
Blog Post #7 – ls virtual reality/augmented reality positive to humans?


a) What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about overcoming these challenges?

The main challenge I dealt with throughout this inquiry project was navigating through biased sources. The topic that I chose to research is already a multi-billion dollar industry that benefits many companies financially. Many of the websites I came across during my research were owned at least in part by an organization that was profiting from this technology, whether it be by selling headsets, software, or training that utilized the technology. While these websites did have some use, such as researching the capabilities and specifications of the hardware and software, as well as how they could be used to help the public, they rarely mentioned any of the real dangers that this type of technology could cause. To overcome this challenge, I investigated every source I found before using it for research. If it was a company that could profit and be biased because of that, I only used objective information from their websites in my blog posts. For my more subjective information and dangers of the technology, I used more reliable sources of information, such as articles written by specialists in their fields and government websites.

b) How did this inquiry change the way you think?

This inquiry project changed the way I think by providing me with a more holistic and complete understanding of virtual/augmented reality and the pros/cons of the technology. Before completing this project, I knew quite little about the topic, as I have never owned a VR or AR headset and had only ever used a VR headset a handful of times to play video games. However, I was still very skeptical about this type of technology, as most of my opinion had been based on science fiction, such as the apocalyptic “Ready Player One”. This project educated me by providing me with nuanced perspectives on the topic. I now understand that virtual and augmented reality is an incredibly powerful tool that is yet in its infancy. While it’s still quite limited in its scope, this technology can already help guide people who are disabled, help autistic individuals with communication, train future pilots on the basics of aviation and future doctors on surgery procedures, allow students in rural areas to experience dissections in a virtual classroom, etc. While there are numerous drawbacks, such as the risk of addiction and dissociation from the real world, as well as vision damage and motion sickness, I now believe that if this technology is implemented carefully and the proper restrictions are put in place, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

c) How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

Even though this project opened my eyes to the positive impacts that virtual and augmented reality can provide to us, humans, I don’t believe that this investigation will impact my future decisions in any major way. I have no particular passion or specific need for this type of technology at the moment, so even though I am now more educated on the topic, I am not more likely to purchase a virtual or augmented reality headset anytime soon. However, this inquiry project has piqued my interest in the technology and I will continue to stay up-to-date on the advancement of the technology. Perhaps one day, possibly in university, I will have the opportunity to again use one of these intriguing devices, but until then, I am satisfied with consuming my content and playing my video games on my smartphone, laptop, tablet, and television.

d) What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

This investigation will impact others locally and globally by educating them on one of the fastest-growing and evolving technologies on Earth. Before reading my inquiry project, many individuals may have had a basic understanding of what virtual and augmented reality was, but perhaps not what the difference was between them and the pros and cons of the technologies. With this investigation, I provided others with unbiased information that will allow them to make a judgement on this sector and whether or not it interests them. If there is anyone like me who has read my blog posts, they may also now be less anxious about this technology, as they have hopefully gained a more profound and accurate comprehension of the topic than the depictions in science fiction movies. On top of this, my inquiry project may provide inspiration to educators to use virtual and augmented reality as instruction methods and as a way to provide experiences to their students that would have been far too expensive or dangerous to participate in otherwise.

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