
Blog #3 Round 1 of Research

Inquiry question: How do sports affect mental health?

Round 1 of Research: Why are sports so important for individuals?

  • Sports help improve the concentration levels, and problem solving of individuals. (National Library of Medicine)
    • In a study it is shown that students that are athletes have higher levels of concentration and focus.
  • It builds strong mind and spirit, as well as attitude. (National Library of Medicine)
    • Having a strong attitude and a positive mindset is the deciding factor of the game.
    • If the player goes in the game with a negative mindset or negative thoughts, the outcome of the game will most likely be negative.
  • Creates a “never give up mentality”. (LGFA)
    • A common trait in many successful athletes is their mentality. To never give up, throughout the game, emotions are high. Even if they are losing, it is important to never give up or stop as the tables can turn with a single move at any moment.
    • This trait is found in many other successful people in their careers.
  • The physical part of the sport helps relieve stress and tension. (Health Care)
    • Exercising is a natural way relax the mind and release stress.
  • Sports have many life lessons in them which connects their everyday lives. (Moving Forward)
    • Ex: To always persist in the game, not to give up which will lead to winning the game you are playing in. This can translate to your daily life. To never give up when faced with a challenge.
  • It decreases the risk of health problems and keeps you in shape. (IMPOFF)
    • decreases diabetes by 50%
    • decreases heart disease by 35%
    • decreases colon cancer by 50%
    • decreases breast cancer by 20%
  • Improves and strengthens your immune system. (Vedantu)
    • Athletes tend to have a stronger immune system, as well as better responses to fighting off bacteria.
  • Maintains your cardiovascular health and improves sleep. (IMPOFF)
  • It builds deeper levels of communication and understanding. (IMPOFF)
    • With your teammates, it’s important to understand each other and each person’s goal on the field. Becoming one brain and thinking as one on the field is crucial in order to win your game.
    • Even in an individual sport, understanding your coach and visualizing the goals and taking the opportunity when it arises.
  • Being daring, taking risks, and seizing the opportunity. (IMPOFF)
    • Sports teach you to be daring, fearless, and when faced with a risk, to take it and execute it efficiently.
      • A realistic approach that is used in life off the field.
    • Seeing and creating an opportunity for yourself or team.
  • Visualizing and understanding the whole picture. (IMPOFF)
    • Being able to see the whole picture, not only focusing on a specific time or moment, rather visualizing how the game can go. What movements to preform in order to reach the wanted outcome.
    • This can apply to real life situations. Being able to visualize what your future goal is and seeing what objectives need to be taken in order to reach it. 
  • It creates bonds that you cannot forget. (IMPOFF)
    • The friendships and memories built throughout the years of training can never be forgotten.
  • For higher level athletes, their sport can become their career. (IMPOFF)
    • For some people who are very invested in their sport, they can continue with it, and compete nationally. Having their career solely focused on training and competing.
  • Each sport creates its own values in a person. (IMPOFF)
    • Whether that be having discipline, perseverance, patience, confidence, humility, or respect. There are many different attributes that become core values in each person throughout their sport.
  • Helps improve your mood and attitude. (Heath Works)
    • It is proven scientifically, that after a practice, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel relaxed and calmer.
  • Physical activity helps reduce depression, anxiety, and stress. (Heath Works)
    • As your mind and body is focusing so much on the current exercise or practice you are doing, it helps reduce and improve your mental health and well being.
  • Sports improve your sleep quality. (Heath Works)
    • The physical activity not only makes your body tired, but your mind as well. It leads to you sleeping quicker, and better throughout the night.
    • It additionally improves your productivity the next day.
  • A self confidence booster. (Heath Works)
    • Many people become much more confident after joining a sport. It increases your self-esteem and creates a positive self-image. 
  • Work better under pressure, or uncomfortable situations. (Heath Works)
    • As an athlete is put on the spot to preform well numerous times, overtime they improve and get better at handling the situation.
    • They develop a better understanding of how to react when under pressure, making their critical thinking skills much more refined than others.
  • Teaches individuals to create a plan. (National Library of Medicine)
    • Any sport must have a plan of action behind it. Sports teach to create a plan ahead of time in order to reach your final goal.
    • This is also implied in real life scenarios. Creating a plan of attack in order to complete a goal in mind within a certain time period. (ex: finishing you essay)
  • Improves your leadership skills. (Sutter Health)
    • Whether this is being the team leader or just a team member, participating in a sport builds leadership skills.
  • Creates balance and organizing skills. (Sutter Health)
    • Sports force people to build a balance in their life. Creating a balance in life, from training, school, and friends. It teaches people to remain organized and have time management.
    • This is also the key in life. If someone is able to have time management at a young age they can succeed in life. 
  • Builds personalities in many young athletes. (LGFA)
    • Depending on what age some people begin a sport, much of their personality can be developed through it.
      • Whether that is through their coach or teammates .
    • Even if someone joins a sport a later on, they can still gain many qualities they did not have before.
  • Teaches to control emotions and reaction. (LGFA)
    • Throughout any match or game, emotions are always high, always wanting to preform well and win. But that is not always the case. Sometimes, we have to accept loses in life.
    • It is important to learn to control our emotions in the moment and learn from the situation.
  • People enjoy it. (LGFA)
    • Playing a sport is fun. The joy someone gets working their body physically, with a team or alone, is rewarding. The process of the match, the adrenaline, nerves, all of it make it thrilling for some.
  • It is copying mechanism for many people. (LGFA)
    • Many athletes think of their training time or sport as a way to escape reality for a few hours.
    • The feeling they experience in the environment and sport is indescribable. As they play, their only thoughts are their current game and nothing else.

