
Blog Post #2: Project Plan – Marisa

Blog #2: Project plan
1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question.

step one: OBJECTIVES focus in on 4-5 specific supplements

so my first step to answering my question is to focus in on few specific supplements and research their benefits and if they are needed for improving health and your performance in the gym and building muscle. There are so many supplements on the market; however these are the supplements i am thinking of doing; Greens powder, pre workout, creatine, protein powder.

Step Two: collect relevant and appropriate research

to reach an answer to my question I am going to analyze the different types of research out there. These could be data from experiments, interviews with athletes or bodybuilders, studies, as well as articles. Supplements have come along way and many new studies have been so over time so making sure  I collect relevant and up to date data is very important for my question. Looking at reviews of the customers who use the products will help me to develop a more though out conclusion to my question.

Step three: Evaluate the factors of supplements to take into consideration and form a final product

While I am conducting my research I will evaluate the many factors in peoples lives that could after the use if they are taking or using supplements; such as, their diets, water consumption, their lifestyle, as well as training style and how long they have been training for, these are all be factors that would relate to answering my question. At the end of my research will pull all my information together to display which supplements will be beneficial for health and fitness related goals. My final product can be shown through examples and recommendation of supplements on a visually appealing document showcasing all my research as well.


2. Provide 5 valid sources that might be useful to address the question.

Champion, C. (2021, September 21). Do fitness enthusiasts really need supplements?

Creatine. (2010). In UXL Encyclopedia of Drugs and Addictive Substances. Gale.

Greens Powders are Popular, but Are They Worth It? Dietitians Weigh In. (n.d.). Health. Retrieved October 4, 2023, from

Harvard Health Publishing. (2022, August 15). The hidden dangers of protein powders – Harvard Health. Harvard Health; Harvard Health.

Harvard T.H. Chan. (2021, November 12). Workout Supplements. The Nutrition Source.

Mayo Clinic. (2021, February 9). Creatine. Mayo Clinic.

3. Explain how this question will have implications to other individuals and/or my community.

This question could have implications of many sorts as supplements can be very reliable on the lifestyle, diet and training style of each and every individual. There could also be implications in communities as certain supplements are not available in certain regions for health reasons; therefore while conducting my research I will also take a look at this. This question could also have implications on individuals and community as supplements are already very expensive and could affect supplement companies and the fitness community of individuals if supplements are not really needed!


Thank you for reading my Blog post #2 🙂

Popeye's Supplements

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  1. Hi Marisa

    I found your project plan to be well-structured. Your outlined research steps, focusing on specific supplements, collecting relevant data, and evaluating various factors related to their usage, seem well thought out. For your first subtopic the expected health or performance benefits for each one while also exploring all the negative and side effects, especially protein powders and creatine, consider researching potential safety concerns or side effects associated with these supplements.,at%20all%2C%22%20she%20said.

    I look forward to your next post

  2. Hi Marisa,

    This is such an interesting topic idea that you seem very passionate about! I don’t know much about supplements, but your steps to your blog posts seem like they will be very informative! Maybe you could also talk about why people start taking supplements? For example, is it a common thing to do or a common thing that people need?

    Here are some other resources that may help you:,everyone%20needs%20to%20take%20supplements.

    Overall I really enjoyed reading your post, good luck on your next one!


  3. Hi Marisa

    You have a very solid plan for the execution of your project. As a not so sporty person, research like the one you are planning to do would be immensely helpful to those who are novices/just starting their fitness journey. I would find it very interesting if there was also a section that talks about intended functions of different supplements/recommended supplements(if any) for certain lifestyles as well.

    Here are some links you might find helpful:

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