
Blog #1: How are values and beliefs developed?

Hello and welcome back to my blog! I hope you enjoyed my semester 1 project just as much as I did! If you have not and would like to go check it out, you can visit my profile and read through my research!

For my semester 2 inquiry project , I chose to research about “How are values and beliefs developed?”

I wanted to start fresh but was not sure where to start. I looked through examples of essential questions and took inspiration from one that interested me. I have always been someone who is interested in anything to do with the human mind as you might have figured through my previous projects like the ones about mental health and dreams. I knew I wanted to continue on the same path which made me think this question would be a good idea for me to research. Values are things that everyone hold but not two people hold them all the same. Beliefs, like values, are developed but not always the same way as values are. Many say we are born with values but develop our beliefs while others disagree. Through this research project, I would like to find answers to these questions that highly interest me. I believe many people wonder the same as well which is another motivating factor for me to find an answer to it.

Values and beliefs - what they mean for Wellbeing Teams

I look forward to sharing my research with you! Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Hello Anannya,
    I found your topic very interesting because I found two different answers in my own life. While I believe most of my values and beliefs come from or at least have been influenced by my culture. However, I have a few beliefs that differ from my culture. For example, in my culture elders are heavily respected, however, I believe that respect is earned not given. I look forward to learning more about your subject and reading your research!

    Good luck with future blog posts!

  2. Hi Anannya. This is honestly one of the most interesting inquiry topics I have seen for a while and one that I would have been thrilled to research had I thought of it sooner. The formation of morals and other beliefs is something that has fascinated me for a long time. What truly dictates people’s actions? What’s the true core reasoning for what people perceive as good and bad? Is it an inner, birth-given sense of justice? Is it just what their parents believe? Or is it religion? I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes which really got me thinking and I believe will be a great springboard for you: “If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of s**t”, Rust Cohle from True Detective. What do you think of that?

    Looking forward to your future blog posts,


  3. Hi Anannya,
    I got very interested in your inquiry question as soon as I read it. This is something I have been wondering about for a long time. I find that sometimes my values and beliefs impact my life a lot. I notice how you added that many people say we are born with values but develop our beliefs. I think I am part of that many people. I feel that my values reflect my mom’s values. For example, she says that having good manners is a good way to impress adults. This is why I try and be respectful with any adults I meet. My beliefs are also developed because of my mom. For example, she tells me that I have to be successful to meet someone successful. This is why I believe that I have to work hard to meet someone successful. I wonder if some values can be negative in a way. I know that many families put pressure on having good grades for a bright future. This causes some people to believe that having good grades is the way to a bright future and can be very pressuring. Here are some resources:

  4. Hi Anannya,
    I like the topic you chose because it is very unique and I have not seen many other topics like this, I am very excited to see your future posts. Beliefs and values are such an important topic in our lives that not everyone thinks about a lot but they actually create a huge impact on our lives and the people around us because they can sometimes be influenced and see a different view in their lives from our beliefs and
    values (both positive and/or negative). I have always wondered how some beliefs and values are developed in cultural/spiritual ways as well so I hope to see you mention those as well! I will be reading your future blog posts for sure ๐Ÿ™‚

    A source that may help you with research:,to%20your%20personal%20well%2Dbeing.

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