
Blog Post #7 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

Reflection a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? As I mentioned in my last project’s reflection post, the main challenge I encountered while completing this inquiry project was biased information. The topic I chose to research is incredibly polarizing […]

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Blog Post #4 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

What are some historical examples of powerful democracies falling into authoritarianism? Welcome back to my inquiry project! Last post I talked about the differences and demonstrated the specifics about the two major systems of government: democracy and dictatorship. This time, I will be delving into examples of how historical democracies […]

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Blog Post #2 – How do democracies turn into dictatorships?

Hello everyone! Today I will be detailing my project plan for my inquiry question: How do democracies turn into dictatorships? Research Rounds: What is a democracy and what is a dictatorship? (Here I will provide concrete examples and explanations of the similarities and differences between these two systems of governance.) […]

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Blog Post #7 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

Reflection a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The main challenge I dealt with throughout this inquiry project was navigating through biased sources. The topic that I chose to research is already a multi-billion dollar industry that benefits many […]

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Blog Post #5 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of VR/AR and will they prove to be net positives for humans and society? The last time I was here, we delved into the history of virtual reality and augmented reality. This technology has advanced significantly and quickly throughout recent years, which has worried many people […]

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Blog Post #4 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What is the history of virtual/augmented reality and how has it advanced? Hello everyone and welcome back to my inquiry project. In my last blog post, I spoke about what constituted virtual/augmented reality and helped define and explain it to people who didn’t know. Today, I will be delving into […]

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Blog Post #3 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

What is virtual reality/augmented reality? While this question may seem pointless and entirely self-explanatory for the more technologically inclined, the majority of the public seems to have a skewed perception of what this technology truly is. Due in large part to films and TV shows, we are led to believe […]

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Blog Post #2 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

Hello everyone! Today I will be detailing my project plan for my inquiry question: ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?   Research Rounds: What is virtual/augmented reality? (This will allow students comprehend these often misunderstood technologies) What is their history and how have they advanced? (This will demonstrate to […]

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Blog Post #1 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?

Is virtual reality/augmented reality positive for humans? This question has been weighing quite heavily on my brain for the past few years, and I believe it is one of the most relevant topics in our modern world. With the rapid development of new technologies, considerable jumps in what we can […]

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About Me – Victor

Hello everyone! My name is Victor and this is my fourth year in Social Responsibility. I am a senior at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School, live in Coquitlam, and my favourite school subject is Math. My gift is definitely breaking down barriers with people after first meeting them. I can […]

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Blog Post #7 – Why are humans virtually always in conflict?

a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The main challenge I dealt with during this inquiry project was encountering conflicting opinions and information. The topic I chose to research is hotly debated and scientists and researchers have yet to […]

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Blog Post #2 – Why are humans virtually always in conflict?

Hey again everyone! If you haven’t gotten around to reading this inquiry project’s first blog post, my inquiry question is “Why are humans virtually always in conflict?” This topic has been of incredible interest to me and I hope to discover some interesting things throughout my research.   Research Rounds: […]

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Blog Post #6 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Reflection – Metamorphosis a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Throughout this inquiry project, I ran into a few main challenges centred around opinion versus fact. The topic I chose to research, consumerism, is a polarizing topic and the […]

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Blog Post #5 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the environment? In my previous research round, I looked into the effects that consumerism and the purchasing patterns that it has brought on have had on our psyche and the way we think. In this final research round, I will be discussing the environmental changes that […]

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Blog Post #4 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How has consumerism affected the way we think? In my previous research round, I discussed the definition of consumerism and provided a somewhat brief history of its meteoric rise in our modern world. In this research round, I will be touching on how this new, widespread economic ideology has shaped […]

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Blog Post #2 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

Hey everyone! Just to refresh anyone’s memory, or if some of you haven’t read my inquiry question introduction, the topic I have chosen for my inquiry project is: How does consumerism affect society and our planet? To me, this is an incredibly relevant and intriguing question for many reasons, the […]

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Blog Post #1 – How does consumerism affect society and our planet?

