Inquiry Post

Blog post #1:What are potential implications if artificial intelligent attains sentience in future?

I have put my research under artificial intelligence because i am concerned by the feature, what will come next as AI continues to be more advanced. One of the reasons that inspired me to take this topic is my curiosity as to what would happen if AI gained some of […]

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I want to learn more about aliens—their physical characteristics, sophistication, and way of existence—that is why I want to do this research. My top three subjects, sciences, will be covered. I’ll be able to learn about their traits and how they’ve adapted to space. In addition, this will enable me […]

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BLOG POST! Should all schools follow the same type of education system globally for example American system?

The main reason that I would like to research on this question; is to find out whether there is a possibility in future the world can use the same education system .In additionally the institutions could use the same resources during the learning process. I am interested in this research […]

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The reason am interested in this question is because I want people to learn about leadership. In addition, I would like people to understand how and who they should choose as their leader. First, a good leader will assist the community live peacefully and together. What’s notable about this section […]

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Most people may find it amusing to drive an automobile without a licence. Others, however, may see it as great. Cars should be driven without a licence or training, in my opinion, because no authority agencies will have the authority to stop cars with the pretext of determining if the […]

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Blog post1: If there was no change in the stone age period, would the modern man exist?

I’m interested in this research since I can describe the changes that have occurred in the current way of living. There have also been modifications in the current way of life that did not exist in earlier times. For example, the use of electric cooking gas was not common in […]

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Blog post one!What would happen if third-world countries united and formed a single state?

The most exciting aspect of research is that you are the one asking the questions. This will allow me to uncover new facts or information on my question. I plan to be creative and improve my English. I’ll also boost my confidence during the presentation. It will allow us to […]

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I chose this question because it will help most people to know the effects of climate change. It will also help people to understand and tackle the consequences of global warming. In addition, I hope that this research will encourages people to change their behavior and helps them to adapt […]

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Blog post #1: Should the government impose more regulations to protect local business from multinational corporations? .

Hello everyone , It is me again, Preston Mwangi .My inquiry question is” Should the government impose more regulations to protect local business from multinational corporations.” I chose this topic in order to understand the role of the government in the growth of Small & Medium Enterprises, and whether it […]

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Blog post # 1 :How sustainable is nuclear energy as a source of power in Kenya , considering both the environment and economic factors?

Hello there , fellow researchers . I am glad to introduce my inquiry question to you .I chose this question because I come from a country where most of the energy sources are non renewable .I hope to find out how alternative sources of energy can be used in the […]

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How do the use of filters and photo editing on social media platforms contribute to unrealistic beauty standards and the development of body dysmorphia, particularly in adolescents? -Blog #5

Problems with body image among young people in the United States have grown due to the fact that, in recent times, beauty standards have become more extreme, making them tougher to meet. Social media filters and photo editing applications enable users to display an idealized version of themselves. This can […]

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Blog Post #5 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

In my final blog post, I am going to summarize my research and attempt to answer my big question, “How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?” I have been researching some main topics that I have used to help me answer this question: I can say that during […]

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Blog Post #5 – How does social media influence high school students’ social interactions and relationships, and how does that impact their overall well-being?

Inquiry Question: How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students? Research Step 3: How does social media influence high school students’ social interactions and relationships, and how does that impact their overall well-being? Individuals incorporate social media […]

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Blog Post #4 – In what ways does social media use correlate with academic performance metrics like grades, attendance, and focus?

Inquiry Question: How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students? Research Step 2: In what ways does social media use correlate with academic performance metrics like grades, attendance, and focus? According to a 2019 study on […]

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Blog Post #4 – What role does early childhood nutrition play in shaping long-term health outcomes?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, What role does early childhood nutrition play in shaping long-term health outcomes? Early […]

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Blog post #4 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

In this blog post, I will connect and piece some of my research together from my last blog post. I am specifically looking at childhood experiences, but diving deeper into memories. Good or bad. How do they affect our identity, personality and behaviour? Lets look at memory… Memories are combined […]

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Blog Post #3 – How do adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact physical and mental health in adulthood?

