
How do the use of filters and photo editing on social media platforms contribute to unrealistic beauty standards and the development of body dysmorphia, particularly in adolescents? -Blog #5

Problems with body image among young people in the United States have grown due to the fact that, in recent times, beauty standards have become more extreme, making them tougher to meet. Social media filters and photo editing applications enable users to display an idealized version of themselves. This can […]

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Blog #4 What is the relationship between social media engagement (e.g., likes, comments, and shares) and individuals’ self-esteem and body image perception?

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have evolved beyond being simple displays of idealized visuals; they serve as battlegrounds for vigorous social comparison, where users perpetually assess their value against digitally improved representations of others. This omnipresent digital landscape fosters a culture of continuous observation and evaluation, where body image is endlessly judged against an ideal of curated perfection. The effects of this paradigm shift are considerable, influencing body image contentment and, in turn, mental health. Research indicates a complicated link between social media involvement and body image issues, showing that greater social media activity correlates with more body dissatisfaction, lower self-esteem, and increased anxiety regarding physical appearance. This trend is especially noticeable among teenagers and young adults, who represent a significant portion of social media users and are at a crucial phase in forming their self-identity and body image. (1) The desire for likes and validation on social media is grounded in fundamental human desires. Humans are naturally social creatures that desire acceptance and validation from those around them. This idea originates from our earliest forebears, who depended on social connections for their survival. The desire for social interaction has led to the emergence of a new platform: social media. (2)Social media addresses this need by offering immediate responses via likes, comments, and shares. Every notification prompts a release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. This resembles the wave of contentment a person often experiences when they triumph in a game or are given praise. The promptness of this feedback is crucial, as it delivers an almost immediate feeling of achievement and validation. (2)Nevertheless, this pattern of pursuing validation can lead to both beneficial and detrimental outcomes. On one side, it can create a feeling of community and connection, especially for individuals who might feel alone in the real world. Conversely, it may result in an unhealthy fixation on online validation, frequently sacrificing genuine relationships and experiences in the real world. (2)Additionally, the effects of these likes and shares are both psychological and physiological. The dopamine triggered by social media engagement can foster an addiction, causing users to rely on these online validations for their self-esteem. This can result in what psychologists refer to as ‘reward dependency’, in which a person’s mood and self-worth become linked to the acquisition of these digital rewards. (2) When you already sense that your life is insufficient, social media merely intensifies what others possess and what is thriving for them. Ultimately, numerous individuals utilize their social media accounts to present an idealized version of themselves through selectively curated images, frequently featuring various filters. Consequently, you might start to feel more negatively about yourself. (3)Social media may also contribute to stress in your everyday life, particularly when assessing your own posts. Whenever you share a photo or status update, you may feel anxious about the likes, shares, and comments your post will receive. This fixation on visibility provides another chance for comparison, prompting you to question why another individual’s photos or material received more attention and favorable responses than yours. (3) As social media platforms evolve, they become increasingly interactive and more “addictive,” leading to a rise in opportunities for social comparison. This may also heighten the possible repercussions: depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, negative body image, and unhealthy eating habits. While it may be unrelated, it is important to highlight that mental health trends (such as depression, anxiety, and body image problems) among youth deteriorated during the same timeframe that teen smartphone and social media usage rose. Creating clear connections between social media usage and broader mental health patterns is difficult for various reasons, but it is evident that extensive negative social comparison probably contributes to these trends. (4)This is due to the fact that fabricating a fake persona on social media to gain likes or followers can make our real-life challenges appear even more daunting, causing us to overlook what is genuine. Even short interactions with social media can initiate social comparison, leading to lower self-assessments when individuals looked at profiles of healthy or accomplished people. (4) Individuals tend […]

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Blog #3 -How does the frequency and type of social media use impact levels of anxiety, depression, or loneliness in individuals across different age groups?

My Inquiry question is: How social media influences mental health and self-perception Social media gives users the ability to add “friends” to their network and share personal information with them, including pictures and thoughts. Young adults’ usage of social media facilitates social comparison, which can result in poor mental health […]

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Blog #2- How social media influences mental health and self-perception

The three research steps are: How does the frequency and type of social media use impact levels of anxiety, depression, or loneliness in individuals across different age groups?By examining the correlation between social media use and mental health symptoms across various age groups, this information will reveal how different patterns […]

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Blog #1- Inquiry project (How social media influences mental health and self-perception)

My inquiry topic is on how social media influences mental health and self-perception. I chose to research this topic because of how much I realized social media consumption took over my high school years. Social media plays a crucial role in shaping how individuals view themselves. The constant exposure to […]

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Reflection -Blog #7

a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?One of my challenges in this inquiry project was that I had trouble finding enough information for my second round of research. The second round of research was on How much influence the […]

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Blog #2

Project plan My inquiry question: How do individuals develop values and beliefs?  My three steps to research are: What is the difference between values and beliefs?This question is essential as we need to first understand what values and beliefs are. It is also significant that we know what the difference […]

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Blog #1

My inquiry question: How do individuals develop values and beliefs? I chose to do research on this question because of how I noticed everyone around me believed and valued different things. For one, I think this is based on how you were raised. But could values and beliefs also change […]

