
Blog #7: Metamorphosis

Hello and welcome to my last blog post of this semester. This semester I researched the inquiry question, “How are values and beliefs developed?” If you have been following my research, you would know that I did end up going very in depth about it which is something I was very happy about.

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about

Through this inquiry project, the challenges I had to overcome included having to find more topics to research more in depth about to keep the posts and research interesting. This was because although the topic of Values and Beliefs is a very in depth topic, all answers are very closely related and connect directly, To overcome this problem, after answering each of my mini questions, if I found my research was not deep enough, I would extend my question. An example of this would be for my third blog post when I spoke all about Attitudes and Behaviours. That was not in my plan originally because I intended to keep my research towards “How are values and beliefs different? Why are they often grouped together?” After answering the question, I figured that I could continue my research and group other topics related to the human mind which is why I researched about attitudes and behaviours.

How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry changed the way I think because it showed me how all parts of the human mind are very much connected. I always knew the human mind was a deep topic and one there was a lot to research about but I never understood how all parts connected. This research project showed me how there is never nothing to research and how everything leads back to the same main idea.

How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

This investigation would impact my future decisions because of how I now know how much our values and beliefs do differ from each-other and how they do play a pretty big role in our lives. Everyone shares their own values and beliefs; however, they differ from person to person. It will impact my future decisions because now that I know how important they are, I will take longer to look into what they mean and what mine really are. Those will then affect how I go about my daily life using with the help of my values and beliefs.

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

I believe answering how values and beliefs are developed will help those globally because although many people know how they form, they do not understand that how they form defers to how they are developed. I believe this is a concept that interests many and one that people do like to research about. This investigation will help others look into their values and beliefs further which will impact their day to day decisions.

Thank you so much for following my research this semester and helping me answer my Inquiry question, “How are Values and Beliefs developed.” I loved researching this question and look forward to learning more about the human mind in the years to come!

Thank you,
Anannya Balachandran

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