
Blog Post #7: Reflection

I’ve finally come to the end of my first ever Butterfly Effect inquiry project! I cannot believe it! As you all probably know by now, my inquiry question was: How does gender inequality affect/impact sports? I loved researching something that fascinates me, and something that has been and is still a huge issue today. Now, it is time to reflect:

What challenges did you overcome throughout this inquiry project? How did you go about
overcoming these challenges? 

As I collected research for my project, I found it tough at first to find good quality websites, with advocacy and details on women’s rights and inequalities in sports. I was very thankful some of my peers helped me out by commenting and sharing helpful and informative resources. Some other ways I overcame this challenge, was asking friends, and myself, any opinions they/I had on this subject. This helped with sharing fresh and raw opinions.

How did this inquiry change the way you think?

Personally, I have always had a deep wonder about women, and their place in this world. I have always wondered, but never went into enough depth to empathise with certain aspects of this issue. Spending weeks researching and learning changed the way I think, because I learned ten times more about trauma, mistreatment, and disadvantages in the sports world that women face.

How did this investigation impact your future decisions?

Many people, including myself, are quick to judge others. Something from this project that impacted my future decisions was learning more about the mistreatment women go through in sports. I now would never think twice before “judging” athletes and their choices in most situations, because of what I have learned.

What impact will this investigation have on others locally and/or globally?

I hope that my project contributed to the many studies and articles on inequalities against women in the sports world. When people read my posts, I hope their opinions can shift and contribute to a more inclusive sports world. In conclusion, I hope one day our world can be more accepting towards women and consider us as equal.

– Rhea :))






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