Charles Best (CANADA)

Blog Post 5

  My partner and are well into our action. Recently we went alone to downtown Port Coquitlam after we made care packages and we handed them out. We met many people during our journey and heard their experiences.   Some successes we have had have been going out and preparing […]

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Blog #4: Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability

Why Do Plants Differ From One Another? – Resource Availability What Resources Do Desert Plants Have Access To? Plants that live in the desert require special skills to survive in such a hostile environment [1]. This is a resulting reason that some desert plants grow extremely long roots in the […]

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Blog Post #4: What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

What are the effects of auto-immune diseases on children of various ages? For this round of research, I will be comparing two autoimmune diseases, one rare and one common, that mostly affect adolescence (between the ages of 10 and 19). Research the inner workings of the disease, the medications needed, […]

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Blog #4: What’s the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE  What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicde? As mentioned in the previous post, I will be discussing suicidal ideation and its effect on teens.  Suicidal ideation includes suicidal thoughts or ideas, describing a range of thoughts and wishes related to suicide and death. It can […]

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Blog #3: What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

      What are the effects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?  For my first round of research, I have decided to dig deep into what Auto-immune diseases are in order to create a general understanding in order to build into our main question.   What is […]

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Blog #2: What are the affects of Auto-immune diseases on children of various ages?

1.Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question. Step #1:  My first step is to research what Auto-immune disorders are in general, what classifies a disease as autoimmune and what some common ones are. I’m doing this in order […]

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Blog#2: What is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide?

TW: MENTION OF SUICIDE.  My topic is what is the relationship between social anxiety and suicide. As I’ve said in my previous post, social anxiety is a fast-growing phenomenon that is thought to be unfairly affecting younger people. Social anxiety and suicidal ideation is toxic cycle we all have to […]

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Blog #2- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone!  In this post, I will explain my project plan: My inquiry question is: What are the problems faced by women when using the BWS Defence in Canadian Courts?  Round of research 1: I will introduce the BWS defence and some basic concepts of law. I think this is necessary […]

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Blog Post #2 – Why are humans virtually always in conflict?

Hey again everyone! If you haven’t gotten around to reading this inquiry project’s first blog post, my inquiry question is “Why are humans virtually always in conflict?” This topic has been of incredible interest to me and I hope to discover some interesting things throughout my research.   Research Rounds: […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question: Inquiry Question: Why do plants differ from one another? (Mainly comparing desert plants vs tropical forestry plants) Habitat difference What is a desert? What is a tropical forest? How are […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – Why Do Plants Differ From One Another?

State your inquiry question: My inquiry question for the second semester will be “Why do plants differ from one another?” Explain why this is a question of interest for you: This question interests me because I enjoy learning about how nature differs in different areas and about nature in general. […]

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Blog post #1

    2a) The 3 most important values in my opinion are…  I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities and rights. (Equality) I believe people should be noticed for their efforts and contributions. (Recognition) I believe it is important to experience close, ongoing, relationships with others. (Friendship)    […]

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Blog Post 1- Values Activity & Aligning this with Global Millennium Goals

Hello everyone! Here is my first action post. What are your 3 most important values and your 3 least important values? My 3 most important values are compassion, opportunity, and helping. My 3 least important values were tradition, courage, and competence. 2. Do you agree with the results? Do you […]

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Blog Post #6 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Reflection – Metamorphosis a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, I ran into a few main challenges centred around opinion versus fact. The topic I chose to research, consumerism, is a polarizing topic and the […]

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Blog Post #6: Reflection – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? 1. Address the following questions: a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I had to overcome a couple of challenges throughout this inquiry project, but one that stuck with me the most was being orderly […]

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Blog Post #5: Round 3 of Research – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

What Affects Emotional Quotient? How can negative experiences affect emotional quotient? Having negative experiences can affect emotional quotient in a variety of different ways that are specific to how you deal with these emotions that you feel when having these experiences. If you deal with these emotions correctly, you may […]

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Blog Post #5 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the environment? In my previous research round, I looked into the effects that consumerism and the purchasing patterns that it has brought on have had on our psyche and the way we think. In this final research round, I will be discussing the environmental changes that […]

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Blog Post #5

  The Song of Freedom She sat waiting for the show to start. Phoebe sat, and sat, and sat. Then the music started to play. The wonderful music. The melodic tune filled her senses and left her in wonder as the slim dancer entered the stage. The dancer was beautiful. She was graceful amid the leaps, bounds, and twirls […]

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Blog Post #5: What causes the factors which contribute to low-income and poverty ?

