
Blog Post #1 Pt. 2

My 3 most important values are risk, reliability, and justice. 

My 3 least important values are tradition, spiritual growth, and community. 

I mainly agree with these results. However, I don’t think spiritual growth would be one of my least important values because I believe that growing your mindset is a powerful key in every aspect of life. To me, risk means sacrificing everything for the greater good. Reliability means always having a helping hand ready. Moreover, justice means to me that everyone gets what they deserve. 

From my last #1 blog post my values have changed in some respects. For example, instead of having power as the least important value, I have spiritual growth as it instead. I think this is incorrect because I still believe power is less useful than spiritual growth because everyone should be able to think and speak freely. Furthermore, I still believe reliability is a key value because loyalty should always be shown. However, instead of opportunity as an important value I have justice. Personally, I believe both are significant, but I prefer justice more. This is because I believe “what goes around comes around.” 

 Quality education aligns the most with my values. This is because I believe that these values are taught at school as you progress throughout the years. 

My passion is the same one because I believe everyone deserves a proper education since it leads to many successful paths in the future. 

This semester I would like to continue my action project from last year. My project was going to Hillcrest Middle School and volunteering in different classes. The reason I would like to continue this action is because I enjoyed helping the kids, and I was able to improve my public speaking skills. I also feel like I can learn more from the students and teachers there. 

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