HI everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, How do adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact physical and mental health in adulthood? […]

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Blog post #1 – How does Instagram influence the way teenagers perceive themselves and others?

This question interests me because Instagram is a huge part of my life and the lives of many people around me. I’ve noticed how it can impact self-esteem, confidence, and even relationships, and I want to understand why. It’s important to know how social media affects our thoughts and behavior, […]

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Blog post #3 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

In this blog post, I will research some topics that connect back to my question, that include… EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: early childhood education is vitally important and should be talked about with more understanding. Early childhood education affects who we are as human beings, but also how we can treat […]

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Blog Post #3 – Among high school students, what mental health issues are most commonly associated with excessive social media use, and how do they impact academic performance?

Inquiry Question: How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students? Research Step 1: Among high school students, what mental health issues are most commonly associated with excessive social media use, and how do they impact academic […]

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Blog Post #2 – How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes?

HI everyone! Today I’m going to be breaking down my big inquiry question, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes, into three sub-questions that will help me better answer the Inquiry question. This sub-question is essential because it helps to identify how negative environments and traumas in childhood […]

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Blog post #2 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

THE PROCESS IN ANSWERING MY QUESTION: To answer my inquiry question… Step 1: I have to ask questions and research relevant topics Some topics that I would like to research that are centralized around my question are … I need to research these topics as my goal is to research […]

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Blog # 2 – Project Plan – “How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students?”

My Inquiry question this semester is “How does continuous engagement with social media platforms, without regular breaks, influence the mental health and academic performance of high school students?” I look forward to discovering how social media impacts the mental health and academic performance of students. Research Step 1: Among high […]

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Blog Post #1 – How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? 

Hi and welcome back to my Blog! I chose to do an Inquiry project this semester and the question I will be working on answering is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes?  Early childhood is a critical period that shapes the foundation for health and well-being throughout […]

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Blog Post #1 – How do childhood experiences influence our identity as individuals?

In my inquiry project this semester, I want to research more about early childhood, specifically how experiences and environment affect the memories of children. We are all influenced in our actions, which make us the people that we are today. Our first 7 years of our life are the most […]

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Blog #7 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

In my last blog post for this school year I will be reflecting on the research I have conducted and the information and lessons I have learned. 2. This inquiry reinstated my love and appreciation for team sports. I learned more about the affect team sports can have on children […]

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Blog post #5 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

The last subtopic I will be examining is the social aspects of team sports involvement and its impact on children’s social skills, interpersonal relationships, and communication abilities. I will investigate how teamwork, cooperation, and peer interaction within a sports setting contribute to children’s social development. Analyzing these social dynamics will […]

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Blog Post #5 What can be done about the negative effects of urbanization?

Hello and welcome back to my blog post featuring my final round of research on the topic of what can be done and possible solutions for the negative effects of urbanization. Finding a solution for urbanization is important for the sustainability of our environment for future generations. In this blog […]

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Blog #4 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

Team sports offer many benefits for children, extending beyond the physical advantages of staying active. Engaging in team sports can greatly help a childs psychological development, shaping their self-esteem, confidence, mental well-being, and sense of belonging (1). In this blog post I will be explaining the psychological dynamics that team […]

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Blog Post #4 – How is innocent until proven guilty used in the Canadian legal system?