What causes the factors which contribute to low income and poverty?  Insufficient health care services  The causes of insufficient health care, which affects millions globally, are because of “political, social, and economic injustices in the world.” Many politicians and entrepreneurial members of our society use health care as a means […]

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Blog Post #5- How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?

How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses? Are any scientists working towards cures; if so how close are they?  Although mental illnesses are treatable, they cannot be cured. The most treatable being depression and bipolar disorder. This is because of the developments made on cognitive […]

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Blog Post #4 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the way we think? In my previous research round, I discussed the definition of consumerism and provided a somewhat brief history of its meteoric rise in our modern world. In this research round, I will be touching on how this new, widespread economic ideology has shaped […]

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Blog #4 – What scientifically happens to humans when they lie?

what scientifically happens to humans when they lie? (1)The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that controls human emotions and behaviour. This part of the brain also helps humans plan and regulate their emotions controllably. A way scientists have realized that the human brain is lying, the human […]

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Blog#4: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? 

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different? Sociopath traits, characteristics and genetic influence. A sociopath, by definition, means “person with a psychopathic personality whose behaviour is antisocial, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.” (1) That’s probably what most of us think about when we […]

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Blog Post #4- How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?

For this round my question is What are the known treatments and recent developments for environmental (trauma induced, brain injury induced, and drug induced) and genetic illnesses? Mental illness caused by the environment of a person have the most variables when it comes to treatment. Changing the environment that caused […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What Affects Emotional Quotient?” Emotional quotient is the ability to understand others, communicate effectively, manage your emotions, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict [3]. This can affect us by driving our behaviour, which impacts our environment and other people [2]. There are four attributes that commonly define emotional quotient; self-management, which […]

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Blog 3- How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?

How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  As I’ve mentioned in my project plan, I would be discussing traits, characteristics and the genetic influence of a psychopath.  By definition, a psychopath is a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour. Psychopathy is a *neuropsychiatric disorder* [1] (branch of […]

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Blog Post #3-How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?

How Close are we to Finding a Cure for any Mental Illnesses?  What are the types of mental illnesses and how are they developed? Mental Illness and mental disorders are behavioural or emotional limitations that can affect the ability to function and relate to others. (Cunha, 2020). The most common […]

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Blog post #3

The question that I’m going to be researching is “how does the media affect the way we think?” In my 1st round of research, I will be diving further into the question of “how does the media portray certain groups and how can it negatively impact the way people think […]

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Blog #2

My inquiry question: Is being an introvert or extrovert better? In blog post #1, I think 50% of people are introverted and the other half extroverted. I consider myself an introvert, but once you get to know me more or become friends I become extroverted. In my post before, people […]

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Blog #2 inquiry

  Hi guys just to refresh on my inquiry question it is “what are the greatest impacts on low income children? and how can we use these factors to solve this issue?” Step 1)  Where are the main demographics of children/ low income families from? I believe it is important to research […]

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Blog #2: Project plan 

My inquiry question is: ‘Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction?’      To answer this question, I will first research the two theories of gender development.  **I know that there are many theories that try to explain gender but I will only research the two main ones.  What is biological determinism? […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Hey everyone! Just to refresh anyone’s memory, or if some of you haven’t read my inquiry question introduction, the topic I have chosen for my inquiry project is: How does consumerism affect society and our planet? To me, this is an incredibly relevant and intriguing question for many reasons, the […]

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Blog #2: Project Plan – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

“What affects emotional quotient?” Planned three steps of research: (1) Basic knowledge of emotional quotient What is emotional quotient? What is the difference between emotional quotient and intelligence quotient? Why is emotional quotient important? (2) Effects of emotional quotient What does having low emotional quotient look like and lead to? […]

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Blog Post #1 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How does consumerism affect society and our planet? This is a question of incredible interest for me because of how shockingly integral it is in our society. Recently, I have been watching quite a few documentaries and educational videos about economics (YouTube recommendations are weird). While I knew prior to […]

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Blog 1: Inquiry Question

My Inquiry Question for this year will be: How are psychopaths and sociopaths genetically similar/ different?  I’ve always been intrigued by the topic of psychopaths and sociopaths, even more so now that I’m taking psychology 12 at school. Psychopaths and sociopaths are commonly portrayed in movies and TV dramas as […]

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Blog #1: Inquiry Project – What Affects Emotional Quotient?

My inquiry question for this semester is “what affects emotional intelligence?” I decided to pick this question because I am interested in psychology and how the brain processes and stores information. Especially for emotional intelligence, I am thinking of researching about how the brain stores memories and how it learns […]

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About Me

Hi, my name’s Aleah and I’m a junior at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. My favourite subject at school is   French-Language Film and Literature Studies. I love to read, especially classical literature and fantasy books. My favourite book is called ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde. It […]

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Blog Post #6 – Reflection (Metamorphosis) – Should we clone humans?

