
Blog Post #2 Step: 2 Action Post

This semester, I plan on doing an action plan surrounding garbage pick-up with Jade. We have decided to do this action plan, as we wish to improve the cleanliness of our community. We have selected a few locations such as parks, trails, and community centres where we can pick up garbage. We will organize a specific time for us to meet up and accomplish our task.

We will face numerous areas of complexity in our action plan. Firstly finding a suitable area with garbage, where we can pick-up in order to make a difference towards our community. Additionally, there could be other factors that affect our results such as bad weather, or one of us being sick, causing a set back in our performance and efficiency. Lastly finding a suitable time for us to work together. As Jade and I plan to work together on this action plan, being able to find a suitable time for both of us to pick-up garbage at a convenient location with copious amount of garbage will be difficult.

I believe this action project is sustainable. Providing an hour of your week dedicated to giving back to your community is not unreasonable and unrealistic, it is a sensible goal. As we already strive to recycle and deposit our garage correctly, going out of our way for a small period of time during the week to improve our community’s cleanliness should not be difficult. By providing this service, not only are we improving our community around us, but we can inspire others to do the same or become more attentive to the garbage that they dispose of or litter. Lastly, as we pick-up garbage, hopefully we can spread awareness on the subject and educate the community on the importance of proper garbage disposal.

This action plan allows many opportunities for a cleanlier environment. This plan allows us, as high school students, to improve the quality of our environment and community. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for others in the community to become more aware about their own garbage disposal methods, creating a cleaner, more positive community. As we already plan to pick-up garbage, we are already ensuring a positive impact on the community, leaving it cleaner than it was. Nevertheless, to ensure an even more positive impact, we can research and choose frequently visited areas with high amounts of potential garbage, ensuring we make the most positive impact possible towards the community.

Although we personally dont know any experts, we can reach out to friends or others in the community with previous knowledge on the subject. We can ask them on advice on how to pick-up garbage efficiently, while remaining safe ourselves. Additionally, there are many resources online we can resort to, to further our knowledge and understanding on the best methods of garbage pick-up in order to be well prepared. By taking these steps, we can ensure that we are creating the biggest difference possible.

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1 Comment

  1. You have done good thing that shows you caring about your environment. As you are making your environment clean you are also caring on future generation. Continue with the same spirit and you will inspire many people to join you in environment conservation.

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