How does consumerism affect society and our planet? This is a question of incredible interest for me because of how shockingly integral it is in our society. Recently, I have been watching quite a few documentaries and educational videos about economics (YouTube recommendations are weird). While I knew prior to […]

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Blog Post #6 – Reflection – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Ironically, many of the challenges that I faced throughout the making of this inquiry project were to do with confirmation bias, one of the main points I brought up in my third […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What makes certain people predisposed to believing conspiracy theories? If you have read my previous post, you will know that I have already researched why people are drawn to conspiracy theories. In that post, I mentioned that humans are drawn to and create conspiracy theories due in large part to […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Why are people drawn to and create conspiracy theories? Conspiracy theories. In this current age, I would be quite confident saying that virtually everyone reading this knows what they are. Strange ideas, farfetched conclusions, “connect-the-dots” thinking. I would also be confident in saying that practically all of you reading this […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

What are conspiracy theories and how can we identify false ones? Conspiracy theories are now all around us. The crazy notions, the absurd ideas, the disproven lies, together they help to plague our world, its people, and our understanding of it. While some may be planted as to confuse individuals […]

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Blog Post #2 – Inquiry Project Plan – Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

Hey everyone! This semester of Social Responsibility I have chosen to undertake another inquiry project. The question I will attempt to answer this time will be: “Why do people believe in conspiracy theories?” I find this question incredibly interesting and exceedingly relevant today, judging by recent events, including, but not […]

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Blog Post #6 – Reflection – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Many of my troubles throughout this inquiry project were linked with the difficult premise of the idea; like many have mentioned, it is never a tool’s fault that it is misused, it […]

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Blog Post #5 – Inquiry Research Round #3 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our communication skills and how we use them? In recent years, social media has changed many of the vital parts of being human – it has exploded in popularity and this change has been felt throughout nearly every facet of our lives, including our jobs, […]

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Blog Post #4 – Inquiry Research Round #2 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

How has social media affected our psyche? Like I mentioned in my first inquiry research round, social media has slowly transformed into an integral part of many of our lives. When we depend on social media applications to stay up-to-date on current events and with friends, as well as, for […]

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Blog Post #3 – Inquiry Research Round #1 – What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it?

What is social media and what is its history? Most of us probably know what social media is. Heck, it is likely that the majority of us use it on a daily basis. For those of us who might not know what social media is, or need a slight touchup […]

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Blog Post #1

What are social media’s effects on society and the people within it? This is a question of great interest to me because of how bizarre the world is now. The US president going on Twitter rant after Twitter rant filled with incorrect information? Check. Teenagers making huge amounts of money […]

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Inquiry Project – Third Round of Research – Are smartphones helping or hurting society and the people within it?

We all know how helpful smartphones can be. They can increase our productivity, let us unwind or let us keep in touch with the people we love. But we also know that smartphones can be detrimental. Most people immediately flock to saying that smartphone addiction is the only way that […]

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Hi guys! I hope everyone has been feeling good these past few weeks. Myself, I have been feeling quite well staying home, getting to sleep in, and have been taking this strange event as best I could. But lets get to business. Here is my self-reflection! 1. What is something […]

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Inquiry Project – First Round of Research – Smartphones, what are they, how do they work and what is their history?

Most of us probably know by now what a smartphone is. The little, surprisingly powerful computer that fits in your pocket. For almost all of us, they are one of our most important possessions. We can do so much with them; search the internet, post media, see what is going […]

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Inquiry Plan

Hi everyone! For semester two of Social Responsibility this year, I have chosen to do another inquiry project. I have chosen not to continue my previous subject though. My new subject will still be one that is strongly related to the overall subject of my last subject; tech. My question […]

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Victor’s hobbies

Hi everyone! Like many others on this thread of comments, I have many pastimes and hobbies. But, for the sake of saving you the hassle of having to read four thousand words, I’m going to stick to just one. And that one is basketball. For those of you who might […]

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Inquiry Plan

For this semester of Butterfly Effect, I have chosen to do an inquiry project. My question for this inquiry project will be “Will Artificial Intelligence ever be able to experience authentic feelings?”. I decided to go with this question because I find artificial intelligence is currently a very interesting and […]

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