
Blog Post #5: Research Round 3

Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog! I’m so excited to be wrapping up my Semester 1 inquiry question. In my last research round, my goal is to conclude on my research and get one or two new pieces of information for each of my mini topics/questions. My inquiry question is: How does gender inequality affect/impact sports? 

Three Main Research Topics:

  1. The difference between men and women’s sports media coverage
  2. The difference in salary between men and women
  3. The different uniform requirements between men and women

So far, I have learned many new facts that have helped my research, but still leave me wondering why? Why did this happen? Today, I hope I can find the why in my research topics, and suggest ways to fix these issues.

Gender pay gap in sports - WikipediaGender Equality in Sport

  1. The difference between men and women’s sports media coverage

As I talked about in my previous two research rounds, major tournaments (Olympics etc), media outlets, and any sports in general share female content less, which let men be looked upon as the “heroes” of the sports world. It is extremely disappointing to still see differences an inequality, in our decade. One of the struggles for media coverage, according to Digiday, is that the media game for women is like a game of blame (1). Publishers of news outlets blame the advertisers for not putting enough money into women’s sports, while on the other hand, advertisers blame publishers for not putting out enough content for women’s sports (1). Ari Chambers, the social creator at HighlightHER, has said that the demand is there, it is just a matter of people willing to believe that women can be profitable (1). I definitely agree with her point, especially as a female in sport myself. In many other ways I can access media coverage on women’s sports, but nobody should have to. Every sport, every gender should have equal coverage and praise in sports, and life in general. Two ways as a society we can fix this issue is starting petitions, friendly protests, and emails to big sports companies for change and equal coverage, or opening up more female positions in this mostly male controlled industry, to hear another perspective. Below, is a mini documentary highlighting women in sport, and their struggles (from source 2).

2. The difference in salary between men and women

If you have read any of my previous blog posts, then you have probably seen so many examples of salary gap for men and women in different sports. Men are paid 15%-100% more than females, that is a pretty huge percentage gap. One reason why pay gap should be equal is that men and women both fought equally as hard to get to the spot and sport they are at, and attain that status/achievement (3). It is also very difficult for females to keep playing in sport, when there isn’t enough funding for them (3). One example of people slowing down the movement was in a May 2020 CNN interview about pro tennis (4). Andy Murray talked about how most male players weren’t fond of having prize money (for tournaments etc) equal, even if their salary is raised (4). A question I have for that interview is why they even had to mention the fact that their salary would get raised, I personally feel like that shouldn’t even be in the question. Did they think it would sway men’s opinions? One suggestion I have to help this situation is again sending letters and petitions to court, or go around surveying your neighbours and peers for their take on it to get a small consensus.

Salary Comparisons Between Male And Female AthletesSalary Comparisons Between Male And Female Athletes

(Above: some examples of salary gap)

3. The difference uniform requirements between men and women

My final research topic is uniform requirements. In previous posts, I have talked about most viewers being men, and watching the sport only for the women. Whenever I hear that, I honestly get extremely grossed out. If men like watching men’s sports for the sport, then it should be the same way for women. This is one of the many reasons why women feel unsafe or scared in sport, because of uniform requirements. The media in most cases, judges female athletes by body and looks (5). In some sports, less clothing helps better performance, and lets athletes be aerodynamic, but why do women have to wear a bikini-type outfit while men get to wear fitted tank tops (5)? It’s the same sport so it shouldn’t matter or have a difference. Another issue, is that these athletes get more attention because of their looks, like tennis player Anna Kournikova (5). She never won a tennis tournament, but is well known for her revealing uniforms (5). One way to fix this is to spread awareness through social media, posters, and calling your local newspapers for interviews to help get the word out.

Women In Sports Fight for Equal Status | An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I am so beyond grateful for the learning experience I had for my first project in Butterfly Effect! It has been so fun learning about something I am passionate about, while informing others about an important issue. Thanks for following me along on this journey!

-Rhea :))



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