
Blog post #1 – Should we decriminalize all drugs ?

Blog #1: Inquiry project
1. State your inquiry question. (Please refer to the Essential Questions page for examples) 

My inquiry question is “should we decriminalize all drugs?”

  1. Explain why this is a question of interest for you.

This is a question of interest for me because of how this topic is both relevant globally and locally. I would like to research the positive/negative effects that decriminalizing drugs could have in a place such as BC where we see such high numbers of overdose due to most street drugs being laced with fentanyl. I also would like to find out how decriminalizing drugs would affect the mass incarceration of marginalized groups as many of these people are imprisoned due to petty drug crimes. While I already have a pretty strong opinion on this subject I am interested to see how/if that would change over the course of this project. 


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  1. Hey Sammie,
    Great question, I also often ask myself if decriminalizing drugs would benefit our area, especially considering what’s been happening with east hastings. While this is a controversial topic, I’ve learned both negative and positive effects and I’m looking forward to seeing what you find on the topic.

    Here are some websites that might be helpful:

    Good luck with future blog posts!

  2. Hi Sammie,

    I found your topic very compelling and I am interested to continue reading what more you find out about this question. I have also wondered about this topic before when I saw that Portugal had decriminalized all drugs in 2000 and they saw a significant decrease in deaths as well as offences tied to drug users. As Vancouver has a high number of fentanyl caused deaths as you mentioned, I wonder how this would also affect housing crises and issues the government is dealing with? I liked that you included how petty drug crimes are causing imprisonment of these people. I think it would be good to expand on that and how prejudice from these cases causes many to not want to help the homeless. As substance issues cause homelessness, these people struggle with lack of affordable housing, trauma and violence. So it would be interesting to look into how decriminalizing drugs could positively increase the quality of life alongside a decrease in deaths and offences.

    Here are some resources that might help-

    1. Thanks Martina for your comment . I will be sure research how the decriminalization of drugs could increase the quality of life as i had not thought of that before. I will also be sure to check out the resource you provided , thanks

  3. Hi Sammie,

    Your topic sounds fascinating! It can be so controversial but I think it should be talked about more as that is the only way we can find a solution. I can’t wait to read your future posts about this!
    Here’s some articles that you might find interesting and helpful for your future posts.

    – Aniela

  4. Hey Sammie, this is an amazing topic!!
    I think a great side to look at this is from a philisophical/moral side. For example we can argue that decriminalizing drugs would be advantageous for some people, but what about the effect it has on those experiencing homelessness? etc, etc.
    Here are some links for analyzing morals and issues which relate to your topic!!!

    – Sanam. M

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