosophers contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, and how does their work compare to the contributions of philosophers from the past? 2. Explain why […]

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Blog #1

Hello everyone, for this semester I decided to research on bonds with pets. I would be specifically researching on how we bond, what kinds of bonds, and how long it takes to bond with pets. It took a while to think of an inquiry question, so I started to think […]

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Blog post #1

Things that can influence or form a human What can influence or form a human? What will effect their emotions and actions? What I believe influences and forms human behavior the most is the people around them. For example, if someone looks happy, you will follow their lead and feel […]

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Blog Post #1- Inquiry

  What influences/forms human behaviour? This is an inquiry I’ll be looking into this semester. My name is Lily, and I’m very excited to investigate this topic because it has always piqued my curiosity. In addition, I want to look at the difference between a value and a belief, as […]

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Topic: Democracy

Hi! Everyone, I am excited to do this project and to be part of butterfly effect students. We are finishing on our project by the end of October and therefore we do not have enough time  to do a full inquiry project. I am going to teach on democracy and […]

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Hi I am Snaida and last time I did my inquiry question on droughts and floods  and their impact on people’s lives. We are finishing this term at the end of October so we don’t have enough time to do a full inquiry project instead we are going to teach about a […]

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We are finishing this term at the end of October,so we don’t have enough time to do a full inqiry project instead we are going to teach about a tpoic one of our courses that we find difficult. My topic is communication (mordern means) in history grade 9. Why some […]

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About Me: Sanam M

Hi there my name is Sanam Moazed and I am a grade 12 at Dr. Charles Best Secondary. I’ve been in this class since grade 10 and have been interested in the inquiry process ever since. I’ve done topics ranging from economics, art history, auto-immune diseases, and more! My passion […]

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