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Blog #5

For my inquiry question, I am researching bonds with pets. My third round of research is on how long it takes to bond with pets. I added this question to my research because not everyone bonds with their pets fast. In my opinion, pets are easy and quick to bond […]

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Blog #4

For my inquiry question, I am researching bonds with pets. My second round of research is on what kinds of bonds we have/make with pets. I think this question can stretch into many answers. For example, my brother first got his gecko merely because he had a huge interest in […]

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Blog #3

For my inquiry question, I am researching on bonds with pets. My first round of research is how we bond with pets. This first step of research is essential because I am not sure how we bond with different pets. For example, it is easy to tell how people bond with […]

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Blog #2

Blog #2: Project plan For this semester, I am researching on bonds with pets. My three steps on research would be on how we bond, what kinds of bonds, and how long does it take to bond with pets. How do we bond with pets? This first step of research […]

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Blog #1

Hello everyone, for this semester I decided to research on bonds with pets. I would be specifically researching on how we bond, what kinds of bonds, and how long it takes to bond with pets. It took a while to think of an inquiry question, so I started to think […]

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About Me

Hello, my name is Kiara and I am in grade 11. This is my third year at Dr. Charles Best Secondary. My favourite school subject is English. This is my third year of being part of Social Responsibility. About me- I am Korean, but I was born and raised in […]

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Blog #7

Blog #7: Reflection What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? My inquiry question: Why do we try to fit in society’s standards? Some challenge I overcame through my inquiry project was coming up with 3 smaller questions to lead up to […]

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Blog #5

Research round 3: Are society’s standards advantageous for us? I believe this question must be researched to answer my inquiry question: Why do people try to fit in society’s standards? Maybe society’s standards are set for a reason. Maybe they are there for us to follow and become the best […]

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Blog #4

Research round 2: Why are we pressured to fit into these standards? I believe this questions is essential since I wonder why we want to fit in a certain standard and where this desire comes from. I will find multiple research done to find a general idea and answer to […]

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Blog #3

Blog #3: Round 1 of research My inquiry question: Why do we try to fit in society’s standards? The question I will research on: What are society’s standards? I believe researching the actual standards set by society would help me have a better understanding of my inquiry question. Social norm: […]

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Blog #2

Project plan: The three main questions I will research on is: What are society’s standards (beauty, personality, marriage, etc…)? There are many standards society set. Standards that are made for people to follow. Some of these standards can be extreme and cause stress to people who are not able to […]

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Blog #7

The inquiry question I researched was: What is stress? I faced some challenges finding different information about each question I answered. Many resources had the same information. I overcame these challenges by going through many different sources to find some info that differed. This inquiry question helped me change the […]

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Blog #5

Hello everyone, for my final round of research I will inform you about what is stress. Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed, pressured, and more negative emotions. Stress is our body’s response to negative energy. Stress can come from many different situations or life events. It is often triggered […]

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Blog #4

Hello everyone. My topic for this semester’s inquiry research is on stress. This round of research would answer how we can prevent stress. We can handle our stress by: Eat and drink to optimize your health There are people who try and cope stress by eating unhealthy food such as McDonald’s. […]

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Blog #3

Inquiry question: What is stress? The first round of research: What causes us stress? Feelings of stress are normally triggered by things happening in your life which involve: being under lots of pressure, facing big changes, worrying about something, not having much or any control over the outcome of a situation, having responsibilities that you’re […]

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Blog #2

My inquiry question: Why do we have stress? (stress) My three steps to research would be on these questions; what causes of stress, how we can prevent stress, and how we can resolve stress. These three questions are the ones that would give me the answer to my main question. […]

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Blog #1

Hello and thank you for supporting my previous research. For this semester I’ve decided to research stress. The main research is going to be on what causes us stress, how we can prevent stress, and finally, what is stress. This is a problem everyone is facing and a topic I’m […]

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Blog #6 Reflexion

Inquiry question: Intorvert or extrovert? a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? Some of my research was difficult. There were many questions I wanted to answer, but it was difficult to find the response because there wasn’t a precise […]

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Blog #5

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? On my last blog, I researched and answered some common questions. They were specific questions, but for this blog, I’ll be answering the main question; which of the two is more beneficial in life? My last research proved both introverts and extroverts have their […]

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Blog #4

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? My last research stated I’ll be answering specific and common questions about introverts and extroverts. Does this affect the way we talk to people? How does society take in introverts and extroverts? What is an ambivert? Does this affect the way we talk to […]

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Blog #3

My inquiry question: Introvert or extrovert? Or to be specific, is being introverted or extroverted better? My first round of research will be the definition of the vocabulary introvert and extrovert. So what exactly are an introvert and an extrovert? The Oxford definition says an introvert is a quiet person […]

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Blog #2

My inquiry question: Is being an introvert or extrovert better? In blog post #1, I think 50% of people are introverted and the other half extroverted. I consider myself an introvert, but once you get to know me more or become friends I become extroverted. In my post before, people […]

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About me

Hello, my name is Kiara Chang and this is my first year at Dr. Charles Best Secondary school. I am in the French immersion program. My favourite subject is math, but I am enjoying PHE because we are going in our badminton unit. I am getting used to my school […]

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