
Blog Post #1-Scott Lyu 

For this semester’s inquiry project, I have decided to do further research on the history of superpower countries. My inquiry question will be “What is the explanation for why superpowers are this strong today.” I am choosing to answer this question because I have always wondered why they are so powerful, how countries like the UK, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Egypt, and many other countries that used to be enormously powerful, are no longer as impactful as they used to be or even disappeared like the UK, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Egypt, and many more. What did those superpowers do to become superpowers today? 

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  1. Hi Scott,

    This is a very interesting topic! I actually don’t know much about this area, but I am one of the many others who would love to learn more about it.

    One suggestion that might be helpful in presenting your information is to do some research on the comparison between the world’s big picture in the past and today. As years go by, there are always advancements in society and shifts in beliefs of people, which can be a large factor contributing to the changes in power. You can also look into the difference of population, military power, and economy of these countries, which all contribute to their power.

    Here are some links that might help:

    I look forward to learning more from your blog posts!

  2. Hi Scott!

    What a fascinating inquiry question – What is the history of superpower countries and what did they do to achieve that status. I believe that superpower status all began with vocal leaders who were not afraid to speak their part on controversial issues that surrounded them. Society took these into careful consideration, forming the politics we know today. This is just a theory but my take on this broad topic
    Here are a few links I found to help you out!

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