
Blog Post #2 – What would happen if the internet never existed?


Intel Education: What Is the Internet? - Intel

This topic has many smaller topics that make up this question, so I had to choose the ones that make up a big chunk of this idea. Some elements such as humans, wealth, and evolution would be affected the most, so my points will hit those ideas to hopefully help me find my answers to the question. To answer my question, these would be the three steps:

Habits and Daily Activities 

One thing that would be surely affected is people’s habits and what they do daily. A lot of teenagers are on their phones constantly and have high screen time, and for people who play video games, it would probably affect them a lot too. I will research the habits of children, teens, and adults from the early 20th century to see their daily activities. Then I will research the habits of the 21st century and mix the habits, to create modern internetless habits and activities.

Methods of Being Successful and Wealthy

Ways people become rich would look quite different, as many successful make their money through the internet and technology. YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are amazing ways for people to promote what they do. They can promote their music, their business, and whatnot. Without the Internet, many people would have a harder time making money. So as my first step, I would need to research how people from the past decades became rich, and what they did to make their money.

Time of Evolution and Inventions

The Internet is a lifesaver for a lot of people. Going online to search for information, homework answers, and to see what is happening in the world, is normal in our society. But what if we couldn’t easily search for information, right in our hands? It would take much more work to know what works and what doesn’t. It is also way easier to know what is going on with the world just by stating something online, but in a world without the internet, people would probably have to resort to newspapers, and who would know what is fake and what is not? I will research on the difference between inventions with and without the Internet, and how greatly the Internet helped, or hindered the evolution of the world.

Here are sources that could be useful to my research:


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  1. Hi Poyau,

    I loved how thoroughly you explained how you will tackle explaining the effects of inventions from technology by using the example of homework. I use technology a lot for math homework to solve difficult problems. However, I notice it strains me from spending more time on each question which may hinder my learning process. Spending more time to solve a question helps us find unique techniques for other-related questions. I am curious to know the global percentage of if the internet helps with education or if it is just a mere distraction away from homework. Some questions I have for you are: When is an appropriate age to start being introduced to the internet? How does chat gpt affect our daily activities/ wealth/ inventions? For what purpose was the internet created, and is it fulfilling that purpose now? How can we stop the spread of false news in the internet? How can we make the internet more accessible for everyone?

    Here are some resources to further your research:

    I cannot wait to read more of your posts,

    Sarah Kim

  2. Hello Poyau,
    Your inquiry question of what would happen if the internet did not exist has many advantages and disadvantages. For example, I like using the internet for entertainment purposes and to text my friends. But if I think of a POV where I do not have internet access, I will do just fine. I think I would be a more bright and energized person. I would not be lying in my bed scrolling through TikTok and I would be finding hobbies. With technology, our world has developed so much in good ways and bad ways. In good ways of development of medicine etc. And I like your point on how people would have a harder time making money without the internet. Many people make off their income from social media. But what about all the research done by scientists in the past? Because if the internet never existed, how short would our lives span be? How many more sick people? How many uncured diseases? A question you could maybe add to your research is: How has technology helped with developing medicine?
    Here are links that can help:,and%20improved%20treatment%20processes%27%20effectiveness.

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