

In my first round of research I was dealing with droughts and It so interesting and I discovered may things and now in my second rounds of research I am dealing with floods and I believe that It will be more fun and marvelous.

Flood is a natural disaster which cause the land to be under water that is typically dry.[1] It causes injury to people, takes lives, destroys property, damages infrastructure and affects the spread of diseases.[1] There are three types of floods which are: flash, coastal and river floods.[1] Flash floods occurs commonly when powerful, snow-moving thunderstorms overpower the ground’s ability to absorb water.[1] It can also be caused by catastrophic dam failures and thawing ice jams but It commonly caused by rain.[1] They have enough force to roll boulders, tear tree from the ground, destroy buildings, bridges and scour out new channels.[1] It is characterized by raging torrents that rip through rivers or canyons wiping out everything in there path.[1] Coastal floods occur anywhere the land meets a large water body[1] It is caused by strong winds which stir up the ocean and massively increase the volume of the tides that reach and strike the shore.[1] It makes the around water bodies unsafe. It is  typically a result of a combination of sea tidal surges, high winds and barometric pressure.[1] River floods is caused by heavy rains, a dam failure, an ice jam and human factor. [1]

We have two types of causes of floods which include; 1. Natural causes which are water cycle and the environment. 2. Artificial causes which many are man-made floods that  are intentional and controlled.[2] Countries which are at high risk of floods are over twenty just to mention a few which are; Vietnam, Egypt, Cambodia, Iraq, Thailand, South Sudan, Pakistan, Nebal, Japan, Australia and Japan. This are countries that a large population of people are exposed to floods.[3] In the week of May 14-21st there were major floods in Somalia, Italy, Sierra Leone, Croatia and UK and thousands of people where left without homes and under the risk of getting both water borne and communicable diseases.[4]






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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