A moment in time for community sport | this.

This is for Jane and Finch': Community leaders offering free sports programs to kids who need it | CBC News

Simone Biles' Olympics Withdrawal Puts Focus On The Pressure Gymnasts, Other Athletes Face | Here & Now


In summary, sports do not only work the physical aspect of the body, but the mental, emotional, and overall aspect as well. It creates a strong mindset and attitude. Instilling many crucial core values that translate into an individual’s future. Values such as persistence, time management, discipline, and others. Not only creating a strong mental fortitude, but physically, keep you fit and healthy. Additionally sports build a community, with friends, coaches, memories, all that affect and change the individual’s life. Many sports have multiple connections to a person’s life; moreover, leading into their future life and goals. The importance of a sport to people and the community are endless.


Curtright, J. (2021). Benefits of sports for adolescents. Benefits of Sports – MU Health Care. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Ghildiyal, R. (2015). Role of sports in the development of an individual and role of psychology in sports. Mens sana monographs. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

IMPOFF. (2020, March 4). Importance of sports – why sport matters? IMPOFF. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Jean Shile, M. J. S., & Howard, K. (2013, October). The Benefits of Participating in Sports. Sutter Health. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Mann, R. (2021). Why sports are beneficial to all individuals. Moving Forward Family Services. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Sport and personality development – ladies gaelic football. Ladies Gaelic Football. (n.d.). Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Vedantu. (2022, April 27). Importance of sports essay for students in English. VEDANTU. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

Wilson, J. (2022, January 2). Why sport is important to your health. Health Works Collective. Retrieved November 12, 2022, from

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  1. Hi Mai,

    This an interesting and useful question that I’m sure applies to many people! When I think of being mentally healthy, one of the first ideas that come up is sports or exercise. However, I only have a vague idea on why they can affect our mental health – so I would like to learn more from you!

    I like how you did your research in point form. They were written clearly, easy to follow, and easy to understand. I also think your notes were answered in a well-rounded way to this round’s question.

    A suggestion for you in the future is to research experiments and collect notes from their results. For example, comparing the mental health of a person who plays a sport consistently and a person who never plays sport. This can give you specific data about their differences in mindsets as supposed to general information that covers the topic. If you research more experiments, you might also be able to see a pattern in the results and make more conclusions to further support your point.

    Good luck and I look forward to learning more from you:)

  2. Hi Mai,

    I found your topic very relatable and profound, something that you can research in depth about. I really like how you presented your research it was easy to follow along with and read. As an athlete myself I have struggled with burn out from my sport and can say that there is two sides to the affect on your mental health that sports present. While it significantly improved many aspects of my health both mental and psychical, there are defiantly some hardships.

    As you continue your research, I would suggest to continue to show both the negatives and positives. As well as examining the other factors that come into play with sports that could affect an individual. Such as coaches, parents, and focus on physical appearance.

    I look forward to reading your future research!

  3. Hi Mai,

    I really liked your Inquiry topic since metal health is something that is being talked about a lot more these days, especially after Covid-19. Covid made us disconnected, but I find that sports are a great way for us to connect with others that have the same interests as us. I found the affects sports has on real life super interesting and I liked how you talked about quick problem solving skills under pressure because that is really relevant and important for the future. Being able to control your emotions is also an excellent life skill that is crucial and I liked how you mentioned that sports teach us how to control our emotions since we always want to perform well, but thats not always the case, and over time, you will be able to develop this skill which is great. A question I have is, can sports increase anxiety in some cases, rather than being an escape for some people?

    A website I found interesting and you may find helpful is:

    I recommend this website because it talks about depression and anxiety, which can be helpful when explaining specific symptoms and how sports/exercise relieves them.

    Overall, I really enjoyed reading your Blog Post, and I look forward to following your research 🙂


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