
Blog Post#2 What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today? Scott

My inquiry question is” What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today?” I plan to answer this question with the following 3 research plans.

  1. Research “Today” superpowers in the world, and how did they get here, did they do something extraordinary? Or did they do something that is wrong morally but made them stronger for the resources and support they got from it?
  2. Research “Past” superpowers in the world, like the Mongolian empire, Egyptian empire, the British empire, etc… How did they fall? What did they do wrong? Or did they get demolished by a surprise attack? Did they trust the wrong neighbors?
  3. Research the relationships behind the “Today” superpowers and “Past” superpowers. Were they the same country? Were they close to each other? Or were they eternal enemies with each other?

Here are 5 websites that I will use for my research.


This inquiry question will help our community because it will reveal all the things that Superpower countries did to achieve their state at this time, and will help us see more clearly about the countries.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Scott,

    This is a really cool question! I have always been interested in the power dynamics of countries in the world, so I am really excited to see more of your project. I would love to know if the location of these superpower countries helped or made it harder for them to become superpowers.

    Here are some websites that may help you with your research:

    I am excited to see your end project!

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