
Blog post #2 – What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? 

Blog #2: Project plan

1. Provide three steps for your research with a brief explanation of how this information will lead to addressing your question. 

What are the key principles of Marxism as a social, economic, and political theory/how it has influenced various societies and movements throughout history? 

  1. What is Marxism?  
  • To delve further into my inquiry question it is very important to understand the basics of what Marxism really is and what it entails, who created it and why should we care about it? 
  1. How has Marxism has been involved in various revolutions and societies in history and who are some prominent Marxist figures? 
  • This is a key question to answer to understand the “how Marxism has influenced various societies and movements throughout history?” portion of my question 
  1. What future implications could Marxist theory have on the world? What principles of Marxism could improve/worsen our society today? 
  • I believe that it will be interesting to take into account the positive/negative aspects of Marxism as a theory and discover how/if it could have any significance in the future. 
  1. Provide 5 valid sources that might be useful to address the question.
3. Explain how this question will have implications to other individuals and/or my community. 

This question could have implications for other individuals and my community in a handful of ways. I believe that understanding various historical movements can help people better understand the social, economic, and political struggles of today’s society.This research could also help in creating political consciousness, learning about class struggle, inequality, and exploitation are all important factors in learning about how people in our communities struggle every day. Learning about Marxism can also help form a sense of solidarity for those in your community and help people become more community oriented, potentially involving themselves in things such as mutual aid.  

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