
Blog Post #5 Action Post

During the last week, Jade and I decided to meet up again at Town Centre to collect more garbage for about 30 minutes. It was a good experience as we were able to help out our community again. Although we had picked garbage previously, the amount of garbage in the area was not any less. There was still a significant amount of garbage in the area. We began collecting garbage from the parking lot, where we met up, and from there we went down the walkway, and around the grass. We made sure to visit areas such as Rocky point Ice Cream, as well as the park by the track as it was quite busy.

This was one of the items that we collected throughout our garbage pick up.

Similarly to our previous success, we were able to collect a good amount of garbage in the area. As we were not able to stay a long duration, our garbage bag was about half full. Another major success we had, is that we visited the busier areas of the area. Rather than going through the trails and areas with less attraction, we went to areas with more occupancy and attraction. These areas include the main pathways, seating areas, and the park.

Our main problem throughout our action plan, is finding the time to meet up. As we have very different extra curriculars and schedules, finding a reasonable time for us to both meet up is difficult. Our main solution is constant communication. As we have each others numbers, we have been contacting each other constantly, setting up times for us to meet up. We scheduled two different meet ups, but unfortunately each one of us canceled at different occasions as other urgencies came up. Luckily, our continuous communication allowed us to find a date for us to meet up and collect garbage once again, although it was only for a short time. In the future, we plan on meeting up for longer periods to collect garbage in different areas.

Our next goal, is to pick up garbage at schools. As we have already picked up garbage around Town Centre, we wish to expand our area of clean up by visiting schools near Town Centre, as they are also very busy areas. Some schools we plan on visiting are, Glen Eagle Secondary, Scott Creek Middle School, and Eagle Ridge Elementary. We decided on visiting schools because there are many children and adolescents there who are still growing and may not have the best motivation to dispose of garbage correctly. Hopefully, we are able to make an impact throughout these new areas.

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  1. Hello Maika,
    Your blog was very insightful to read. I like how you are doing a service to your community, I am sure little actions like this can mean a lot more. And to find time for community service during school is impressive. I wonder why there are so many garbage lying around, why aren’t there enough garbage cans? Wouldn’t the littering problem be resolved if there were more garbage cans around? I think if anyone was to do an action project, they can build on from this by finding a system so there will be less litter. Here is a link:

  2. Hi Maika’
    Well this is a grate job you are doing in your community.
    I also do community service when I go home during the holidays. I enjoy it and from the look of things it seems like you enjoy it to. Mine’s a little different because I volunteer at hospitals or local dispensaries for 20 hours. Why not invite your friends next time and make it much fun. This way you will cover a large area. How about doing a post on the ways you use to dispose off the garbage you collect? Good job and all the best as you do your next community service. I love your spirit and just a little question, why did you choose collecting garbage and not anything else?

  3. Hey Maika!

    This is such an amazing initiative to implement in our community! It is one more step to positive change in our world. I love your plans of action, and how you tackle different areas of our community, such as one week: malls and plazas, the next school communities. Your struggles are definetly relatable, as it is hard to find time to meet with someone else due to homework, sports and more! Good luck with your final project!

    – Rhea 🙂

  4. Hey Maika,
    This is such a creative blog post. I love how you are helping the community one step at a time. I also agree with you that when you do an action project with a a partner it’s hard to find a time to meet up because you both have different schedules. A question I have for you is do you think we need more garbage cans in our communities? Also, below I have provided a link that talks about how you can make every garbage pick up successful. Nevertheless, I cant wait to read your next blog post!

    Mahdiya A.

  5. Hello Maika,
    Wow ! That is a very nice program. Helping people is the best thing you can in this world. It is the little thing people do that makes a difference. Really time is limited but congrats because despite the fact that time is your major problem you are able to meet and collect the garbage. I wish you well in your next project.

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