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today, I will be continuing my research of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. In this post, I plan to investigate the Canadian legal system and how innocent until proven guilty is used in it. The law affects almost every aspect […]

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Blog Post #4 Impact of urbanization on habitats and the ecosystem

How does urbanization contributes to habitat fragmentation, loss and the ecosystem? In the past small groups of people have come together with the goal of settling in one area and to advance agriculture. Overtime some theme settlements become what we know as cities today. Urbanization is when cities expand and […]

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Blog post #3 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

Sports play a pivotal role in shaping the physical, social, and cognitive development of children (1). Whether it’s team-based activities or individual pursuits, each type of sport offers unique benefits and challenges (1). In this blog post, I will delve into the pros and cons of both team and individual […]

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Blog #3

Hello everyone, welcome to my third blog of the second semester. Today, I will be addressing the first question out of the three that I posed for myself: What are the good and bad traits of a society? Good: 2. Technological Advancements:In a society, we share ideas and materials, rendering […]

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Blog #1: “How does the portrayal of beauty standards by the media contribute to the ongoing presence of body dysmorphia?”

Hello! And welcome back to my blog post. I am Anannya Balachandran, a grade 11 student currently studying at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School, and I am so excited to be able to share my semester two project with all of you. For my semester two project, I chose to […]

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Blog Post #2

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog post, today I will be identifying the three subcategories that I will be dividing my inquiry question into to help my find an answer. My inquiry question is “What are the effects of urbanization on biodiversity and ecosystem health?”. I can split this […]

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Blog post #1  

How does memory work?  Hello and welcome back to my blog! Throughout this year, I have found my memory getting worse and worse, but I am not sure why. Is there too much stuff in my brain, do I just have a bad memory from genetics, or have I always […]

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Blog #2: How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

Question: How does participation in team sports impact children’s development? To gain a comprehensive understanding of my question and make an informed series of blogs, I have decided to break my research into the three subtopics that follow:  a. Comparative Analysis of Team Sports vs. Individual Sports: In this step, […]

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BLOG#2: In what ways has the evolution of communication technology shaped the course of human history?

Communication technology is evolved and advanced communication gadgets and skill used in the world today. The improvement of communication has been gradual through the years since the time of the stone age.  Round one# Evolution of communication technology through the existence of time The use of technology in communication can […]

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BLOG#1In what ways has the evolution of communication technology shaped the course of human history?

The evolution of communication technology has been a defining force in shaping the trajectory of human history, profoundly impacting various aspects of society, culture, politics, and economics. From the earliest forms of oral tradition and cave paintings to the advent of writing systems, the printing press, telegraphy, and the internet, […]

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Blog post #1 Semester 2

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Today, I will introduce my new inquiry question for the semester and provide some background information on the topic. My inquiry topic for this semester is “What are the effects of urbanization on biodiversity and ecosystem health?” Urbanization is the growth and […]

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Blog post #1 – How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?

Hello everyone and thank you for visiting my blog. For my second semester project I decided to research another inquiry question “How does participation in team sports impact children’s development?“ This question is of interest to me as because I believe that engagement in team sports goes beyond physical activity […]

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Blog Post #1 – How do Environmental Factors Impact People’s Well-being?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. Today I will be introducing my new Inquiry question for the semester and give some background information on the topic! This semester, I have chosen to research about the question “How do environmental factors impact people’s well-being?” I chose this inquiry question […]

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[Corruption in relation to development] Hello, welcome back to my research on; to what extent would Kenya develop if there were less corruption within the government. I will like to start with how corruption is related with development. In researching on how corruption is related to development, I will use […]

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Blog #7 – What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses?

For my semester one project I analyzed and researched the question: What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses? While conducting my research, I focused on one of three subtopics and read articles and documents on the topic, gathering knowledge and data to be used in my […]

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Blog post#7 – Effective stress cooping mechanisms for high school students

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go aboutovercoming these challenges? Throughout my research project, a significant challenge I faced was when I found that most information focused on cliché and well-known strategies. Determined to uncover unique approaches, I expanded my sources to include […]

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BLOG#1 Could human civilization have thrived without the tools and conveniences of technology.