Hello everyone, hope you are doing well! Inquiry question: Should we clone humans? a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I definitely ran into the challenge of finding reputable sources! Many sources I looked at were either old articles […]

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Blog #6 – Will Electric Cars Dominate Gas Cars In the Future? – Metamorphosis

Blog Post 6 – Metamorphosis Lucas   1- What challenges did you overcome during this inquiry Project? How did you overcome these challenges? During my research rounds, I was challenged by many factors of the whole planning, writing, and researching process. One specific issue I had was effectively distributing the […]

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Blog Post #6 – Reflection – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Ironically, many of the challenges that I faced throughout the making of this inquiry project were to do with confirmation bias, one of the main points I brought up in my third […]

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Blog #6: Reflection – What is the relationship between Law and Philosophy

  What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? This inquiry presented a few challenges including time management, choosing which details to include and being conscious of repetitive explanations. There were times I struggled with submitting my research rounds on time. […]

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Metamorphosis Reflection- What are the effects of affirmations and subliminal messages that are being used for manifestation?

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, I noticed that I was constantly questioning if my question was good enough to be researching. Sometimes I thought the correlation between affirmations and subliminal messages was too much […]

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Blog #5 – What is the relationship between law and philosophy?

Hi everyone! In my previous rounds of research, I looked at the origins of law and philosophy separately. In this round, I looked into how they compare and contrast. Topic: Similarities and differences between law and philosophy What is Legal Philosophy? Philosophy of law (or legal philosophy) is concerned with […]

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Blog Post #5 – Research Round #3 – Sleep Disorders – Is Sleep Really that Important?

  “Is Sleep Really that Important?” By: Karen Zoulau Many people feel as if they don’t get enough sleep at night. To solve this they constantly promise themselves that they will get more sleep in the future, but often this promise never happens. This is an occurring issue that almost […]

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Blog Post #5-What are the effects of affirmations and subliminal messages that are being used for manifestation?

  Hello everyone! Welcome to my second round of research. My question is “What are the effects of affirmations and subliminal messages that are being used for manifestation? “. Last time I found information about the science behind why people think manifestations work. In this research round I will be […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What makes certain people predisposed to believing conspiracy theories? If you have read my previous post, you will know that I have already researched why people are drawn to conspiracy theories. In that post, I mentioned that humans are drawn to and create conspiracy theories due in large part to […]

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Blog Post #4 – Research Round #2 – Is Sleep Really that Important?

“Is Sleep Really that Important?” By: Karen Zoulau Have you ever wondered what happens to our bodies when we sleep? Let me explain. Our brain stores new information while we sleep [1], creating new space for new memories and deleting useless, old ones. Our nerve cells communicate with each other, […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – “Does money bring happiness?”

  Lokshana Groodoyal social responsibility Research topic: “Does money bring happiness?” –  April 22nd, 2021    ———//———//———//——-//———//———//———//———//———//——— The issue of accelerating drift between the rich and the poor is pressing because it’s directly proportional to the amount of rich and poor people in society for several decades now. this is […]

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Research Round 2 | Blog 4 – What is the relationship between Law and Philosophy?

Topic: The Nature and Function of Philosophy Philosophy surrounds us all and similar to law, we may not realize it. We all engage in philosophy whether we are aware of it or not as each individual has some view concerning free will, human nature, morality, and the meaning of life. […]

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Blog Post #4- What are the effects of affirmations and subliminal messages that are used for manefestation?

Hello again! Welcome to my second round of research. My question is “What are the effects of affirmations and subliminal messages that are being used for manifestation? “. Last time I looked into what affirmations, subliminal messages, and manifestation are to provide some background information. This time I will be […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Why are people drawn to and create conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories. In this current age, I would be quite confident saying that virtually everyone reading this knows what they are. Strange ideas, farfetched conclusions, “connect-the-dots” thinking. I would also be confident in saying that practically all of you reading this […]

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Blog Post #3 – Research Round #1 – Why do we generalize people?

In general humans have a tendency to make haste decisions or form opinions based on the demographic, appearance, past actions etc. of a person. These behaviours are formed from childhood  based on our experiences growing up, and social stigmas which have been passed down generations [1]. For example, people with […]

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blog #3- “Does Family or Culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?”

Blog #3- “Does Family or Culture have more of an influence on the occurrence of eating disorders?” As mentioned in my project plan, this post will be an explanation of the different types of eating disorders, and why is it important to differentiate them.  In order to further dive into the occurrence […]

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