Ariana Rehmat

Blog Post #5 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

In my final blog post, I am going to summarize my research and attempt to answer my big question, “How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?” I have been researching some main topics that I have used to help me answer this question: I can say that during […]

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Blog post #4 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

In this blog post, I will connect and piece some of my research together from my last blog post. I am specifically looking at childhood experiences, but diving deeper into memories. Good or bad. How do they affect our identity, personality and behaviour? Lets look at memory… Memories are combined […]

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Blog post #3 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

In this blog post, I will research some topics that connect back to my question, that include… EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: early childhood education is vitally important and should be talked about with more understanding. Early childhood education affects who we are as human beings, but also how we can treat […]

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Blog post #2 – How Do Childhood Experiences Influence Our Identity as Individuals?

THE PROCESS IN ANSWERING MY QUESTION: To answer my inquiry question… Step 1: I have to ask questions and research relevant topics Some topics that I would like to research that are centralized around my question are … I need to research these topics as my goal is to research […]

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Blog Post #1 – How do childhood experiences influence our identity as individuals?

In my inquiry project this semester, I want to research more about early childhood, specifically how experiences and environment affect the memories of children. We are all influenced in our actions, which make us the people that we are today. Our first 7 years of our life are the most […]

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