
blog post #1: inquiry

Hey everyone, my inquiry question is “how can we make environmentally sustainable products more accessible and what are the best sustainable options”. The reason i chose this question is, since i was younger, i have always been interested in the environment and doing every thing i can to help it. The problem is, trying to find environmentally sustainable products in your every day grocery store can be an impossible task. When and if you do find something marketed as sustainable, it is hard to tell if that product even is, the other problem is that when we do find a product that is sustainable the price tag usually is not. Meaning it is kind of a lose lose lose situation: you find a product that is good but it’s price is hard to budget for; you can’t find a product that is good so you buy a not so great one; or you have to drive too one of the few stores that carry environmentally friendly products and end up wasting time and spending money on gas. I’m hoping that by researching this question i can find a better more affordable product and, find a way to get it in to more stores.

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  1. Hi Savannah,

    This sounds like a really interesting project! I’ve had an interest in sustainability and the environment for as long as I can remember and I’m really looking forward to following your project!

    Do you have a specific product or type of products in mind that you’d like to find an alternative for?

    Here’s an article that you might like to use in your research:

    Good luck with your future posts!

  2. Hi Savannah,
    This sounds like a great topic and I also think that there should be more environmentally sustainable options in general that is clearly marked.

    I was wondering what category would you to do most of your research in, how to make more environmentally sustainable products? Is it beauty or foods or just day-to-day living products?

    I found these websites that is all about environmental sustainability.

    I’m looking forward for your future post!

  3. Hi Savannah, I really enjoyed reading your first blog post and I totally agree with you; I think it is very important to research and discover which sustainable products we can use so that we can protect the environment. I like how you address how people could potentially waste time and money when they are driving to one of the few locations with sustainable products because I think this is so true and it is something that should be looked into.
    Here are two links that I found that might be helpful for you to do your research:
    Good luck with your project and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  4. Hi, Savannah,
    Amazing blog post and very interesting topic. I have also had a lot of interest in being environmentally sustainable, and I am in our school’s environmental club called Force of Nature to help make our school more sustainable.
    I am looking forward to your future blog posts!
    Here are some links that might help you in your research!

  5. Hi Savannah!

    I really like your topic on sustainability for your inquiry project and I agree with you as well on how it can be so difficult to be sustainable in our daily lives due to costs or due to authenticity. If it would help, my suggestion to you is that you could research ways on how countries that are not as fortunate as us here in Canada can also turn to being sustainable. It would be great to look at this from a different perspective. In terms of how we can make sustainability more accessible, you could also include information on why being sustainable is still a struggle today and how has it become a luxury many can’t afford. Anyways, it is a very relatable and intriguing topic.

    An article you could use for your research:

    Hope you find something you can use!
    – Vea

  6. Hi Savannah!

    I really like your topic on sustainability for your inquiry project and I agree with you as well on how it can be so difficult to be sustainable in our daily lives due to costs or due to authenticity. If it would help, my suggestion to you is that you could research ways on how other countries across the world can also turn to being sustainable. It would be great to look at this from a different perspective and it might be helpful to look how other places that may have been more successful in the eco friendly business. In terms of how we can make sustainability more accessible, you could also include information on why being sustainable is still a struggle today and how has it become a luxury many can’t afford. Anyways, it is a very relatable and intriguing topic.

    An article you could use for your research:

    Hope you find something you can use!
    – Vea

  7. Hi Savannah,
    I really like your inquiry question because it is essential for people to be aware of how serious pollution can be for the future. I also try to buy environment friendly products. For example, I always buy the LUSH shampoos and conditioners bars. I think they are reasonable prices and the best thing is that there is no trash such as plastic wrappings or package. LUSH is known for selling environment friendly products which can be a starter for those wanting to make a small change. I think that LUSh is doing a great job with promoting for sustainable environment friendly everyday products. You make a good point; there are not many stores/companies that make environment friendly products. Perhaps because it may lose their aesthetic? Making pretty packaging and such does attract more. So my question is: Why do companies “go away” from creating environment friendly products? Does it cost more?
    Here are some resources that can help:,averse%20to%20making%20necessary%20changes.

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