
Blog post #5 – What are the possible future implications of marxist theory on our modern day society?

Blog post #5 

As a reminder my question is What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? In my last blog post I talked about how Marxism has been involved in revolutions and societies throughout history as well as prominent Marxist figures. In this blogpost I will be researching the possible future implications that Marxist theory could have on the world and what principles could improve/worsen our society today. 

Marxism is still a very relevant political theory as it brings to light the ongoing and ever increasing economic and political inequality of our time. Marxist theory remains as relevant as ever in the fight against all systems of oppression. With that in mind it is still important to recognize possible negative consequences that come with the implementation of Marxism/communism as seen in the past. Marx believed that the proletariat revolution would lead to the end of capitalism and the establishment of communism in a classless society (2). However, the revolutions that have occurred in the past were often led by elites rather than the working class, and the resulting regimes were characterized by authoritarianism and repression (2). Therefore, while Marxist principles may hold potential for improving society, their implementation must be carefully considered to avoid unintended negative consequences. One principle that could potentially improve society is the idea of collective ownership of the means of production, which would eliminate the exploitation of workers by capitalists. However, this would require a significant shift in power dynamics and a redefinition of property rights. Another potential principle that could be applied globally and improved upon locally is universal access to basic needs such as healthcare, education, and housing. Looking at issues that have faced Vancouver such as the housing crisis, as well as homelessness, we can look into certain Marxist values that could aid in this issue. Many people in Vancouver now pay more than half their salary’s just for rent (1). Most workers are just a layoff or serious illness away from eviction, whether they rent their homes or are paying a mortgage. Housing crises around the word are becoming increasingly obvious The New York Times Magazine commented on two items in the same issue: one described the tragedy of homeless New York City children being shuffled from shelters to temporary quarters and back again, while the ads a few pages on featured million-dollar apartments. The reader concluded that these two examples were enough “to make anyone understand the logic behind socialism.” (5) The Marxist perspective identifies the root causes of these issues as the result of capitalist exploitation, where housing is treated as a commodity rather than a basic human need. The capitalist system prioritizes profit over social welfare, leading to unequal access to housing and homelessness for those who cannot afford it.To address these issues, Marxist principles suggest the need for collective ownership of housing and the prioritization of basic needs over profit. This could be achieved through government intervention and the establishment of public housing programs. Marxists believe that housing is a human right. Another issue that Marxist theory could address is the growing income inequality in Canada and around the world. The redistribution of wealth to aid the ever-growing gap between the rich and poor, and the disappearance of the middle class. By implementing Marxist principles such as collective ownership of the means of production and redistribution of wealth, income inequality can be addressed. This can be achieved through policies such as higher taxes for the rich and better social welfare programs (4). 


  1. CityNews. (n.d.). 
  1. Guy-Evans, O., & Olivia Guy-EvansAssociate Editor for Simply Psychology BSc (Hons). (2023, May 12). Karl Marx Sociologist: Contributions and theory. Simply Sociology. 
  1. Hartery, W. by D., & Hartery, D. (2022, May 30). Marxism and the housing crisis. Socialist Voice. 
  1. Marx on income inequality under capitalism. Global Policy Journal. (n.d.). 
  1. Marxism lives: Thoughts on the housing crisis. People’s World. (2016, October 6). 



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