
Blog Post #4 Action Post

Since my last blog post, Jade and I have progressed a lot with our action plan. We had planned on meeting up on Sunday, but we had to postpone our meet-up, due to our busy schedules and our upcoming tests that week.

We finally found a suitable day for us to both to meet up. Together, we went to Town Centre to collect garbage in the area. Surprisingly, we found copious amounts of garbage in the area. As we walked through the area, we found plenty of wrappers beside the trails and even beside the garbage. A main area where we picked up large amounts of garbage was next to the Rocky Point Ice cream seating. Many people had left their garbage without discarding it properly.

Our main success was the amount of garbage we were able to collect in such a short time. We walked around Town Centre for about one hour garbage picking, and luckily we found plenty of it. Below are photos the garbage we collected in ten minutes only. Although this was a very pleasant success, considering the amount of garbage we collected, it shows us how the community around us are negligent to their littering and garbage disposal methods.

Our main challenge like I stated previously, was finding a suitable time for us to meet up. As we both have such busy and different schedules, it was hard to find time and organize this trip. I think the best solution is for us to meet after school, as our schedules align better after school.

For our future meet-ups, we plan on trying a different area, such as parks, beaches, etc, areas with high volumes of visitors. Additionally, we plan on separating our garbage into different groups such as recycling or garbage to create an even better outcome of our action plan.

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  1. Hello Maika, great post! You and Jade are doing a great job with your action project, especially considering the incredibly busy lives you lead. The large amount of garbage you found was very disappointing, but not completely surprising. As someone who lives in that area and spends a lot of time walking through Lafarge Park, it’s disheartening to experience firsthand the disregard many parkgoers have when it comes to disposing of their food packaging. If you want a lot of garbage to pick up, you should really stop by after an event or celebration, such as Canada Day. So much trash!

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hello Maika,
    Great blog post! It is fascinating to me to follow you guys on your journey to make our city a better and cleaner place. I am also very interested in helping to clean nature and be more sustainable. And talking from experiences of being in the Force of Nature club, there are a shockingly large amount of garbage, despite how many garbage cans we have.

    Best wishes, and keep up the great work!

  3. Hello Mai,

    It’s really amazing how you and Jade managed your project! As the President of a club that just started this year, I understand how difficult it is to try to find a time that aligns with everyone’s’ schedules. I believe I have previously mentioned how my clubmates and I used Excel and Calendars in a previous comment, but they are really useful in time planning. I am also a big fan of recycling (especially bottle returns), but I believe the city guidelines have some more information about it, and some bottle deposits will recycle plastics and appliances. I apologize if any information here is redundant, and I wish you further success in your project!

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