Blog Post 1 – Action Post: Values Activity & Aligning this with Global Millennium Goals
1.) Complete the Values Activity.
2a) What are your 3 most important values?
b) What are your 3 least important values?
3.) Do you agree with the results? What do these values mean to you?
4.) Research United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
a) Which one aligns with your values most?
b) Which one is your passion Why? (This may or may be the same as (a))
c) Give one specific action you would like to apply to address this goal. If you are not sure of an action yet, list 2-3 possible actions you might like to start.
Once you post you will get interest from other Butterfly Effects members who may comment or wish to be part of your action plan. It would be great to link with someone from another school, or across the world, in your action plan to make a change.
**If you are continuing your action from your last project, please also add a response reflecting whether or not your values have changed or remained the same and why you think this might be**

Blog Post 2 – Action Post:
Do some research on your possible action areas (or your specific action you have already chosen) that you listed in your Action Post #1.
Watch the following TEDX talk:
In your post, address the following:
1.) Provide a summary of the action you are planning and how are you going to start.
2.) One lesson in the talk is that ‘Everything is complicated’. Can you explain some of the complexity that you will face in your action?
3.) Is this action sustainable? Provide some specific examples to support your reasoning.
4.) Is this action providing opportunity? How will you ensure you are making the positive impact that you intend?
Try to find an expert to be part of your action. Who knows a lot about the area you are studying? Who could help you on your journey to make a difference?
**If you are continuing your action from your last project, please also add a response reflecting whether or not your original responses have changed or remained the same and why you think this might be**
Blog Post 3 -: (and ongoing) – reflection (Charles Best)
1.) Where are you with your action? (e.g. what involvement have you had so far? Describe with examples)
2.) What are some successes that you have had? Provide specific examples.
3.) What are some challenges that you have faced? Have you been able to overcome them? If so, how? Provide specific examples. If not, can you problem-solve some ideas that might work for next time or if a similar situation arises? Again, provide specific examples.
4.) What are you doing next and why?
*Please provide at least one reference (e.g. perhaps research how another person/organization faced similar challenges and what they do to overcome them)*
Blog Post 4 -Action Blog Posts – repeat Step 3 questions
Blog Post 5 – Action Blog Posts – repeat Step 3 questions.
Blog Post 6 – – Celebration of Learning [no blog post required]
1. Make a visual presentation to share what you have learned through this action, to others. The presentation should be engaging to the observer(s) and address your inquiry topic. A big goal during your learning celebrations is to create a two-wat dialogue with a visual meant to support the understanding of others with respect to your topic (e.g. images, no text)
Blog Post 7 – Metamorphosis (Reflection)
1. Address the following questions:
a. What challenges did you overcome throughout this action project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges?
b. How did this action change the way you think?
c. How did this investigation/action impact your future decisions?
d. What impact will this investigation/action have on others locally and/or globally?