
Action Blog Post #7

1 a.) I have faced multiple obstacles while doing this action project; however, I have been able to overcome each one! One challenge I faced was when I was marking English tests because I wasn’t always able to read a student’s writing and I wasn’t always sure if the teacher would accept an answer the students had written down because it didn’t match the answer key exactly. I overcame this by just double-checking with the teacher when I was unsure. Another difficulty came about during lunchtime when someone started a snowball fight that could have been dangerous because of tiny rocks. I overcame this by telling the students that they could unintentionally hurt someone and that if a teacher saw they would get in trouble. Time management was another issue I had to deal with because I volunteer during school hours thus I miss out on my own academic work. I overcame this by telling my teachers ahead of time which days I would be absent and then catching up on work on my own time.  

 b.) This project affected my thinking in a number of ways. I came to the realization that an educator’s work is never finished because they continue to answer emails and plan new lessons even after work hours. I also discovered that every student learns differently and that sometimes you have to modify your teaching methods if you want them to succeed. I was also affected by the realization that a single inspirational phrase can significantly improve a student’s day. Additionally, you should also always be sympathetic and understanding because you never know what another person is going through before or after school. 

 c.) This action project has had a few effects on my future decisions. For instance, I’ll be more on the lookout during the first week of school this following year to assist any grade nine students having issues with their lockers or having trouble locating their classes. Additionally, I enjoyed working as a volunteer in a classroom, so I might decide to continue this project in the future. Nevertheless, I believe that a career in teaching might be something I would be interested in, so I will do more research to see if that’s something I am going to pursue.

 d.) This project has affected many students locally at Hillcrest Middle School. By sharing my experiences from when I was in their shoes, I have helped young students get over their fear of attending high school. Because everyone learns at a different rate, I’ve also demonstrated that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something. Finally, I have mentioned to these students that they shouldn’t be reluctant to ask their peers, both older and younger, for assistance because we should all be eager to help and support one another. By doing these things I have not only given them an understanding of what high school is actually like, but I have also taught them lessons I wish I knew during their age. 

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