
Blog #5 – How does the quality of early caregiving and parental involvement influence emotional and social well-being in later years?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, How does the quality of early caregiving and parental involvement influence emotional and social […]

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Blog Post #4 – What role does early childhood nutrition play in shaping long-term health outcomes?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, What role does early childhood nutrition play in shaping long-term health outcomes? Early […]

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Blog Post #3 – How do adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact physical and mental health in adulthood?

HI everyone and welcome back to my Blog. My main inquiry questions this semster is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? To answer this big questions I will focus my research around the question, How do adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact physical and mental health in adulthood? […]

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Blog Post #2 – How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes?

HI everyone! Today I’m going to be breaking down my big inquiry question, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes, into three sub-questions that will help me better answer the Inquiry question. This sub-question is essential because it helps to identify how negative environments and traumas in childhood […]

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Blog Post #1 – How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes? 

Hi and welcome back to my Blog! I chose to do an Inquiry project this semester and the question I will be working on answering is, How do early childhood experiences influence long-term health outcomes?  Early childhood is a critical period that shapes the foundation for health and well-being throughout […]

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Blog Post #5 – How do different types of environments (urban, rural, natural) affect well-being?

Hi everyone, and welcome to my Blog. Previously, we looked into the roles of social interactions and their impact on well-being, along with how changes in the environment can impact well being, both these questions help us understand how different environmental factors impact our overall well-being. To wrap things up, […]

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Blog Post #4 – How do changes in the environment affect well-being over time?

My Inquiry questions is, how do environemental factors impact people’s well-being? In order to fully understand the answer to this question, we must first understand the question, how do changes in the environment affedct well-being over time? Last blog post, we built a base of knowledge on the general topic […]

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Blog Post #3 – What role do social interactions within environments play in influencing well-being?

My Inqiry question is, how do environemental factors impact people’s well-being? In order to fully understand the answer to this question, we must first understand the question, what role do social interactions within environments play in influencing well-being? Social interactions play a critical role within out lives, which is why […]

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Blog Post #1 – How do Environmental Factors Impact People’s Well-being?

Hi everyone and welcome back to my Blog. Today I will be introducing my new Inquiry question for the semester and give some background information on the topic! This semester, I have chosen to research about the question “How do environmental factors impact people’s well-being?” I chose this inquiry question […]

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Blog Post #1 – How has technology impacted how we view oursleves and others?

My Inquiry Question for rhis semester is: How has technology impacted how we view ourselves and others?   I chose this inquiry question because as I was conducting my research for my previous Inquiry Question from last semester, I stumbled upon a few websites explaining how technology impacts our health […]

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