
Blog Post #2 – Project Plan

In this Blog Post, I will dig deeper into my big inquiry question, “How has technology impacted how we view ourselves and others?” by asking three smaller questions.

Social media in India: need for balancing between state regulation and self-regulation –

1. What are the effects of technology on human interaction? 

I’m asking this sub-question because I believe that it is an important factor to how technology has impacted us in a more general common way. By answering this question and seeing the positives and negatives to it, it can help me further understand the impacts of technology on us as a society. It is a more vague question, but it requires the research of the basic information to which I can work off of in future blog posts, which is why I chose it as my first sub-question.

2.Why does technology and social media impact the way we view ourselves? In this in a more positive of negative way? 

After understanding the main effects of technology on humans, I am asking this question as a stepping stone to answering my big inquiry question since it relates almost directly to it. Self-esteem and the way we view ourselves is a huge part of life that can deeply impact our mental and physical health. This is a known fact which is why I’m going to dive deeper to find the reasons.  I find that this is an important question to ask since it will deepen the understanding of not only how technology impacts the way we view ourselves, but also why it does. Does it have an effect on mainly younger people? Is it because we see lots of different beauty standards? Is it based on how much time we spend on our technology? I will research how it helps us view ourselves in a positive light, but also the negative side to it as well. This sub-question is also used to open up doors as to how we can improve the situation we are in  when it comes to the influence of technology on ourselves and others.

3.What can social media influencers do to positively impact the way technology and social media help us view orselves?

I am using this as my final sub-question since it ends off my blog posts in a way where we can use solutions on how to make this situation better. As we all know, influencers have a huge impact on the rest of the population, they influence what people buy, eat, use, where they go, etc. They also have a huge impact on how we view ourselves, which is why there are numerous things that they can do to help with this situation which I will further research and go into detail in future blog posts.

The 5 resources that could help me further research my project are the following:,such%20as%20anxiety%20and%20depression,wall%20between%20many%20people%20globally

Finding an answer to this inquiry will help people who have the same questions as me find some answers and will also help improve the quality of content on social media. Technology is something we use everyday and impacts all ages and all types of people, in different ways, which is why having easy to access information on this topic can help all communities and age groups to learn more about the effects and once they are aware of it, they can prevent negative thoughts/consequences from happening to them and to other people around them. I hope that this question sparks as much interest to others as it does to me since it is something that is becoming more relevant in today’s culture and is something that is important and relevant to talk about.

Thank you for reading my blog post and I hope you enjoy my future ones. I look forward to researching about this topic and writing about it in hopes of you learning something new. Thank you!


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  1. Hi Perla,

    This is a great topic to research as social media is such a vital tool in our generation, but can have hidden impacts on our thoughts. Your three sub-questions are very well thought out. I like how you base and background with your first sub-question, allowing the readers to develop a deeper understanding on the subject before building new questions and topics to add.

    A possible idea for your future research is to do a comparison of how people viewed themselves before and after technology. Possibly by comparing generations that lived before social media was as popular and our current generation for example.

    Here’s a few websites to help with your research:

    Good luck and I am excited to read more about your inquiry!

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