
Blog Post #2 – What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses?

My inquiry question is “What role(s) do one’s thoughts play in influencing one’s physiological responses?”

The purpose of asking and researching this question is to expand my knowledge of the human body and mind and the effects one can have on the other. To advance in my research I have decided to start by addressing these three subtopics.

  1. Cultural differences/understandings:

Finding the differences between the understanding of the brain and body in different cultures and areas of the world as well as how their understanding has changed over time. I wanted to have this as one of my subtopics since I grew up in an environment where multiple cultures and religions collided. I have always been aware of and interested in the differences and similarities between different groups of people. I believe that finding the differences and similarities between these groups of people, in the context of the human mind and body, will greatly help me answer my question.

  1. Bodily chemicals and their role in the way you feel –

I will be researching different chemicals/hormones that are in our body like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins to understand how and why they affect us physically. I will also be researching how to control and understand them to ensure a healthier and happier body and mind.

-Extending on this I will also be discussing the effects and advantages of knowing what’s going into your body and how food can affect your hormones and body.

  1. How to control your thoughts –

I will be giving tactics and examples of how to control negative thoughts. I will be sharing personal tactics I already use as well as testing new ways I have found through research and will report on whether they did or didn’t help me. Through doing this I will hopefully help others discover new ways to avoid negative thoughts and promote healthy and helpful thinking.


Here are some of the sources I will be using:,patient%27s%20Qi%20(or%20chi).,approach%20and%20also%20incorporate%20spirituality.

Why my question is relevant:

In my opinion, my inquiry question is very important and relates to the majority of people. We all share similar thoughts and bodies, that obviously vary, but have the same foundations. We all contain the same organs, similar bodily chemicals, and brain structure. These factors create a relationship and connection between people of different ages, genders, and backgrounds. My question and research will hopefully make others realize the extent to which they are similar to those around them. Their thoughts, emotions, and actions can easily be relatable and similar to hundreds of others and no matter what they’re going through or what thoughts they are battling with, someone else is going through the same thing.

Thanks for reading!!

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  1. Hello Sarah,
    Your blog post intrigued me because to be completely honest i have no prior knowledge on this topic, and i always find it interesting to learn something new. I like how your going to be researching the cultural aspect of how we act. I also liked how you related it to yourself showing your unique perspective on the topic.I think it could be interesting to potentially look into eastern vs western cultures ,how they differ and wire our brains differently , in turn affecting our actions.I look forward to reading your future blog posts, here are some links that could be useful in your research.,familial%20ties%2C%20and%20societal%20obligations.

  2. Hey Sarah! I loved reading your blog post because of how you made a complex topic easy to understand and broke up the steps to answer your big question perfectly. I have always loved learning about anything to do with the human mind and hearing about your research project has intrigued me to want to know more about it! An idea I have for your first mini-question blog post would be to talk to people from different cultures and get their opinions on how their thoughts affect their feelings. I would love to help you execute this 🙂

    I also found this article that I thought might be of some use to you while answering your first mini-question!,thoughts%20and%20actions%20of%20individuals.
    I can’t wait to follow you on this journey and see where this project goes!

    Best of luck,
    Anannya Bala

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