
Blog #7

Hello, Here is my final blog post! What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges? To be honest, I struggled with motivation throughout these final months. I was on the verge of failing this class, however, I pulled through and now […]

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Blog #3: Round 1 of research

How does stigma against mental health affect people with mental illness? First off, what are the different types of stigma? There are two, public stigma and self-stigma (3). The former relates to prejudices attitudes are formed by others. The latter is when prejudices attitudes are created towards oneself. Furthermore, stigma varies depending […]

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Blog Post #2

My central question is What are the effects of stigma against mental illness? The first step to my research is answering the question of: Do people with mental illness process information differently? This will help me to address my question because it also ties into the way people with mental illness process stigma […]

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Blog #5

My inquiry question is “how does that media affect the way we think?” and I will be exploring the topic of the effects on how the media affect the way children think.  They say that a child’s brain is like a sponge, absorbing all the information they can get. The […]

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Blog Post: #4

My inquiry question is “how does the media affect the way we think?”  My second round of research will be on “how does mob mentality affect the way we think?” Mob mentality is the influence of a group on an individual to change their behavior as they would not normally in […]

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Blog post #3

The question that I’m going to be researching is “how does the media affect the way we think?” In my 1st round of research, I will be diving further into the question of “how does the media portray certain groups and how can it negatively impact the way people think […]

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About Me

Hi, my name’s Aleah and I’m a junior at Dr. Charles Best Secondary School. My favourite subject at school is   French-Language Film and Literature Studies. I love to read, especially classical literature and fantasy books. My favourite book is called ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde. It […]

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