
Blog Post #5 – Story Project
Here is my story: The Snowbound Spirit Aspen Rivers died on January 19, 1923. She was only 18. That January was warmer than usual, almost lukewarm compared to the frigid temperatures and biting wind chills that normally plagued her small town, North Tide, during the winter. Although it was a […]

Blog Post #4 – Story Project
Hello everyone! Today I did some more research for my short story. For the climax of the story, it will be set in the archives of a small town. I’ve never written about archives so I had to do some research about it! Originally, my plan was to make the […]

Blog Post #3 – Story Project
Hello everyone! Today I did some research for my short story. For the exposition, I wanted to include how snow is formed. Snow is going to be a big motif for secrets in my story, and it has a lot to do with the death of the main character and […]

Blog Post #2 – Story Project
Exposition: Point of Attack: Rising Action: Climax: Falling Action: Resolution:

Blog Post #1 – Story
Hello everyone! For my final project in this class, I decided to do a story project because it’s the only one I’ve never done before! For my first blog post, I did free writing in my journal. I chose to do it with a pen and paper instead of my […]
Blog Post #7 – Metamorphosis (Reading Buddies Project)
A challenge I faced throughout this project was dealing with having a new reading buddy each week. The idea of the program was to have the same buddy for the entire thing. That way, you would get to know them well, and you’d learn their reading strengths and weaknesses over […]

Blog Post #5 – Action Project
1.) Where are you with your action? Hello everyone! To recap once again, my action project is volunteering at my local library as a reading buddy. As a volunteer reading buddy, I help kids in elementary school practice their reading skills and help them enjoy reading! In my last blog […]

Blog Post #4 – Action Project
1.) Where are you with your action? Hello everyone! To recap once again, my action project is volunteering at my local library as a reading buddy. As a volunteer reading buddy, I help kids in elementary school practice their reading skills and help them enjoy reading! There have been seven […]
Blog Post #3 – Action Project
1.) Where are you with your action? Hello everyone! To recap, my action project is volunteering at my local library as a reading buddy. As a volunteer reading buddy, I help kids in elementary school practice their reading skills and help them enjoy reading! So far there have been three […]
Blog Post #2 – Action Project
Hello everyone! This semester, my action project will be volunteering at my local library as a reading buddy. As a volunteer reading buddy, I will help kids in elementary school practice their reading skills and help them enjoy reading! I have already started as the first session was last week, […]
Blog Post #1 – Action Project
Based on the values activity, my 3 most important values were Equality,Compassion, and Community. My 3 least important values were Tradition, Spiritual Growth, and Power. I agree with my results for the most part, but it was difficult to only pick 3 values that mattered the most to me. For […]
Blog Post #7 – Reflection
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? I researched how childhood trauma impacts child development. This is a topic that is very personal and important to me, and researching the effects of childhood trauma could be emotionally challenging at […]
Blog Post #5- Childhood trauma and mental health
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” Today I will be focusing on how childhood trauma can impact the mental health of children, and also teenagers. General effects: Childhood trauma can have a significant impact on mental health, both in childhood and later in life. Trauma can alter the way […]
Blog Post #4 -Childhood trauma and social relationships
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” Today I will be focusing on how childhood trauma affects social relationships in children. This blog post will be broken up into 3 different sections. The first will be about trust, the second will be about […]
Blog Post #3 -How does childhood trauma affect emotional regulation?
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?” This is a heavy question, so today I will start my research by focusing on how childhood trauma affects emotional regulation skills in children. This blog post will be broken up into 3 different sections. The […]
Blog Post #2 -Project Plan
This semester, my inquiry question is “how does childhood trauma impact child/adult development? This is a heavy topic with many layers to it, so I will be breaking it up into different sections that I think are important. My first step to my research will be learning about how childhood trauma […]
Blog Post #1 -How does childhood trauma impact child/adult development?
How does childhood trauma impact child/adult development? This is a heavy topic, but I believe that it is important. Mental health and healing from trauma are topics that I’m very passionate about, and I want to learn more about them. Experiencing trauma at a young age can impact people in […]
Blog Post #7-Reflection
Hello everyone! This semester, my inquiry question was “what is the relationship between music and trauma?” I learned a lot from this project, and here is my final reflection! What challenges did you overcome throughout this Inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? The most challenging part […]
Blog Post #5 – What does music mean to humans?
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “What is the relationship between music and trauma?” I’ve already covered the direct relationships between music and trauma and how it has helped survivors of trauma with their healing journeys, so today I’m going to be looking at how music helps all […]
Blog Post #4- The direct relation between music and trauma
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “What is the relationship between music and trauma?” To answer such a complex question, today I will be researching the direct relation between music and trauma. This is also a heavy question on it’s own, so I will be breaking up this […]
Blog Post #3- How does music affect humans?
Hello everyone! My inquiry question this semester is “What is the relationship between music and trauma?” To answer such a complex question, I will first need to understand the relationship between music and humans in general. To understand how music affects humans, I will be breaking up this post into […]
Blog Post #2 -Project Plan
This semester, my inquiry question is “what is the relationship between music and trauma?” This question is quite vague on it’s own, so I will be breaking up the topic into different sections! My first step to my research will be learning about how music affects humans in general. Why […]
Blog Post #1- The relationship between music and trauma
What is the relationship between music and trauma? This may seem like a strange question, but music is something that gets brought up quite a bit when discussing mental health. For example, the way music seems to help humans heal from obstacles they’ve overcome. Or how certain songs can bring […]