
Blog #7- What’s the role of the media in current social movements?

Hi everyone! In this last blog post, I will reflect on my research and its process What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? There are many current social movements and I struggled to decide which ones to research about, and […]

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Blog post #5

Hi everyone!  For this last round of research I looked into environmentalism to answer inquiry my question: “What’s the role of the media in current social movements?” First, I’d like to explain what environmentalism is, as some of you might not know this movement.  Environmentalism: A “political and ethical movement” […]

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Blog Post #4- What’s the role of the media in current social movements?

Hi everyone!  For this second round of research, I looked into anti-racist movements and the media to answer inquiry my question: What’s the role of the media in current social movements? Media and the amplification of anti-racist activism: Similarly to feminism, platforms on the internet have allowed many anti-racist activists […]

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Blog Post #3-What’s the role of the media in current social movements?

Hi everyone! For this first round of research, I looked into feminism and the media to answer inquiry my question: What’s the role of the media in current social movements? The importance of media:  The media, especially after the surge of internet, has allowed many feminists to share their ideas […]

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Blog #2: Project plan

Hi everyone! To answer my question; What’s the role of the media in current social movements? I decided to research three current social movements and how media impacts each of them specifically. Here are the questions to guide me through my research:  Feminism:  What role has social media played in […]

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Blog #1

Hi everyone,  For this new semester, my inquiry question will be: What’s the role of the media in current social movements?  I’m interested in learning more about it because since I started to gain an interest in sociology and social movements, I’ve always noticed how the media, especially social media, shapes […]

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Blog #7: Reflection

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I had planned to write about the impact of gender discrimination/roles on immigrants, but did not find enough information to make a whole blog post on it. Therefore, I chose another topic that […]

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Blog 4- How do Gender Roles and Discrimination Affect Our Society?

Hi everyone,  In this blog post, I’ll explain how gender roles and gender discrimination affect the lgbt community. I will talk about things like: how gender roles impact same-sex couples, and how lgbt+ women are discriminated within the community due to gender discrimination. Gender roles:  Gender roles have a huge […]

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Blog 3- How do Gender Roles and Discrimination Affect Our Society?

Hi everyone: In this first round of research, I will look at how gender roles and gender discrimination impact the youth. I chose to research about education and social media because they are both very present in the lifestyle of youth in today’s world.  Gender discrimination in education:  Girls are […]

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Blog #2- Project plan

Hi everyone!  My inquiry question is: How do gender roles and discrimination affect our society? To answer this question, I decided to research its impact on three different parts of our society; youth, the LGBT+ community, and immigrants. Of course, there are many other parts/groups in a society, but I […]

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About me

Hi everyone! My name is Sofia and I live in Coquitlam. I’m 17 and I go to Charles Best Secondary (gr 12). This is my second year in Social Responsibility, and I’m very excited!  My passion is reading, especially non-fiction. I really like reading about social issues, such as women’s […]

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Blog #7: Reflection

1. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? It was difficult to find current information about the BWS defence because most articles about it were from the 1990’s to early 2000’s (when it was created and used for the first […]

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Blog #5- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone! In this last round of research, I researched about the battered women that choose not to use the BWS defence. I will also give a quick answer to my inquiry question: What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts? To begin with, many […]

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Blog #4- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

  This fourth round of research is about the changes made in the law of self defence and the remaining difficulties of interpreting these  cases. I will analyse interpretations and procedures taken in legal cases involving battered women in Canada and the laws behind it.  Amendments in Self-defence laws to […]

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Blog 3- What problems do Canadian Women face when using the Battered Woman Syndrome Defence in Courts? 

Hi everyone!   My inquiry question this semester is: What problems do Canadian Women face when using the Battered Woman Syndrome Defence in Courts?  This blog post will explain the battered woman syndrome from a medical and judicial perspective. Finally, it will also include a brief description of how the […]

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Blog #2- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone!  In this post, I will explain my project plan: My inquiry question is: What are the problems faced by women when using the BWS Defence in Canadian Courts?  Round of research 1: I will introduce the BWS defence and some basic concepts of law. I think this is necessary […]

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Blog #1- What problems do women face when using the BWS defence in Canadian courts?

Hi everyone,   My inquiry questions this semester is: What problems do Canadian women face when using the Battered Woman Syndrome Defence in courts?  This defence, commonly known as the BWS defence, is a type of legal defence that is used by women who kill their abusers or/and batterers.   […]

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Blog 6

Reflection  What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The challenges I faced throughout my project were regarding finding and understanding the information for my research and communicating it in an easier way for people to understand. At the beginning I […]

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Blog #5: Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction? 

My inquiry question is; “Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction?” In this fifth and last round of research, I will come to an answer for my inquiry question “Is being masculine or feminine biological or are they social constructions?”  In addition, I will investigate the impacts […]

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Blog #2: Project plan 

My inquiry question is: ‘Is being masculine or feminine biological or a social construction?’      To answer this question, I will first research the two theories of gender development.  **I know that there are many theories that try to explain gender but I will only research the two main ones.  What is biological determinism? […]

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About Me

  Hi everyone! My name is Sofia, I’m 16 and attending grade 11 at Charles Best Secondary. My favourite subject at school is Social Studies/History.   What might surprise others is that I’ve lived in three different countries (Brazil, Argentina and Canada) and I’m trilingual; I speak Portuguese, Spanish and English. […]

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