Hey every one am so happy to start my research. Am interested to know how human civilization would have thrived without the tools and conveniences of technology. Why I am interested in this topic is because I am Interested in understanding the origin of technology and am eager to learn […]

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Inquiry blog post #5

My third topic is on the impact of economic independence and interdependence on peaceful periods and focusing on the relation between the economic independence of and countries and periods in time. This includes the effect of trade and economic cooperation. Economic independence and interdependence are critical concepts in international relations, […]

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Blog post #5

A few ways that others might try to manipulate you, and how to recognize it. The link below shows 25, different ways, but I will only be talking about a few. The first one is gaslighting, which is when the person you are talking to is trying to twist your […]

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Blog post #5

Hi everyone! This is my fifth blog post and im going to be sharing everything i learned while doing my research and one final research. my big question is “Why has cars changed over time!” so far we have compared old cars and modern cars. their apearance, materials used and […]

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Hello once again.Welcome back to my research on :To what extent would Kenya differ if there less corruption within the government.I would want to divide my inquiry question into three parts:1.Corruption in relation to development.2. Government in relation to development.3.Relationship between corruption and government.This will make it easier for us […]

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Hi Everyone! Welcome to my blog post 2. I would like to break this question into three parts which are; climate and weather in different geographical locations, how does climate and weather affect people’s live in different geographical locations and the impacts of weather and climate. I would like to […]

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Well come back to my new blog. l went deeply and broke my inquiry into 3 sustainable question which are : what is water quality? what is air quality ? and what is pollution?. l believe this perfect inquiry will help most people in low localities eg. the environmentalist when […]

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Hello everyone, I am Shelmith. My inquiry question is: To what extent would Kenya differ if there less corruption within the government. I chose this question because Kenya is one of the countries in Africa which has high level of corrupt .This research will help us know the effect of […]

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Hi everyone, it’s me again. From my inquiry project this term ,l plan to research on air quality ,water quality and ecosystem be impacted if there no pollution. I proudly decided to research this simply because pollution is the main reason why water quality and air quality are impacted negatively […]

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Hello everyone! I’m Cynthia, my inquiry question is ‘What are the impacts of climate and weather on people’s lives in different geographical locations’. I decided to research about this topic in order to get more understanding of how are different people adapted to different geographical location in references to climate […]

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Blog post #4

blog post 4 hello and welcome back to my blog post! today i will be doing research on why do modern cars have a more athletic designs, is it just a trend or does it have a benefit? to answer my main question ” why has cars evolved over time? we […]

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Blog Post #4 How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?

Hello everyone, this is my fourth blog post for my inquiry project, “How does the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge shape human societies and contribute to progress?” This is my second step of the research, about how the dissemination of knowledge helps shape our societies, this will help me to […]

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Blog Post #4: How has the integration of celebrity figures taking on roles as creative directors of fashion houses affected the growth and trajectory of the fashion industry?

Welcome back to my inquiry project! In my last Blog post I ventured into the deep world of fashion and explained some of the history and foundation of our current understandings of the culture which surrounds fashion. Today I will be delving even deeper and researching the relationship between the […]

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Blog Post #4

     Hello and welcome to my Blog Post #4! For this blog post, I chose to further research my main inquiry question about how fashion has changed and developed throughout history and how that impacts us. To answer my question well, my second inquiry question is about understanding what […]

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Blog #4

For my inquiry question, I am researching bonds with pets. My second round of research is on what kinds of bonds we have/make with pets. I think this question can stretch into many answers. For example, my brother first got his gecko merely because he had a huge interest in […]

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Blog post #4

Topic question: how does play affect a child’s mental health? This big topic question will have implications in on a global level because we need to focus on the future generation for the future well-being of our world by focusing on children. Furthermore, by informing the community on mental health, […]

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Blog post #4

What are the different coping mechanisms to deal with stress? There are 2 kinds of stress that is usually inflicted, and these are physical and emotional stress. Physical is usually (but not limited to) being sick with pain, not sleeping well, substance or alcohols abuse, recovery from injury or any […]

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Blog post 4

“How can we maximize our personal abilities to create an impact on the world on a small or large scale?” For my third blog post, I will begin my research on my first subcategory: 2. Which countries/populations of people are most in need right now? The long-term effects of the […]

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